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Results 183491-183520 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
183491 Washington, George Lincoln, Benjamin From George Washington to Major General Benjamin … 1780-04-15 I have successively received your several letters of the 23d and 28th of January 12th 14th and...
183492 Marshall, William I. Certificate of William Marshall, 10 October 1796 1796-10-10 I William Marshall Clerk of the Court of the United States for the Middle Circuit in the Virginia...
183493 Hamilton, Alexander Clinton, George Alexander Hamilton and William Floyd to George Clinton … 1783-03-24 We have the happiness to inform your Excellency that yesterday arrived the Triumph a Cutter from...
183494 Washington, George Robert Cary & Company From George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, 20 … 1772-02-20 On the 25th of last Month I drew upon you in favour of the Revd Mr Boucher, Tutor to Mr Custis,...
183495 Madison, James Clement, Jacob B. From James Madison to Jacob B. Clement, 11 June 1807 1807-06-11 It being understood that the charge of American Agent, which the interests of the United States...
183496 Gubian, Alexandre de Washington, George To George Washington from Alexandre de Gubian, 13 June … 1785-06-13 I take the liberty of giving you an account of my Services, for to beg of Your Excellence to...
183497 Riggin, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Riggin, 26 February 1803 … 1803-02-26 26 February 1803, Trieste. Refers to his letter of 6 Oct. 1802 acknowledging receipt of his...
183498 Smith, Bernard Madison, James To James Madison from Bernard Smith, 6 September 1820 1820-09-06 Having voted against the proposed restriction on Missouri, attempts are making to prevent my...
183499 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Bacon, 19 January 1809 1809-01-19 Sence writeing my last letter to you I have made some ingagements which I wish to inform you I...
183500 Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure II: An Advertisement for the Capitol, 6 March … 1792-03-06 Washington in the territory of Columbia A Premium of a lot in this city to be designated by...
183501 Jefferson, Thomas Cabell, Joseph Carrington Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C. Cabell, 23 December 1815 1815-12-23 A petition has been presented to our present legislature by a Cap t Joseph Miller , praying a...
183502 Hammond, George Conversation with George Hammond, [March 10–April 17 … 1794-03-10 [ Philadelphia, March 10–April 17, 1794 ] “I have the honor of transmitting … a letter … which on...
183503 Jefferson, Thomas Spotswood, Alexander From Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Spotswood, 31 … 1781-01-31 I received your favour containing a proposition for raising a Legion for the defence of the...
183504 Jefferson, Thomas Cambray (Cambrai), Comte de From Thomas Jefferson to Cambray, 19 June 1788 1788-06-19 The assembly of Carolina requiring that you should renew on oath an account of the paiments you...
183505 Washington, George Hoffman, Alida Livingston Hansen From George Washington to Alida Livingston Hansen … 1780-05-25 It gives me sincere pain to inform you that I cannot comply with the request contained in your...
183506 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 28 … 1795-09-28 I received your letter of the 23d, last Saturday, and immediately wrote to Mr Boudinot to...
183507 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 30 … 1779-09-30 I had yesterday afternoon the honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 24th—inclosing the...
183508 Madison, James Crittenden, John Jordan James Madison to John J. Crittenden, 2 December 1828 1828-12-02 I have just recd. your favour of Novr. 17 which I lose no time in answering. Of the sum...
183509 Tazewell, Littleton W. Oster, Martin Enclosure: Littleton W. Tazewell to Martin Oster, 4 … 1812-08-04 I have attentively Considered the papers which you submitted, for my opinion—Concerning the...
183510 Jefferson, Thomas Ursuline Nuns of New Orleans From Thomas Jefferson to the Ursuline Nuns of New … 1804-07-13 To the Soeur Therese de St. Xavier farjon Superior, and the Nuns of the order of St. Ursula at...
183511 Washington, George Cash Accounts, February 1760 1760-02-01 Cash Feby 27— To Wm Nationss horse destraind on & sold for £ 5. 0.0 To Cash at Cards 3. 1.0...
183512 Adams, John Committee Report on Naming a Day of Prayer and … 1770-10-17 17 October 1770. MS not found. Draft prepared by a committee appointed 16 October composed of JA...
183513 Trescott, Lemuel Washington, George To George Washington from Lemuel Trescott, 3 February … 1783-02-03 Agreable to your Excellencys Orders of the 9th November last, I beg leave to report, that the 7th...
183514 Reed, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Reed, 1 December 1777 1777-12-01 I can easily conceive that the Prospect of closing the Campaign without some Action & leaving the...
183515 Beall, Reasin Madison, James To James Madison from Reasin Beall and John Sloane, 9 … 1816-11-09 Observing that the Office of Accountant for the Department of War, has become vacant, by the...
183516 Jefferson, Thomas Littlepage, John Carter From Thomas Jefferson to John Carter Littlepage, 8 May … 1801-05-08 I have the pleasure to inform you that I have lately recieved a letter from your brother mr Lewis...
183517 Adams, John Cranch, Richard John Adams to Richard Cranch, 11 March 1786 1786-03-11 I am very much obliged to you, for your Friend Ship to my Brother Adams, and hope that his...
183518 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 November 1771] 1771-11-02 2. Dined with the Council and Spent the Evening in my own Room a writing. GW is probably...
183519 Madison, James King, Rufus From James Madison to Rufus King, 28 July 1801 1801-07-28 By the Treaty of peace, the mouth of the St. Croix is supposed to be in the Bay of Fundy. But as...
183520 Jefferson, Thomas Blount, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Blount, 6 June 1792 1792-06-06 I have the honor to acknolege the receipt of Mr. Smith’s letter of Dec. 9. written during your...