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Results 183481-183510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
On the 15 Thermidor when the Ministers had a public audience the Senate were ⟨announced⟩—they entered the ⟨circle with⟩ their President Barthelemi at their head. He presented the decree declaring Bonaparte Consul for life as the result of the vote and made an address in writing upon the occasion which was answered by the first Consul from a paper he held in his hand so that it appears the...
I have had the misfortune, from ill health and an accute disorder, to be confin’d here ever since the 20th april and am likely to be a longer resident in it from having my old family mansion nearly ruind by the severe hail storm of 21st may; and the more feeling ruin & depredations done & doing the Farm by an ungovernable vile Soldiery too close in my vicinity and the nightly plunder of the...
In mine of Nov. 11. I acknoleged the receipt of yours of Aug. 20. Sep. 7. and 15. Since that, the one of Oct. 11. by the packet has come to hand as also that of July 3. by Mr. Short who came in the packet, was actually in N. York when you passed through it and had waited there several days in hopes of seeing you. I thank you very much for the relation of the proceedings of assembly. It is the...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress I received Yesterday Evening, in good Order the Packet you were so obliging as to send me, & which had been missing. I am sorry you have had any Uneasiness about it. I received also by the Hands of M. De Chaumont the Packet directed to Mr. Adams. With great Esteem, I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient &...
I see on your catalogue Graglia’s Italian & English dictionary and Cormon’s Italian & French dict. in 2. vols 8 vo which I request you to send me. the conveyance by water is so slow, that I must ask these by the mail, sending each volume singly, and a week apart that no one mail may be burthen ed with more than a single volume. send Cormon’s Italian & French volume first, as most wanted, with...
183486[Diary entry: 20 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Rid into the Neck. Mr. Piper, Mr. Ross & Mr. Gibson Dind & Lodgd here. Mr. Gibson may be James Gibson, merchant of Suffolk, Nansemond County, with whom GW had some dealings ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 281, 283), or John Gibson, who in 1780 was a Colchester merchant (George Mason to James...
I received your letter of April 29th. It was my father whose name you observed among the Stockholders of the Loyall Company. Having myself paid no attention to the subject during his life, and taken no part in the business of the estate since his death, I know little of the concerns or partners of the company. I recollect that during my abode in Williamsburg between the years 1776 & 1779. a...
Mr. Randolph having been prevented by sickness from setting out for the Westward, gives me an opportunity of sending you by him my last orders to Col. Crocket. I am with great respect Sir Your most obedt. Servt., RC ( WHi ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ. See TJ to Crockett, following , which was perhaps enclosed in the present letter.
The last paragraph of your letter of the 10 th instant , respecting the conduct of a certain European nation to us, as well as to others with whom it has any commercial intercourse, plainly evinces Your strong, unbiassed attachment to the true interests of the country which gave you birth. It is much to be regretted, that too many natives of this favored land are pusillanimous and unprincipled...
183490[Diary entry: 5 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
5. At home all day. Colo. Fairfax came here to breakfast & returnd afterwards. Doctr. Craik came to Dinner & went away after it.
I have successively received your several letters of the 23d and 28th of January 12th 14th and 23d of February, almost all of which were come to hand when I wrote you by General Du Portail, but by accident were not acknowleged. As far as it is possible for me at this Distance, and with a very inconsiderable knowlege of the Country, to judge, your reasonings on the best plan for an expedition...
I William Marshall Clerk of the Court of the United States for the Middle Circuit in the Virginia District do hereby Certify, that there are no suits instituted in this Court against Mr. Jefferson except in the character of an executor, which are as follow: “John Wayles’ executors” Francis Eppes, Thomas Jefferson and Henry Skipwith executors of John Wayles deceased two suits , and Osgood...
We have the happiness to inform your Excellency that yesterday arrived the Triumph a Cutter from Cadiz, with letters from the Marquis La Fayette announc⟨ing⟩ the certainty of the preliminaries of a general peace signed between all the belligerent powers the 20th. of January. There are letters from the Count D’Estaing to the French Minister to the same effect, and an instruction from him to the...
On the 25th of last Month I drew upon you in favour of the Revd Mr Boucher, Tutor to Mr Custis, for Fifty pounds Sterling which please to pay and place to the Acct of this young Gentlemen. I have been impatiently waiting for my Goods, being much in want of the Millstones, having heard nothing from you in respect to them since the 12th of Septr though Captn Montgomerie (immediately from London...
It being understood that the charge of American Agent, which the interests of the United States seem to require at Porto Rico, would not be unacceptable to you, the President has been pleased to confer it upon you. It will relate lst. to the superintendance of our seamen in the place of your residence; and as far as practicable and convenient in the adjacent colonies and seas, 2d. to the...
