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Results 183501-183550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Intrusions on public lands Instructions have been sent to Freeman for the purpose of accepting...
With this the Post Master General will do me the honor to present to you a Cane. The horn or...
Instead of remitting to me any part of the first paiment for my tobacco as proposed in my letter...
(1) √ to exercise the authority in such manner as would withdraw the pretext on which the...
Permit me to add my Testimony to that of others, of much more Consequence than mine, of the...
As an unhackeyed editor devoted to the cause of truth, I take the liberty to beg the favr. of...
The Cunninghams can’t help being sensible in themselves, from their manner of treatment to me &...
This Mail I Recevd your favour in Answer to Mine About your Mill Respecting Mr. Evans Claims. Be...
Agreeably to a standing order of Senate US, I lay before you, a copy of their proceedings in...
I inclose you a letter which came to me under cover of one from your mama. it was accompanied by...
The accompanying papers exhibit another melancholy instance of the remark of Erasmus—“Homo homini...
I have the honor to transmit you enclosed the presentment of the Grand Jury of this County—and am...
I much regret that a circumstance So painful as the loss of a most Sincere and affectionate...
february 9th began at Monticello Ended July 6th quit at Poplar forrest—7th oct. my self from the...
The republicans of the State of Connecticut, Whatever may be their comparative influence, wish to...
At a moment when you are peculiarly occupied by great National affairs, it is with considerable...
The American Philosophical Society having received from Mr Lasteyrie his work on the cultivation...
The letter you did me the honour to write to me on the 5th. of July, came duly to hand. The...
I inclose you a charge by mr Hanson against Capt Smith & Lieutenants Davis & Dobbins of the...
Your grandson has arrived in this city whilst I happened to visit it.—will you pardon my...
I am very sorry your watch was not ready to send by Drs Porter or Michiell as Voight had not...
I this moment received a letter recommending Jordan Shepherd as a proper person to fill the...
Th: Jefferson incloses to mr Barnes an order on the bank of the US. here for 900. Dollars, of...
I find my letter of the 3d. went too late to countermand the making any remittance hither, as on...
Your letter of Aug. 22. was recieved in due time and should have been sooner answered, but I put...
I inclose you 565. Dollars to be paid as follows. D. to John Perry 200.
J Barnes Acknowledges with thanks—the Presidents Bank Ck. for $900.— $400— of which is already...
By the present post I send 35. D. to your brother at Poplar forest, 77. D 90c to mr J. Bullock of...
By this post I forward to mr Bacon 50. D. for you: and this day also mr Jefferson will deposit...
The Editor of the Philadelphia Price Current, in the most respectful Manner, Solicits from the...
By direction of the general Meeting of the republicans of this State I have the honor to inclose...
Mr Lloyd accepts the invitation to dine on friday next wk, he has had the honor to receive from...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Peale and sends him a recruit for the fund...
It would have been a source, fellow citizens, of much gratification, if our last communications...
It would have been a source, fellow Citizens, of much gratification if our last communications...
Not having heard of your departure from Albemarle I address this letter to you expecting it will...
The documents communicated with my public message of this day contain such portions of the...
The collector of Barnstable & his son who acts as deputy have faithfully used their best...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Oct. 14. & to thank you for the information it...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your two letters of Sep. 10. & of blank date, probably about...
We send you inclosed a Certificate of $450 lodged in our Bank to the credit of James Dinsmore— We...
I now return to you the Memoires de l’Amerique , which you did me the honour to send me in aid of...
Conversn with mr Erskine he was much alarmed at the conversn out of doors looking like a decln of...
Recommendations for the office of collector of Washington, N.C. 1: H. Keays recommended by Mr....
When I had the pleasure of Speaking to you last, you gave me to hope that When the office of...
Une Mere de famille Née dans L’oppûlence, et Réduitte par les suittes Crûéls de la Révolûtion...
By the inclosed debates you will See what kind of Republicans we have here—I intend going out of...
Enclosed you will recieve a petition in behalf of Mr Shepherd, appointment to the office of...
Your Excellency will be please to believe I am actuated by the purest motives in transmitting to...
Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to lay before this House copies of...