James Madison Papers

George Watterston to James Madison, 5 May 1834

Washington May 5th 1834.

Dr Sir,

I have the honor to enclose you a Certificate of membership of the Columbian Horticultural Society, established in this District. The Society have, with much pleasure, availed themselves of the opportunity of manifesting the respect they entertain for your character, by conferring this small mark of honor on one they so highly esteem, & who is so well qualified to promote the objects of the institution. With great respect I am very truly yours

Geo: Watterston

Cor: Sec: C: H. S.

P. S. Be so good as to make my respects to my old & valued friend Mrs. M. May you both long live to enjoy the happiness of a well spent life, & the pleasure of seeing your country releived from the dreadful incubus that now weighs upon it—

G. W.


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