I take the liberty of giving you an account of my Services, for to beg of Your Excellence to Grant me, what my Companions have obtain’d; Having been embarked aboard the King’s Ship, the Scipion, In the Army of Mr the Compte de Grasse, Whilst we were in the Chessapeak, That General gave me charge of the Correspondence, with the Camp, by the Back River, & I Continued in that Situation, all the...
26 February 1803, Trieste. Refers to his letter of 6 Oct. 1802 acknowledging receipt of his commission as consul. Having had no reply to two applications made to the government to have the commission accepted, plans to embark for the U.S. if a “satisfactory answer” is not received in a short time. “I learn from good authority that the cause of this delay arises from Mr. Lamson … having...
Having voted against the proposed restriction on Missouri, attempts are making to prevent my re-election to a seat in Congress. This question is not generally understood and the restrictionists are actively employed in endeavoring to destroy the popularity of those who opposed the measure. In 1804, you appointed me to a situation in the Dept. of State, which I held for Six years. Soon after my...
Sence writeing my last letter to you I have made some ingagements which I wish to inform you I think I mentioned I expected to ingage beef at 4d ½ the pound. I have ingaged one at 4d the pound and the man who I ingage of Delivers it when you arrive at Monticello. we Judge it will way about 500 pounds. Also one other ingagement for 3000 pounds of very Good fodder which I now have in one of the...
Washington in the territory of Columbia A Premium of a lot in this city to be designated by impartial judges and 500. dollars, or a Medal of that value, at the option of the party, will be given by the Commissioners of the federal buildings to the person, who before the 20th. day of July 1792 shall produce to them the most approved plan if adopted by them for a Capitol, to be erected in this...
A petition has been presented to our present legislature by a Cap t Joseph Miller , praying a confirmation of the will of his half brother Thomas Reed who died not long since at Norfolk possessed of lands and slaves which he devised to his half brothers and sisters then living in England . this one bought up the shares of the whole and came over to reside here as a citizen. he arrived after...
[ Philadelphia, March 10–April 17, 1794 ] “I have the honor of transmitting … a letter … which on the 10th. of March I addressed to the Secretary of State on the subject of the encroachments by the citizens of Vermont on the territory occupied by his Majesty’s arms. To this letter I have not as yet received any answer, though both Mr. Randolph and Mr. Hamilton have assured me that the...
I received your favour containing a proposition for raising a Legion for the defence of the State: As there are several parts of it which are beyond the powers of the executive to stipulate, I shall do myself the pleasure of laying it before the General Assembly whom we have been obliged to convene on the first of March next. The result of their determinations shall be immediately communicated...
The assembly of Carolina requiring that you should renew on oath an account of the paiments you have received, the oath is necessary. There is in this country some officer of justice in every town authorized to administer an oath and make out a proces verbal of [fact]. I know because I once had occasion to take depositions here, and an officer (whose appellation I forgot) administered the...
It gives me sincere pain to inform you that I cannot comply with the request contained in your letter of this date. In consenting to Mrs Ogdens coming out in the first instance, the feelings of humanity, & not my powers were consulted—the latter were exceeded—I was prompted to the measure from the peculiar situation in which you were represented to be, at the time. This I thought might justify...
I received your letter of the 23d, last Saturday, and immediately wrote to Mr Boudinot to communicate your ideas expressed in the first paragraph of it. By to-morrow’s post I will acknowledge Mr Kinlock’s letter; altho’ as you observe, the case of his nephew appears to be remediless. The French letter is from an Emigrant residing at Lausanne in Switzerland, “who has remained faithful to his...
I had yesterday afternoon the honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 24th—inclosing the Memorial of Peter Griffing and Jonathan Veal. Whenever it is in my power, I shall be happy to comply with Your Excellency’s wishes and recommendation; but in the present instance it is not. The irregularities and injuries which have been committed against the Inhabitants of Long Island and of...
I have just recd. your favour of Novr. 17 which I lose no time in answering. Of the sum originally due under the Covenant of Bell & Tapscot, viz $6000, one third was paid at the time.   The only payment since made was $1000 recd. from Tapscott. The date of the payment does not appear from papers in my hands. It was sometime after the 2d. instalment of wch. that was one half became due. But, if...
I have attentively Considered the papers which you submitted, for my opinion—Concerning the rights of M r & mad. Beauvois to the State of M r Piernez deceased, the brother of mad. Beauvois , and now beg leave to offer you the result of my examination there of. M r Piernez having died without issue, or father or mother and leaving no brother or any other sister than mad. Beauvois . By the law...
To the Soeur Therese de St. Xavier farjon Superior, and the Nuns of the order of St. Ursula at New Orleans I have recieved, holy sisters, the letter you have written me wherein you express anxiety for the property vested in your institution by the former governments of Louisiana. the principles of the constitution and government of the United states are a sure guarantee to you that it will be...