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Results 183511-183560 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Printed in The New-York Gazette, revived in the Weekly Post-Boy , June 1, 1747, Supplement. The...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Hall will acquaint you of the Footing we are about to go...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be pleased to Hear that Mine per Mesnard and Dowers...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences In my last I informed you that In pursuing our...
ALS : Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y. (1955) This is only to cover a Bill of...
Printed in The General Advertiser , April 15, 1747. When Franklin wrote The Speech of Miss Polly...
Transcript: American Philosophical Society I should be glad you’d send me the first informations...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on...
ALS : Noël J. Cortés, Philadelphia (1954) There are, I am informed, Six Hands employed in blowing...
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] letters frequently are sent down by...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) I utterly forgot to send thee the N York Paper by my...
MS notes for a letter: Yale University Library 1. How many men imployed in the whole? 2. How many...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) Yesterday was the first time that I ever heard one...
ALS : Miss S. Berenice Baldwin, Woodbridge, Conn. (1959) I wrote a Line to you per last Post,...
ALS : Yale University Library I receiv’d yours of the 26th past, which I shall endeavour to...
ALS : Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, Philadelphia (1957); also duplicate: Yale University Library I wrote...
Duplicate: Yale University Library This is only to enclose a Bill of Exchange for £25 Sterling,...
183528Poor Richard, 1746 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1746. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1746 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom....
183529Extracts from the Gazette, 1746 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 7 to December 30, 1746. [ Advertisement ] All...
ALS : Haverford College Library As my husbeand Robt. Lucas in his Life time Did take the Newes...
ALS : Drayton M. Smith, Philadelphia (1958) Yours of the 17th mentioning my chance in the New...
MS Receipt Book: American Philosophical Society Among Franklin’s papers in the American...
Copy: Library of Congress; also transcripts: Library of Congress and American Philosophical...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have receiv’d your Favour of the 13th. Instant, and am glad...
ALS (2): Western Reserve Historical Society and Pierpont Morgan Library; also duplicate: Yale...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have your Favours of June 2d. and the 7th Instant. I thank...
ALS : Harvard College Library I received your Favour of the 9th Inst. with the New System of...
ALS : Harvard College Library I have your Favour of the 19th Instant, with some Queries relating...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; also duplicates: New York Public Library and Pierpont...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Benj: Franklin to Geo: Scholtze. … Dr. 1733. october 30....
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; also duplicate: Boston Public Library I have had no...
183542Memorandum, [18 April 1746] (Franklin Papers)
MS : American Philosophical Society Sally was inoculated April 18, being Fryday at 10 a Clock in...
Reflections on Courtship and Marriage: in Two Letters to a Friend. Wherein a Practicable Plan is...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , May 22, 1746. As it is a Minister’s Duty to provide Things...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I receiv’d yours with others enclos’d for Mr. Bertram and Mr....
Draft: New-York Historical Society There is no Question but in the case you mention of a ships...
Draft (fragment): American Philosophical Society has been blown off that Coast. Our Governor...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
183549Poor Richard, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1745. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1745 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom....
Draft: American Philosophical Society This MS in BF ’s autograph was dated “ circa 1745” in I....
183551Extracts from the Gazette, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1 to December 31, 1745. [ Advertisement ] Lost on...
DS : Haverford College Library Robert Grace (see above, I, 209 n), whose parents died when he was...
ALS : New York Public Library (Berg) The above is a Copy of what I wrote you per Mesnard who...
ALS : Pennsylvania Hospital; also duplicate: New York Public Library (Berg) While the War...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I shall be very willing and ready, when you think proper to...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I wrote a Line to you via Maryland, and another via New...
ALS : New York Public Library (Berg) Finding a Vessel here about to sail to London, I take the...
Copy: Department of Records, Recorder of Deeds, City of Philadelphia Abstract : John Croker of...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I was surprised to see yours of Jun. 15th. come to my hands...
MS not found; reprinted from The Port Folio , I (1801), 165–6. I have been reading your letter...