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Results 183481-183530 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
183481 Thorntone, D’Alembert Madison, James D’Alembert Thorntone to James Madison, 22 April 1834 1834-04-22 In the communication preceding the enclosed, I suggested some prominent features for a National...
183482 Lee, Charles Carter Madison, James C[harles] C[arter] Lee to James Madison, 28 April 1834 1834-04-28 I received but recently your letter of March 10th & instantly wrote to a friend in Washington...
183483 Towson, N. Madison, James Certificate of Honorary Membership in the Columbian … 1834-04-28 This is to certify that James Madison has been duly elected an honorary Member of the Columbian...
183484 Watterston, George Madison, James George Watterston to James Madison, 5 May 1834 1834-05-05 I have the honor to enclose you a Certificate of membership of the Columbian Horticultural...
183485 Reynolds, H. G. Madison, James H. G. Reynolds to James Madison, 15 May 1834 1834-05-15 The following Question is now before the Montpelier Lyceum, and is made the order of the day, for...
183486 Madison, James Tazewell, Littleton W. James Madison to Littleton W. Tazewell, 17 May 1834 1834-05-17 For several years past a continued indisposition added to my very advanced age, has disqualified...
183487 Carter, C. H. Madison, James C. H. Carter to James Madison, 21 May 1834 1834-05-21 I received a short time since a letter from my relative Mr. C. C. Lee requesting me to make for...
183488 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 23 May 1834 1834-05-23 I have just recd. your favor of the 21t: I regret the circumstance that my acct. with the Bank...
183489 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 27 May 1834 1834-05-27 I have just recd. your letter informing me of the sale of my two Hds. Tobaco Some little delay...
183490 Todd, John Payne Carter, C. H. John Payne Todd to C. H. Carter, 27 May 1834 1834-05-27 Mr Madison being too much indisposed to use his own pen desires me to inform you he has duly...
183491 McCaraher, A. Madison, James A. McCaraher and Others to James Madison, June 1834 1834-06-01 The undersigned Committee of Invitation to the Democratic Festival to be given at Fountain Green...
183492 Madison, James Committee of Citizens of Albemarle County James Madison to the Committee of Citizens of Albemarle … 1834-06-01 I have recd fellow citizens your letter inviting me, in behalf of a number of citizens of...
183493 Madison, James Grymes, Peyton James Madison to Peyton Grymes and Others, June 1834 1834-06-01 I have recd. friends & fellow Citizens your letter of inviting me on behalf of a portion of the...
183494 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 4 June 1834 1834-06-04 It would be grateful to me to hear more from you than falls to my lot in these latter days. My...
183495 Madison, James Garrett, Alexander James Madison to Alexander Garrett, 9 June 1834 1834-06-09 Having thought it my duty, under the existing state and prospect of my health, to forward to the...
183496 Gilmer, Thomas W. Madison, James Thomas W. Gilmer and Others to James Madison, 9 June … 1834-06-09 A number of the citizens of Albemarle, who have seen with regret and alarm the recent attempts to...
183497 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 11 June 1834 1834-06-11 I wrote you on the 4th ⅌ Philadelphia Packet enclosing copy of a letter of ancient date to my...
183498 Madison, James Allen, William [James Madison] to William Allen, 13 June 1834 1834-06-13 I enclose a check on the Branch Bank of Va. for one hundred & ninety four dolls. 67 cents which...
183499 Kennedy, John P. Madison, James John P. Kennedy to James Madison, 19 June 1834 1834-06-19 I have taken the liberty to send you by the mail that takes this a copy of my discourse on the...
183500 Grymes, Peyton Madison, James Peyton Grymes and Others to James Madison, 28 June 1834 1834-06-28 It has been resolved by a respectable portion of the Republican Citizens of this District,...
183501 Madison, James Committee for the Democratic Festival … James Madison to the Committee for the Democratic … 1834-06-29 I have recd. fellow Citizens your letter inviting me to the Democratic festival to be given on...
183502 Madison, James Van Amringe, William Frederick James Madison to William Frederick Van Amringe and … 1834-07-01 Your letter of July 14. fellow Citizens & friends", came duly to hand; but I was at the time and...
183503 Madison, James Kennedy, John P. James Madison to John P. Kennedy, 7 July 1834 1834-07-07 I have received with your letter of June 19th. the copy of your discourse on the life & character...
183504 Chapman, John G. Madison, James John G. Chapman to James Madison, 9 July 1834 1834-07-09 I have taken the liberty of forwarding to you by today’s mail the first half dozen proofs from...
