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Results 183481-183490 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
183481Plain Truth, 17 November 1747 (Franklin Papers)
Plain Truth: or, Serious Considerations On the Present State of the City of Philadelphia, and Province of Pennsylvania. By a Tradesman of Philadelphia. Printed in the Year MDCCXLVII . (Yale University Library) During the late spring and early summer of 1747 the activity of French and Spanish privateers had been increasing off the Delaware capes, and each week’s newspapers reported some new...
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 8. This has been a busy day with your daughter and she is gone to bed much fatigued and cannot write. I send you inclosed, one of our new almanacks; we print them early, because we send them to many places far distant. I send you also, a moidore inclosed, which please to accept towards chaise hire, that you may ride warm to meetings this winter....
ALS : New-York Historical Society I send you herewith the History of the Five Nations. You will perceive that Osborne, to puff up the Book, has inserted the Charters &c. of this Province, all under the Title of History of the Five Nations , which I think was not fair, but ’tis a common Trick of Booksellers. Mr. James Read, to whom Mr. Osborne has sent a Parcel of Books by Recommendation of Mr....
ADS : Princeton University Library Receiv’d Sept. 28. 1747 of Mr. Gambold Twenty three Pounds Ten Shillings, being in full for Fourteen hundred German Spelling Books; also One Pound Ten Shillings and three Pence for 50 lb. Pasteboard. £23. 10. 0 1. 10. 3 £25: 0: 3 Endorsed: 1747 Sepr: 28. Franklin’s Rect: £25.—.3. Hector Ernest Gambold (1719–1788), born in Wales, became a Moravian at Oxford,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am sorry to Acquaint you that with Assiduity Equal to the Want of the Gentleman In whose favour the order was Drawn I have not Been able to procure anything But Promises. I would Advise (if It meet with yours and the Gentlemans Approbation) a threatning Line or two to Mr. Edward Scott who has made Such an Assumption in favour of Mr. Osborn As may [torn]...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am obliged by your favour of the 24th and the Information you give. I have not heard that any of the Indian History are in this place and am very desirous to see one of them assoon at least as any other in this place may because I really do not know of what papers it consists. I sent Mr. Collinson accounts or relations on that subject at several times and...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have one of your Histories come in among some Books sent me per Mr. Strahan: But Osborne I understand has sent 50 to Mr. Read per Recommendation of Mr. Collinson. I should sell them more readily than he can, I imagine; and he talks of putting them into my hands. Are any of them arriv’d in N York? Enclos’d are two Letters for you. No others are yet come to...
MS : American Philosophical Society; MS Account Book: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Franklin’s business relations with other printers are suggested by a bill he submitted to the younger William Bradford and by Bradford’s account with him. Franklin’s bill covers the period from October 27, 1741, when he lent Bradford £1 10 s. , to September 22, 1747, when the bill he submitted amounted to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last Week I accidently met Mr. DeLancey in the Streets: I ask’d him, if he had heard any Thing about the Affair, and he said No. I ask’d him, if he were willing to take the Money? He said Yes. I ask’d him how much it was? and he said £37 principal: which is more than what you mention. However, I will pay it, let it be what it may; On which I told him, I had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Whiting came and [paid the] whole last Saturday Evening in Jersey Money, except 5 s. in York, of the Pay[ment] for the Postage. I don’t know any Body has any of the Spanish Paper to sell cheap. I believe 5 or 6 s. will be the lowest. I know several ask 8 s. I can yet gladly spare you 4 or 5 Bales of that I have, having got about 10 Bales yet entire. If...