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Results 183551-183600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I expect every moment That They will come to carry my letters to the post office but still I have...
The Introductory lectures have began this week, before I could attend any lecture at the...
I nominate William C.C. Claiborne, whose commission as Governor of the territory of Orleans will...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance & civilities my kinsman, Mr. William A....
On the 20. July and 17. of October 1807. I wrote to the Hon: A Gallatin, respecting my removal...
I was in the country when your note encloseing a Check for fifty Dollars, for the use of Mr....
Not knowing whether Colo. Humphreys would be at present at or in the neighborhood of New Haven,...
Between 3 & 4. years ago I recieved the inclosed petitions praying for the pardon or the...
1. the ship Aurora, Capt. Rand. provisions, lumber, & naval stores being the articles on which we...
I inclose you a petition from Nantucket, & refer it for your decision. our opinion here is that...
It is with pleasure I forward to you, the enclosed Resolutions unanimously agreed to, by the...
I act in conformity to my Sense of Duty in presenting to you the enclosed Paper, which was...
As an inhabitant of a country which had received from you a signalized protection in an...
As we have no complete return from the collectors of the vessels which sailed under permission, I...
You are acquainted with the result of our State election. Let me congratulate you on that result....
I was truly happy in the opportunity, a few days since, of presenting to you personally my...
La classe a reçu avec la plus vive reconnoissance le beau présent que vous lui avez fait; elle...
Un Auteur Danois Mr. Matte Brun établi à Paris à eû l’impertinence de calomnier ma Nation dans...
Vacancies having happened, during the last recess of the Senate in the following offices, I...
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the...
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the...
We Destroat Seamen of Philadelphia Petitioners to you Honour Thomas Jeffarison President of the...
I recieved yesterday your letter of the 10th. and will remit you the monies therein desired the...
Dctr William Upshaw of Virginia wishes to obtain the appointment of Hospital or Regimental...
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Dinsmore the acknolegement of the bank of Richmond of a deposit to...
Both Mr Madison & myself concur in opinion that considering the temper of the legislature or...
I am about to Remove to the State of Tennessee have been wrote to by two particular Friends of...
In the year 1794, the then Commissioners of this City convey’d to James Greenleaf One thousand...
I am often placed before the Senate in an awkward situation by errors, which are not my own, but...
Your favor of the 12th. is recieved. the circumstance which has guided us in fixing on the...
wrote to C. W. Peale on the following subjects. T. Jefferson Randolph to attend the chemical...
I recieved yesterday yours of the 11th. & rejoice to hear that all are well with you. I inclose a...
1. Can we do better as to Nantucket than to send Coffin’s letter to Govr. Lincoln? he is better...
I am extremely satisfied with Dr. Franklin’s method of fixing the spectacles, by composing each...
I have So frequently addressed you touching the attempts of a Certain party here to embarrass...
Yours of the 15th. I have received. The note to Mrs. Carter is for 63 barrils corn baught of...
I am really at a loss what to do in the inclosed case. the President as trustee for the city by...
Herewith you are presented with 2 petitions or recommendations in favour of the appointment of...
Will Mr Jefferson Accept, of a haunch of venison, and the good wishes of his old friend MHi :...
I enclose you the petition of Paul H. Shippey in the state prison of Massachusets under sentence...
Understanding through the medium of the public prints, from Washington, as well as through...
Your favours of the 7th & 15th inst with their respective inclosures have come safe to hand for...
No vessel with a cargo can be permitted to touch at Havannah, as such cargo would undoubtedly be...
The several appropriations made at the last session of Congress for the progress of the work on...
From a beleif that Dr Upshaw’s professional talents eminently qualify him for Hospital or...
I gave the keys of the wine cellar in to Dinsmore’s hands who promissed to superintend the...
You will percieve in the inclosed petitions a request that I will lay them before Congress. this...
The situation of the United States has become very uncomfortable, and presents disagreeable...
I take the liberty to introduce Capt. Ingram to you.    He is a respectable merchant of this...
Your Excellence will pardon and old Traveler, that is a Native of Germany, never learnt English...