James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Reasin Beall and John Sloane, 9 November 1816

From Reasin Beall and John Sloane

Wooster 9th. November 1816.


Observing that the Office of Accountant for the Department of War, has become vacant, by the death of Colo. Lear, permit us the liberty of reccommending to your Excellency’s consideration the Honourable David Clendenin Esquire representative in Congress from the 6th. district of Ohio,1 as a gentleman well qualified to discharge the duties of that Office. We have the honour to be Your Excellency’s most Obt. & Most Humble Servants

Reasin Beall2

John Sloane

RC (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Clendenin”).

1David Clendenin replaced Reasin Beall as a representative from Ohio in the Thirteenth Congress in 1814 and was reelected to the Fourteenth Congress. He also served briefly as a paymaster in the U.S. Army in 1814.

2Reasin Beall served as an Ohio representative in the Thirteenth Congress between April 1813 and June 1814. John Sloane was elected as an Ohio representative in 1819 and served until 1829.

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