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Results 183491-183500 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Society met according to Adjournment and proceeded to Elect, by Ballot, their Officers and standing Committee, and on counting the Ballots: John Jay Esq r : appeared to be elected President, Samuel Franklin Vice President, John Murray Jun r . Treasurer; and John Keese Esq r . Secretary and the following Persons were Elected to be of the Standing Committee Viz t . Melancton Smith Esq r .,...
MS not found; reprinted from George Everett Hastings, The Life and Works of Francis Hopkinson (Chicago, [1926]), p. 122. The Bishop of Worcester presents his Respects to Dr. Franklin and begs the favour of Him to let the Inclos’d to Mr. Hopkinson go in his Packet when He has an opportunity of sending to Philadelphia. For James Johnson, Bishop of Worcester, whose kinship to the Hopkinson family...
Excuse me of taking the liberty to send you one of the papers inclosed within concerning the African Abolition of Slave Trade. RC ( DLC ). Addressed to JM at Washington, and franked. Docketed by JM: “Africans in Boston, Celebration by.” JM’s copy of this broadside, entitled Celebration of Freedom (Boston, 1821; Shoemaker 4931), with text that begins: “Monday the Africans and descendants of...
Transcript: Commissioner of Records, City of Philadelphia; abstract: American Philosophical Society On Aug. 28, 1754, William Logan and James Logan, sons of James Logan, deceased (above, I , 191 n), his son-in-law John Smith, and Hannah Smith, his surviving daughter, together with Israel Pemberton, William Allen, Richard Peters, and Benjamin Franklin, executed a deed of trust establishing the...
183495The Moot Editorial Note (Jay Papers)
An elite group of New York lawyers systematically continued their legal education by organizing the Moot, a law society that met between 1770 and 1775 to debate points of law. Of the approximately seventy lawyers practicing in New York City at this time, twenty belonged to the Moot, and its members included William Livingston, John Tabor Kempe, and William Smith. The Moot was modeled on The...
The subject of that day’s dinner conversation—the French protest against the tonnage acts of 1789 and 1790 and its impact on the political contests that were dividing the government —was indeed important. But not a word exchanged between the Virginia Congressman and the Secretary of State on that winter day has been preserved. What Madison—and of course Jefferson—gained then and later in their...
Printed in The Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser , January 4, 1766 While there is no certainty that Franklin wrote this squib, the editors agree with Verner W. Crane ( Letters to the Press , pp. 44–5) that “the probability . . . is strong enough to justify its inclusion” among his writings. The style and lightness of touch are characteristic; his interest in street paving appears several...
Seventeen escaped prisoners made their way to Passy and received financial assistance from Franklin during the period covered by this volume. Benjamin Ramsdell of Massachusetts, captured aboard the ship Three Sisters , received 96 l.t. on February 10. Thomas Moore was given 48 l.t. on February 23. Four men applied for assistance on March 9, each of whom received 24 l.t. They were Richard...
The Hibernian Journal: or, Chronicle of Liberty published in its issue of November 2–4, 1778, an open letter “To the Good People of Ireland,” signed by Franklin and dated Versailles, October 4, 1778. It was a long and uninspired diatribe against British policy, and ended with a promise that all restraints on Irish trade and manufacture would be removed. Publication in Dublin disturbed the Lord...
Several months after the victory at Yorktown Congress gave Lafayette permission to return to France where, it hoped, he would press the French to continue to support the United States with money and military forces. The Marquis, however, did not confine himself to this assignment. He frequently attended the conferences of the American Commissioners with Oswald during the fall of 1782 and...