Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on the Movements of the Mediterranean Squadron, on or before 16 June 1803

Notes on the Movements of
the Mediterranean Squadron

[on or before 16 June 1803]


Nov. 3. sailed from Leghorn. took under convoy vessel bd. to Palermo
11. entered Palermo.
15. sailed for Malta.
20. arrived there. had to repair Bowsprit.
Dec. 7. bowsprit got in. but crew sickly with Influenza.
25. left Malta.
26. went into Syracuse to see if provns cheapr than Malta. dearer.
1803. Jan. 1. sailed for Malta.
4. arrived there. found there the J. Adams & New York.
the John Adams leaky. repaired by 25th. & all the provns brot by Rogers from Gibr. distribd eqly amg ships1 sent Enterprize to take Imperial vessel with Tripoline cargo.
 on the 29th. sent the Enterprize to Tunis.
30. sailed for coast of Tripoli, to offer peace, or burn cruizers in the bay
eleven days heavy gale. Chesapeake labored. provns short.
Feb. 10. got into2 Malta, with the John Adams.
on the 11th. the New York came in also.
19. sailed for Tunis.
22. arrived there. if Murray hd. brot provns, cd have destroyed the cruizers of Tripoli. bt wd nt hve attemptd. it till Equinox.
 Cathcart’s proposals to Tripoli were rejected.
 probability of the Bashaw’s bror making succesful attempt3
Mar. 19. arrived at Algiers
arrived at Gibraltar.
30. writes to Secy. of navy. the John Adams & Adams shall convoy.
 the New York shall proceed direct (whither?) if no Amer. vessel wants convoy
 the Enterprize shall be employed to best advge (how?)
Apr. 6. writes a 2d lre by Chesapeak.

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 131:22651); undated; entirely in TJ’s hand.

TJ’s notes summarize Commodore Richard V. Morris’s 30 Mch. 1803 dispatch from the Mediterranean to the secretary of the navy. A report by Morris of 6 Apr. has not been found. The dispatches were carried to the United States by the frigate Chesapeake, under the command of James Barron. Departing Gibraltar on 6 Apr., the Chesapeake arrived at Norfolk around 18 May and was at the Washington Navy Yard by 3 June (Georgetown, D.C., Olio, 19 May 1803; Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser, 26 May 1803; National Intelligencer, 3 June 1803; Christopher McKee, Edward Preble: A Naval Biography, 1761–1807 [Annapolis, 1972], 112–14).

1Remainder of entry interlined.

2TJ here canceled “Tunis.”

3TJ here canceled “while at Malta, sent Enterprise who took Imperl bott. wth Tripoline [gds].”

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