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Results 183481-183490 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
In the communication preceding the enclosed, I suggested some prominent features for a National Bank. After the Present Administration shall have passed away, (may Heaven grant it a short duration) there can be no doubt, but that a National Bank will be established. I would add a few more particulars in elucidation; as, in your hands, they may become subjects of investigation— Supposing each...
I received but recently your letter of March 10th & instantly wrote to a friend in Washington (where the letters are of which you wish copies) to comply with your request. Among the papers of my father in my possession I find but two letters from you. I enclose a copy of one. The other was written in July 1807 in reply to one from my father concerning the outrage on the Chesapeake. As it is...
This is to certify that James Madison has been duly elected an honorary Member of the Columbian Horticultural Society established in the District of Columbia. Printed certificate (ICHi) .
I have the honor to enclose you a Certificate of membership of the Columbian Horticultural Society, established in this District. The Society have, with much pleasure, availed themselves of the opportunity of manifesting the respect they entertain for your character, by conferring this small mark of honor on one they so highly esteem, & who is so well qualified to promote the objects of the...
The following Question is now before the Montpelier Lyceum, and is made the order of the day, for the two next succeeding meetings, viz.: "Ought the Bank of the United States to be rechartered? If it may be convenient for you, and you have no objections, I shall be very happy to ascertain your views upon the above named question, as soon as it may suit your convenience. It may be proper for me...
For several years past a continued indisposition added to my very advanced age, has disqualified me for the most part, for the duties of a Visitor of the University of Virginia. Not despairing however, altogether of a favorable change, and unwilling to withdraw myself from an Institution in which I have felt so deep an interest, I have thus long postponed the tender of my resignation. A...
I received a short time since a letter from my relative Mr. C. C. Lee requesting me to make for you, copies of all your letters to his father Gen. Henry Lee, written in the latter part of the last century—I have made them, and send them by to days mail— In doing so, I assure you my good Sir, that it has afforded me real pleasure in having an opportunity of serving you, even in so slight a...
I have just recd. your favor of the 21t: I regret the circumstance that my acct. with the Bank was overdrawn, It may have resulted from some inadvertent confusion between my acct. with you & that of the Bank—I thank you for the blank note inclosed in your letter, I take the liberty of filling it with the sum of 500$ I had hoped that the late accommodation from the Bank would have releived me...
I have just recd. your letter informing me of the sale of my two Hds. Tobaco Some little delay has occured with those that are to follow owing to the difficulty of getting it in order for the Hds The quality of a part of which, may be superior to that lately sold, the price of which is certainly not to be complained of. It was not my intention to place in Bank to the credit of Mr E. Coles more...
Mr Madison being too much indisposed to use his own pen desires me to inform you he has duly received your letter of the 21st. May accompanied by copied letters from him to Genl. Lee. He thanks you for the kind sentiments expressed, and begs you to be assured of his cordial good wishes. Permit me Dr. Sir at the same time to offer you my esteem & respect. Your Obt St. FC (DLC) .