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Results 183501-183550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Intrusions on public lands Instructions have been sent to Freeman for the purpose of accepting from settlers in the bend of Tenessee declarations that they do not claim the land, & to grant to such leave to remain; thereby discriminating between them & the Yazoo claimants whom we will then expel by force. It is contemplated to sell in April; but I wait for an answer before a proclamation...
With this the Post Master General will do me the honor to present to you a Cane. The horn or tooth, apparently in its natural State, and without any garniture, was sent to me in Paris by a friend in London, who informed me that it was the horn of the Sea-Unicorn. There is a hole through its centre from which the marrow has evidently been extracted. At its upper or larger end, the aperture is...
Instead of remitting to me any part of the first paiment for my tobacco as proposed in my letter of the 31st. ult. be so good as to retain it subject to my draught, which will be as convenient to me at present, & will avoid the risk of that line of the post which for some time past has been considerable. my coal is just now arrived. what you advanced for it beyond my last remittance will of...
(1) √ to exercise the authority in such manner as would withdraw the pretext on which the aggressions were originally founded, and open the way for a renewal of that commercial intercourse which it was alledged on all sides had been reluctantly obstructed. As each of those Govts. had pledged its readiness to concur in renouncing a measure which reached its adversary thro’ the incontestable...
Permit me to add my Testimony to that of others, of much more Consequence than mine, of the Merits of Dr. Upshaw, who offers his Services as a Hospital Surgeon. To the valuable medical requisitions, which he made during a considerable Residence in France, he unites a general Stock of Information, a quickness of Conception, & an Integrity, which afford the Assurance of his proving himself to be...
As an unhackeyed editor devoted to the cause of truth, I take the liberty to beg the favr. of your Excellency if it comports with your high official duties, to permit a Copy of the Message, to be transmitted, so as to Anticipate my brethren, by one days mail. This would be an incalculable advantage to our establishment, & would gratify the anxiety of our friends. Our friend Dr Mitchell left us...
The Cunninghams can’t help being sensible in themselves, from their manner of treatment to me & family; which has been evinced & proved to the World, they have been carrying on for a series of Years, as is already proved, by investigation of this Business from my Infancy & evident from that Investigation that Richd. Cunningham (deceas’d) (Father of the present Richd. John & Edwd. Cunningham,...
This Mail I Recevd your favour in Answer to Mine About your Mill Respecting Mr. Evans Claims. Be pleased to Accept my thanks for this Mark of Esteem, and permit me to tender you Mr. Evans Most Gratefull Acknowledgements. Inclosed you have The Specifications Necessary to Obtain a permit in the form Made out to others E pting the Receicept not Being Legale, and Serves only to Shew what would be...
Agreeably to a standing order of Senate US, I lay before you, a copy of their proceedings in their Executive capacity, during the 1st Sess of the 10th Congress. I have the honour to be Your most humble Sert DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I inclose you a letter which came to me under cover of one from your mama. it was accompanied by a bundle too large for the post, & too small to be trusted by itself to the stage. I will send it under the care of the first person who shall be going on to Philadelphia, within my knolege. your box of books & that of the model of the mammoth’s head, did not leave Milton till a fortnight ago. they...
The accompanying papers exhibit another melancholy instance of the remark of Erasmus—“Homo homini lupus”— As, however, these unhappy men, Hansen, Tingey and Cassin, in their mutual accusations, have asked for a Court of Enquiry they are, I presume, as is usual in such cases, to be indulged. Although many of the allegations, thus brought by these men against one another, may not be established,...
I have the honor to transmit you enclosed the presentment of the Grand Jury of this County—and am with the highest consideration and respect your most obedient and Very Huml. Servt. MoSHi : Bixby Collection. The Grand Jurors for the Said County of St Clair present, That the Connection subsisting between this County & the Countys Eastward of the Wabash is a public grievance of the most...
I much regret that a circumstance So painful as the loss of a most Sincere and affectionate friend Should be the cause of my present communication, but it is the common fate of all mankind to die and what is more to be lamented is, that with their bodies their Virtues sink into oblivion on the night of the 24th. Ultimo my friend & Brother in law Wm. Keais Esqr. Collector of the Port of...
february 9th began at Monticello Ended July 6th quit at Poplar forrest—7th oct. my self from the 9th february to the 7th oct 7 mounths & 24 days Brother from the 10th march to the 4th Nov. 7 mounths & 20 days at 20 dollars Per mounth Each— too Boys from february 9th to octr 2d. 201 days at 4/6 per. days 16 gallons of whiskey at Poplar forrest at 3/6 per. gallon MHi : Coolidge Collection.
The republicans of the State of Connecticut, Whatever may be their comparative influence, wish to express to you their feelings on the momentous National Event, which is approaching, Your voluntary retirement from the Presidency furnishes a dignified close to a most honorable career of public service & an interesting era in the annals of our country, When your illustrious predecessor set the...
