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Results 183501-183510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences The inclosed is a Copy of my last, which went by the Governour’s Vessel: since which we have received, by Mesnard and Ouchterlony, Hill’s Theophrastus, Pemberton’s Dispensatory, Wilson’s Electricity and some other Pamphlets. The Proprietor’s handsome Present of a complete Electrical Apparatus &c. is also come to Hand in good Order, and is put up in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Steel who got here last week desires me to write you in her behalf, to acknowledge the many kind Acts of Freindship she hath received from you and at the same time to sollicit you to let me or her know what new Matter you had received after her leaving Philadelphia to be displeased with her or her conduct as you Seem to be in a letter she received...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will receive by this Mail two Packets from Barbadoes, which came inclosed to me from Mr. Ja. Bingham. One of them incloses the W. India Monthly Packet, which Mr. Bingham wrote me word he sent open that I might have a sight of it. They came by Capt. Seager. Our Assembly added this Session 5 Pounds in each County to my Salary, but added to the Work...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I’m informd of Some Letters from Virginia being directed for your care, if any arrived please send per Enoch Story and if any shoud Soon come to hand please to Order the Post to deliver them at my house which will much oblige Sir Your humble Ser[vant] Addressed: To  Mr. Benjn. Franklin  Postmaster in  Philadelphia  By favour Captn. West The signature is...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) I can scarce ever forgive thee for not shewing me, in now above two years and a half, Dr. Colden’s Answer to my Objections to his Fluxions: For he had good reason to say that either my Memory had fail’d me, or I had read that piece with little attention; the last of which is exactly true, tho’ I remember not now what other business diverted me from...
ALS : Yale University Library I receiv’d your Favour of the 4th Instant. I ought before this Time to have acknowledg’d the Receipt of the Book, which came very safe and in good Order, to hand. We have many Oil Mills in this Province, it being a great Country for Flax. Linseed Oil may now be bought for 3 s. per Gallon; sometimes for 2 s. 6 d: But at New York I have been told it generally holds...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) I received this afternoon a Copy of the Proposals for printing another Edition of Universal History of which I had a sight of the first vol: about two or three years since from my Friend Richd Peters, of which notwithstanding I could not approve of some particulars in the Preface which 1 was very sensible were wrong, tho’ I cannot remember at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Herewith I send the Seal which you so long ago Spoke to me for, for Mr. Read. The Occasion of my sending it to you and not directly to him was because that the Seal being very heavy might cause him a great Charge which I thought he might be eased of by my sending it to you as you are Postmaster. I am very Sorry that I disappointed the Gentleman of it so...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank You heartily for Your kind preamble to the Subscription. I only object against its being made publick so as to engage persons in America and Great Britain. I think such a procedure would betray somewhat of meaness of Spirit and of a confidence in Him who hitherto has never left me in extremity, since I think a private subscription among my Friends...
ALS : New-York Historical Society Mr. Harrison tells me you are still in New York, as deeply engag’d in Publick Affairs, I suppose, as ever. When I consider your present Disposition to Retirement and Philosophical Meditation, I pity you: But I hope that Success will attend your Cares for the Publick Good; and the Satisfaction arising thence will make you some Amends. The Deserters who are come...