183511To James Madison from John Watts, 16 December 1796 (Madison Papers)
I yesterday recd. a Letter dated Montreal 1 Decr. Inst. from Sir John Johnson enclosing a Power of Attorney from Mr Joseph Chew to him and a Substitution to me for the Sale of 2000 A[c]res of Land in Bourboun County Kentuckey together with the enclosed Letter for you. I am desired to make Application to you on this subject, as they mention That you had a power from Mr. Chew for the Sale and...
183512The Commissioners to John Ross?, 9 September 1778 (Adams Papers)
Yours of the 29 of August We duely received. We return you the Contract inclosed in it. We are neither instructed nor authorised, to discharge your Debts, whether contracted in a private Capacity or otherwise, and if We were, our Finances would not enable Us to do it, at present. In one of your Letters you Say you have certain Merchandises on Hand to ship to America, which you will not ship...
18351327th. (Adams Papers)
Attended Mr. Hilliard, the whole day: he preach’d in the afternoon a Charity Sermon, and a contribution was made, for the benefit of the unfortunate sufferers, at the late fire in Boston. There was a scandalous stamping, by some of the students, at the time of singing. Such conduct must always bring disgrace upon the University itself. Samuel Putnam , of Danvers, Essex C, was 20, the 13th. of...
183514[Diary entry: 23 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
23. Morng. clear—Wind Southerly Mer. 70. Remained so all day. Mer. 76 at N. Mr. Lear came in the M[ornin]g—stayed all day.
183515To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 27 June 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I have been favored with yours of the 4th. and shall observe the instruction respecting the fund in the hands of Mr. Pope by directing its immediate application to Mr. Barrett. In my last I made some observations evincing the propriety and policy of our neutrality in the present European war, but as that sentiment appears to be general, I refer to it now only as a proof that it is likewise...
183516To Benjamin Franklin from Nogaret, 10 [August 1782] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je reçois une Lettre de me femme, par laquelle J’apprends que vous nous avez fait l’amitié de nous venir voir. Elle a du vous dire que j’étais à Paris pour une bonne oeuvre. Un ami agé de 85 ans me charge de recevoir Ses fonds: je m’acquitte à cette heure de cette commission. Je Serai sûrement Libre Jeudi jour de la Vierge: J’aurai l’honneur de repondre...
183517To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 21 July 1796 (Washington Papers)
I have the honor to inclose a letter from Colo. Monroe, dated the 2d of May (and which was received late in the evening of last Tuesday) with the papers accompanying it, containing the complaints of the French Republic against the Government of the United States, and Mr Monroe’s answer to those complaints. I have only substituted a translation of the statement of M. De la Croix, the French...
183518John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 July 1795 (Adams Papers)
I received yesterday your favour of May 25 th: not numbered but the fifth that has reached me from you; the four former ones I have acknowledged before. The Peace and tranquility of this Country has not hitherto been interrupted since the Revolution, and it is to be hoped that it will continue to be inviolate. The greatest dangers to which it is exposed proceed from the popular Societies,...
183519From Thomas Jefferson to Fulwar Skipwith, 23 June 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
You will have recieved by the last post your commission of Consul for Martinique, which will include the agencies of Ste. Lucie, Tobago, and Cayenne, the agents to be appointed by yourself of such persons natives or foreigners, resident there, or who may go there, as you please. Any reasonable delay of your departure which may be necessary for you to arrange your affairs here will be allowed...
183520James Madison to Roberts Vaux, 16 March 1833 (Madison Papers)
J. Madison with his respects to Roberts Vaux, thanks him for the historical Discourse of Mr. M cCall. It well merited the praise bestowed on it by the Society before which it was delivered. A like task as well executed in every State, would of themselves be a historical treasure; and might guide while they prompted researches, not as yet too late, but rapidly becoming so. RC (Biblioteca...