At a moment when you are peculiarly occupied by great National affairs, it is with considerable reluctance that I venture to trespass on your time and attention. But, concerning the honour of the Government to be implicated in the Subject of my disclosure, I cannot permit myself to withhold it. It is a fact, Sir, that Three Officers of a Militia Company, called The Volunteer Rifle-Company, are...
The American Philosophical Society having received from Mr Lasteyrie his work on the cultivation of the cotton plant, I have been instructed to return their thanks with the copy you so obligingly transmitted. The communications, on the Yellow Fever in Madrid, and on the Volcanic Eruptions which occurred in the Island of Fayal, with Coenteraux’s pamphlets returned, have been duly received. For...
The letter you did me the honour to write to me on the 5th. of July, came duly to hand. The motive you assign for not complying with my request of the 10th. June, was perfectly satisfactory; and I beg leave to say, that I never believed or suspected you took any part in the dissensions of this place. An ardent desire to vindicate myself from the slanders of villains, made me address you, after...
I inclose you a charge by mr Hanson against Capt Smith & Lieutenants Davis & Dobbins of the militia, as having become members of an organized company, calling themselves the Tar-company, avowing their object to be the tarring & feathering citizens of some description. altho in ordinary cases the animadversions of the law may be properly relied on to prevent what is unlawful, yet with those...
Your grandson has arrived in this city whilst I happened to visit it.—will you pardon my presumption, in taking the liberty to suggest, that the study of Chemistry might be very advantageously included in the course of study he proposes to pursue. Woodhouses’ Lectures, illustrated, as they are by a very curious & extensive apparatus, compel nature to reveal many of her most brilliant...
I am very sorry your watch was not ready to send by Drs Porter or Michiell as Voight had not finished it & I am afraid he has slighted it if he did it as he did mine, I purchased the lamp & sent your bridle bit to be plated which will be done in a few days, there is no such thing as a pure crystal seal in this place but I will send to N. York for one by the first of my acquaintance who goes...
I this moment received a letter recommending Jordan Shepherd as a proper person to fill the vacancy of collector of the custom at Washington N.C. occasioned by the death of Mr. Keais the letter is from Mr. Kennedy the superceeder of Mr. B lount Mr Shepherd I have long known he is about five or six & forty years old a better Patriot or truer Republican never lived or an honester man, and I do...
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Barnes an order on the bank of the US. here for 900. Dollars, of which he prays him to place 400. to the credit of his account with mr Barnes & to pay 500. D. into the bank of Columbia to the credit of his note paiable the 16th. inst. which will be to be renewed for 1000. D. CSmH : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I find my letter of the 3d. went too late to countermand the making any remittance hither, as on the day following I recieved yours of the 2d. covering 250. Dollars. I have this day drawn on you for 500. D. in favor of James Lyle at 3. days sight: and I have further to request you to place four hundred and fifty dollars in the Richmond bank to the credit of James Dinsmore of Albemarle, and to...
Your letter of Aug. 22. was recieved in due time and should have been sooner answered, but I put it off from day to day, fearing to make any promise until I could be certain of performance. this has not been till the present moment, and I now inclose you an order on messrs. Gibson & Jefferson for 500. D. I must still go on without venturing to make a specific promise until I can do it with a...
I inclose you 565. Dollars to be paid as follows. D. to John Perry 200.
J Barnes Acknowledges with thanks—the Presidents Bank Ck. for $900.— $400— of which is already placed to the Presidents Credit—and wait untill the 16th Instant. to pay into the Bank of Columa—the remaining $500. together with the Presidents Note of same date for $1000—in lieu of your Note for $1500. then payable.— MHi : Coolidge Collection.
By the present post I send 35. D. to your brother at Poplar forest, 77. D 90c to mr J. Bullock of Milton who holds your order for that sum, & I herein inclose you ten dollars according to the request of your letter from Montpelier—I offer you my best wishes. 35. 77. 90 10.
By this post I forward to mr Bacon 50. D. for you: and this day also mr Jefferson will deposit 450. D. on my order in your name in the Richmond bank, subject to your order. by the next post I shall be able to forward to you the reciept of the bank. Inclosed I send you directions for hanging the bells. they are so few, & so contrived that I think you will have wire enough. I have some idea of...
The Editor of the Philadelphia Price Current, in the most respectful Manner, Solicits from the President of the United States, permission to lay before him, irrefragable testimony of the benefits, resulting from the non Importation acts, and Embargo Laws, this he would beg leave to do by a reference, to an Article in his paper of today, which he encloses, headed “American Manufactures” the...
By direction of the general Meeting of the republicans of this State I have the honor to inclose this address & am, Sir, With great respect Your most obedient servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Mr Lloyd accepts the invitation to dine on friday next wk, he has had the honor to receive from the President of the United States. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Peale and sends him a recruit for the fund of his grandson of fifty dollars in an order of the US. bank here on that at Philadelphia. he will take care to do the same monthly, and if at any time it shall be necessary to enlarge it, he will do it on the first intimation recieved from mr Peale. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
It would have been a source, fellow citizens, of much gratification, if our last communications from Europe had enabled me to inform you, that the belligerent nations, whose disregard of neutral rights has been so destructive to our commerce, had become awakened to the duty & true policy of revoking their unrighteous edicts. that no means might be omitted to produce this salutary effect, I...