183505 Dailey, William Madison, James William Dailey to James Madison, 10 July 1834 1834-07-10 I am a free man of color, by the name of William Dailey, and respectfully crave permission to...
183506 Northup, Henry Madison, James Henry Northup to James Madison, 13 July 1834 1834-07-13 I have long Anxiously sought information relative to the family of the Revd Samuil Findley...
183507 Van Amringe, William Frederick Madison, James William Frederick Van Amringe and Others to James … 1834-07-14 The Jefferson democratic Society of the City & County of Philadelphia, at a late Stated meeting,...
183508 Madison, James Chapman, John G. James Madison to John G. Chapman, 15 July 1834 1834-07-15 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Chapman and has received the excellent Engravings which...
183509 Madison, James Dailey, William James Madison to William Dailey, 20 July 1834 1834-07-20 I have received Sir your letter of the 10th. Inst. and would gladly furnish any information...
183510 Madison, James Northup, Henry [James Madison] to [Henry Northup], 20 July 1834 1834-07-20 I have recd. your letter of the 13th. Inst. I can give you no information relating to the family...
183511 Bonnycastle, Charles Madison, James Charles Bonnycastle to James Madison, 21 July 1834 1834-07-21 An improvement in canals having presented itself to me I was desirous of asking the opinion of...
183512 Madison, James Bonnycastle, Charles James Madison to Charles Bonnycastle, 22 July 1834 1834-07-22 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr Bonnycastle & encloses the requested introduction to Genl....
183513 Madison, James Macomb, Alexander James Madison to Alexander Macomb, 22 July 1834 1834-07-22 Professor Bonnycastle is desirous of obtaining your opinion on an improvement he has thought of...
183514 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 26 July 1834 1834-07-26 I have delayed reporting the state of my health or rather of my malady, continually hoping that a...
183515 Kennedy, John P. Madison, James John P. Kennedy to James Madison, 28 July 1834 1834-07-28 At the suggestion of my friend Mr John Barney, I have taken the liberty to send you a copy of...
183516 Madison, James Adams, John Quincy [James Madison] to [John Quincy Adams], 30 July 1834 1834-07-30 The copy of your intended Speech on the "Removal of the Deposits" was received in the due time....
183517 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 31 July 1834 1834-07-31 I am glad to learn from your letter of the 26th. Inst. that your troublesome complaint is, at the...
183518 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, August 1834 1834-08-01 Private. A circumstance came to my knowledge the other day, which, as (according to the...
183519 Banks, Linn Madison, James Linn Banks and Others to James Madison, 1 August 1834 1834-08-01 A large number of the Democratic Republicans of this County, intend giving a public dinner to the...
183520 Madison, James Livingston, Edward James Madison to Edward Livingston, 2 August 1834 1834-08-02 Your favor of February 8th. was duly received and I regret that it has not been sooner...
183521 Madison, James Kennedy, John P. James Madison to John P. Kennedy, 4 August 1834 1834-08-04 I have duly received the Copy of "Swallow Barn" with which you favoured me. The condition of my...
183522 Madison, James Hall, David A. James Madison to David A. Hall, 8 August 1834 1834-08-08 Although your favour of March 28th accompanying the " History of the Bank " has been so long on...
183523 Spotswood, George W. Madison, James George W. Spotswood to James Madison, 10 August 1834 1834-08-10 My Son Doctr. Spotswood will leave us today for Philadelphia, he expects to spend a few days with...
183524 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James James Leander Cathcart to James Madison, 11 August 1834 1834-08-11 We had heard of your indisposition with sympathy & regret, & of your recovery with sincere...
183525 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James Charles J. Ingersoll to James Madison, 13 August 1834 1834-08-13 My eldest son Charles, the bearer of this letter, in coming to visit the Springs of Virginia, is...
183526 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 17 August 1834 1834-08-17 On a recent occasion, when one of the States of the Union promulgated doctrines subversive of the...
183527 Madison, James Committee for Democratic Republicans, Madison … James Madison to the Committee for Democratic … 1834-08-18 I have received, Fellow Citizens, your letter of the 1st Instant inviting me in the name of a...
183528 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James John Quincy Adams to James Madison, 18 August 1834 1834-08-18 Your favour of the 30th. ulto. with its enclosures would have been received with unmingled...
183529 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 20 August 1834 1834-08-20 Since my return here (last friday) I have been engaged in the examination of Mr. Jefferson’s...
183530 Brown, John Madison, James John Brown to James Madison, 23 August 1834 1834-08-23 The Bearer Mann Butler Esqr has for some time past been engaged in writing the History of...