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Results 183481-183510 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
183481Anti-Defamer, [19 August 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
For the Fœderal Gazette Russel under an affected moderation veils the most insidious and malignant designs & slily propagates the basest slanders. This is evident from the following passage of his second paper. After stating a visionary and impracticable scheme for avoiding a war with the Indians —he proceeds thus—“But then, how many offices had been wanting, how many lucrative contracts would...
183482General Orders, 25 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
Daniel Johnston of the 8th and Ezekiel Case of the 5th Connecticutt regiments now under sentence of death are to be executed next saturday at such time and place as Major General Heath shall direct. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s expenses for this date included 16s. recorded as, “To Cash pd to servant mus[k]mellon a present” (Revolutionary War Household Expenses, 1776–1780, DLC:GW , Ser....
Thomas Jefferson Esq r in a/c. with N. G. Dufief D r 1815 To Balance $ 3.43 Aug. 19. To La Croix Mathematicks 15.00 〃 24 To
Be it enacted by the General Assembly that the lands, tenements and chattels, of ideots and lunatics, shall be safely kept without waste and destruction, and they and their household shall live and be maintained competently with the profits of the same, and the residue, besides their sustentation, shall be kept for their use, to be delivered unto them when they come to right mind: And if they...
On the evening of the 5th of March I was at my lodgings, I heard a noise, and went out towards Union-street, and saw people coming from the North-end, with sticks and clubs in their hands; it was about nine o’clock. I followed them to Dock-square, somebody asked what was the matter, he was answered, that a boy and soldier had been foul of one another; they hallowed King-street; I went up to...
183486[Diary entry: 25 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Mr. Danl. Jenifer came to Dinnr. & went away afterwards.
183487[Diary entry: 9 April 1772] (Washington Papers)
9. Very Cold and very Windy from the Northwest with flying Clouds & sometimes a sprinkle of Rain.
183488General Orders, 25 October 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
183489General Orders, 15 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Mellen Inspector Captain Warner For Picquet Major Spurr As it has been represented to the Commander in Chief that the quantity of fresh meat lately ordered to be drawn by the troops will not keep during this hot Season, He desires the Commissary General may cause two days allowance of salt beef to be issued to every regiment...
183490[Diary entry: 21 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear in the forenoon with a good deal of Rain afterwards.
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 20 and 27, 1735. Mr. Franklin, Pray let the prettiest Creature in this Place know, (by publishing this) That if it was not for her Affectation, she would be absolutely irresistible. The little Epistle in our last, has produced no less than six, which follow in the order we receiv’d ’em. Mr. Franklin, I cannot conceive who your Correspondent means...
183492[Diary entry: 6 August 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Rid to the Ferry Plantation Mill Doeg Run and Muddy hole.
183493[Diary entry: 10 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
10. Finishd Securing my Fodder at the Mill.
183494[Diary entry: 26 April 1795] (Washington Papers)
26. Came to George Town.
183495[June 10. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
June 10. 1778. We have received your Letter of the fourth instant, and in answer to it We beg leave to say, that We approve of your refusal of the twelve hundred Livres to Mr. William Morris, and for the future, We expect that you pursue the same line of Conduct and advance Money to no Person whatsoever upon our Account or in expectation that we shall repay it, without our express orders. You...
1834961761. Tuesday Jany. 27th. (Adams Papers)
Last Fryday I borrowed of Mr. Gridley, the second Volume of the Corpus Iuris Canonici Notis illustratum. Gregorii 13 Iussi editum.— complectens Decretum Gratiani. Decretales Gregorii Papae 9. Sextum Decretalium Bonifacii Papae 8. Clementinas, Extravagantes Ioannis Papae 12. Extravagantes communes.— Accesserunt Constitutiones Novae summorum Pontificum, nunquam antea editae, quae 7. Decretalium...
183497[Diary entry: 28 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
28. Mr. Stedlar went away. I rid to Alexandria to see how my House went on. Returnd to Dinr. GW had paid £48 10s. in 1764 for two lots on Pitt Street in Alexandria: No. 112 at the corner of Prince Street and No. 118 at the corner of Cameron Street ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 180; plan of...
183498[Diary entry: 25 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 25th. Thermometer at 60 in the Morning—72 at Noon and 72 at Night. A fog in the morning, but clear afterwards, & warm all day. Dined at Mr. Benja. Dulany’s but passed through the Plantations at the Ferry, Frenchs & Dogue run. At all of which the same work was going on—both with the Plows and other people—as yesterday.
183499[5th.] (Adams Papers)
Sunday dined at Mr. Grand’s at Passy. Went after dinner to the Chateau de la Muette and saw the Dauphin. Ferdinand Grand , the Paris banker of the American ministers, lived at La Chaise, Passy ( MHS, Procs . Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections and Proceedings. , 54 [1920]: 107–108). The Château de la Muette, originally a hunting lodge in the Bois de Boulogne, was rebuilt by Louis XV,...
183500[Diary entry: 11 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
11. Breakfasted at Baltimore. Dined & lodged at Spurriers.
183501[Diary entry: 30 January 1769] (Washington Papers)
30. Clear and pleasant Wind Southwardly. Ground hard froze.
183502[Diary entry: 25 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined & spent the Evening at Colo. Lewis’s. GW today recorded winning £2 5s. at cards ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 299).
183503Remarks & Observations—in Jan. [1769] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 4. Finishd measuring Corn in the Neck—total quantity 694 Barrels. About this time Muddy hole People began clearing Ground. 5. Began clearing Ground in the Neck. Mill People getting Rails to fence Corn field by Mr. Manleys. 9. Began to open the Avenue in front of the House in order to bring the Road along it. 10. Finishd gathering Corn at Doeg run Quarter. 242 Barrels. A Very spewing...
183504[Diary entry: 5 January 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 5th. The Doctr. in vain attempted my ferry & being disappointed went to George Town with a view of crossing on the Ice. Colo. Blackburn returned this Evening from Alexandria. Wind Northwardly & cold.
183505[Diary entry: 23 April 1772] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined at Belvoir with Colo. Bassett & Lady & Daughter, Mrs. Washington & Patcy. Returnd in the Evening. J. P. Custis dind also.
Printed form, signed, with MS insertions: Historical Society of Pennsylvania NOUS Benjamin Franklin, Ecuyer, Ministre Plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, près Sa Majesté Très-Chrétienne, PRIONS tous ceux qui sont à prier, de vouloir bien laisser surement & librement passer Messieurs Rawle et Walker, allant à Ostende , sans leur donner ni permettre qu’il leur soit donné aucun...
183507[Diary entry: 12 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
12. Rain in the Night with flying Clouds accompanied with a little Rain now and then all day. Cold & Raw.
183508Oct. 3. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Vanderdussen, Lt. General of the Cavalry, in Company with Mr. De Llano Minister of the King of Spain and Mr. De Renovalis, Secretary of his Legation, Mr. and Madame Boreel, Mr. and Madame Geelvink, Madam Dedel, the Rhinegrave de Salm, Mr. Saumase, a descendant of the famous Salmasius whom John Milton disputed with. Mr. Boreel is a Deputy to the States General for the Prov. of...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin ... (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), III , 97. A CATECHISM Relative to the English National Debt. Question 1. Supposing this debt to be only 195 millions of pounds sterling at present, although it is much more, and that it was all to be counted in shillings, that a man could count at the rate of...
183510[Diary entry: 6 February 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. At home all day with &ca.