It would have been a source, fellow Citizens, of much gratification if our last communications from Europe had enabled me to inform you, that the belligerent nations, whose disregard of neutral rights has been so destructive to our commerce, had become awakened to the duty and true policy of revoking their unrighteous edicts. that no means might be omitted to produce this salutary effect, I...
Not having heard of your departure from Albemarle I address this letter to you expecting it will find you at that place. it covers one from Jefferson to mr Bankhead. in a letter I recieved yesterday from Jefferson he says ‘I am pleased with my situation and feel (contrary to my expectation) as happy here as I ever was, when I hear often from home.’ I hope this will stimulate yourself & Ellen...
The documents communicated with my public message of this day contain such portions of the correspondences therein referred to, of the ministers of the US. at Paris & London, as relate to the present state of affairs between those governments & the US. and as may be made public. I now communicate confidentially such supplementory portions of the same correspondences as I deem improper for...
The collector of Barnstable & his son who acts as deputy have faithfully used their best endeavours to carry the laws into effect; and according to what appears to be a part of the system adopted in Massachussets, are harrassed by private suits. All the cases—3 in number—are perfectly clear; detentions, arising from the opinion of the collector that the intention was to evade the law, and on...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Oct. 14. & to thank you for the information it contained. while the opposition to the late laws of embargo has in one quarter amounted almost to rebellion & treason, it is pleasing to know that all the rest of the nation has approved of the proceedings of the constituted authorities. the steady union, which you mention, of our fellow citizens of...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your two letters of Sep. 10. & of blank date, probably about the middle of Oct. and to thank you for the communications therein made. they were handed to the two persons therein named. I sieze the first moment it is in my power to answer your question as to our foreign relations, which I do by inclosing you a copy of my message this moment delivered to the...
We send you inclosed a Certificate of $450 lodged in our Bank to the credit of James Dinsmore— We are respectfully Yours &c MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I now return to you the Memoires de l’Amerique , which you did me the honour to send me in aid of my compilation of American Annals. Although the books arrived too late for the purpose for which you most obligingly intended them, I could not forbear to examine so important a collection of authentic and official documents, pertaining to the history of our country. On examination, these appeared...
Conversn with mr Erskine he was much alarmed at the conversn out of doors looking like a decln of war with Gr. Br. he spoke (declaring that if he was an American he would so view the thing) as the most rational for us to let our commerce go out & take it’s chance, & that we should defend it against all equally, indeed he seemed to think it best we should declare against all. he said this would...
Recommendations for the office of collector of Washington, N.C. 1: H. Keays recommended by Mr. Blount member for the district 2. Shepherd recommended by Kennedy who turned out Blount at last election. This recommendation has been put in the President’s hands by Mr Alston who favours it. 3. Orr recommended by Mr Blackledge who observes in his letter that Shepherd’s appointment would gratify the...
When I had the pleasure of Speaking to you last, you gave me to hope that When the office of postmaster for Alexandria become vacant that I might apply for it, I am informed that the event is like to take place very Soon, that Mr. W. Creigh has given up the post office to Mr. A. Lithgo his deputy to Settle up his Accounts and that he has resignd his intrest in favor of Mr. Lithgo, I have taken...
Une Mere de famille Née dans L’oppûlence, et Réduitte par les suittes Crûéls de la Révolûtion française a la plus grande détrêsse s’adrésse a vous avec Confiance áfin D’obtenir les Secours Dont elle a besoin pour travailler, et pouvoir Sûbvenir aux Besoins de cette même famille, qui aÿant absolûment tout pérdüe ne posséde plus Rien. La Répûtation Dont Vous Joüissez, la place que vous Occûpée,...
By the inclosed debates you will See what kind of Republicans we have here—I intend going out of office with you, will write you on that Subject next mail &c.— I am with great Consideration yr: P.S. I expect to be at the City this Winter— DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.
Enclosed you will recieve a petition in behalf of Mr Shepherd, appointment to the office of customs Washington (N.C) likewise a letter from Joseph Bryan of (NC) in favor of Mr. Keais, As to myself I have nothing to add Mr. Bryan is a man very much to be confided in, likewise are the Petitioners I am yr mst obt St DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation. The Death of Mr....
Your Excellency will be please to believe I am actuated by the purest motives in transmitting to You the following facts. I was inhabiting New-Orleans about two months before its delivery to the American Government. By that time, I had many opportunities to talk with the then Citizien Laussat who, Knowing my intention of settling myself into that City, entreated me with the most forcible...
Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to lay before this House copies of all acts, decrees, orders and proclamations, affecting the commercial rights of neutral nations, issued or enacted by Great Britain and France, or any other belligerent power since the year seventeen hundred and ninety one; and also, an act placing the commerce of America, in English ports upon...