James Madison Papers

James Madison to John J. Crittenden, 2 December 1828

Montpr Decr. 2. 1828.

Dear Sir

I have just recd. your favour of Novr. 17 which I lose no time in answering. Of the sum originally due under the Covenant of Bell & Tapscot, viz $6000, one third was paid at the time.  The only payment since made was $1000 recd. from Tapscott. The date of the payment does not appear from papers in my hands. It was sometime after the 2d. instalment of wch. that was one half became due. But, if necessary, it may be better to lose the amount of interest for that time whatever it be than to risk the effect of delaying the Executions. The only credit therefore beyond that for the $2000 paid down, being for the $1000 I recd. from Tapscott, there remain due $3000 dollars with interest from the dates appearing in the Covenant

Mrs. M. seizes the occasion to offer to Mrs. Crittenten her kind remembrances, in which I beg leave to join her with assurances to yourself of my esteem & friendly respects.

J. M.

Draft (DLC).

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