John Jay Papers

Extract from the Journal of the New York Ratifying Convention, 26 July 1788

Extract from the Journal of the New York Ratifying Convention

[Poughkeepsie, Saturday, 26 July 1788]

[JJ reads the circular letter that he drafted. It is agreed to unanimously. Ratification is formally voted, 30 to 27.]

The Convention met pursuant Adjournment.

Duplicate copies of the engrossed Declaration of Rights, and form of a Ratification of the Constitution for the United States, and explanatory Amendments, and of the Amendments recommended to be made therein, were read.

Mr. President then put the Question, whether the same shall pass, as agreed to and ratified by this Convention, and it was carried in the affirmative in the manner following, viz.

For the Affirmative.
Mr. Jay, Mr. Scudder, Mr. Vandervoort, Mr. Crane,
Mr. Hobart, Mr. Havens, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Sarlis,
Mr. Hamilton, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. Ryerss, Mr. Woodhull,
Mr. R. Livingston, Mr. Jones, Mr. L. Morris, Mr. Platt,
Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Schenck, Mr. P. Livingston, Mr. M. Smith,
Mr. Duane, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Hatfield, Mr. G. Livingston,
Mr. Harison, Mr. Carman, Mr. Van Cortlandt, Mr. De Witt.
Mr. Low, Mr. Lefferts,
For the Negative.
Mr. R. Yates, Mr. Clark, Mr. Akins, Mr. Williams,
Mr. Lansing, Mr. J. Clinton, Mr. Harper, Mr. Baker,
Mr. Oothoudt, Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Frey, Mr. Hopkins,
Mr. I. Thompson, Mr. Haring, Mr. Winn, Mr. Van Ness,
Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wisner, Mr. Veeder, Mr. Bay,
Mr. Cantine, Mr. Wood, Mr. Staring, Mr. Adgate.
Mr. Schoonmaker, Mr. Swartwout, Mr. Parker,

Thereupon Ordered, That the said Ratification be Signed by his Excellency the President, and attested by the two Secretaries, in behalf of this Convention.

Resolved, that his Excellency the President be desired to transmit to Congress the Ratification aforesaid, and that the duplicate thereof, together with the Journal of the proceedings of this Convention, be deposited by one of the Secretaries, in the office of the Secretary of this State, there to remain of record.

Mr. Jay from the Committee appointed for the purpose, reported a draft of a circular Letter from this Convention to the Executives of the several other States,1 to be laid before their respective Legislatures, which was read, and being again read by Paragraphs and Agreed to, is in the words following, viz.

[The text of letter appears here]

The Federal Pillars, Massachusetts Centinel, 2 August 1788. (Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-45591)

Mr. President then put the question, whether the Convention did agree to the said letter, and it was unanimously carried in the affirmative. …

PtD, Convention Journal description begins Journal of the Convention of the State of New-York Held at Poughkeepsie, in Dutchess County, the 17th of June, 1788 (Poughkeepsie, 1788; Early Am. Imprints, series 1, no. 21313) description ends , 83–86; DHRC description begins John P. Kaminski, Gaspare J. Saladino, Richard Leffler, Charles H. Schoenleber, and Margaret A. Hogan, eds. Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution (28 vols. to date; Madison, Wis., 1976–) description ends , 23: 2323–25.

1Gilbert Livingston’s notes record that twelve copies of the letter were ordered engrossed. DHRC description begins John P. Kaminski, Gaspare J. Saladino, Richard Leffler, Charles H. Schoenleber, and Margaret A. Hogan, eds. Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution (28 vols. to date; Madison, Wis., 1976–) description ends , 23: 2321, 2326n9.

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