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Results 183461-183470 of 184,431 sorted by author
Mistakes have been frequently made by the Commissioners of Loans, in the certificates directed to me for the purpose of transferring stock from one office to another; either by erroneously indenting the marginal Check, or otherwise. And whenever inaccuracies of this kind have occurred, it has been thought adviseable to return such certificates to the holders, with some indefinite intimation,...
For much of his tenure in office, Jay benefited from working alongside a state legislature and two presidential administrations that shared his Federalist leanings and facilitated his efforts to develop and implement policies for improving New York’s public health, economy, finances, and defenses. The state legislative elections and the subsequent presidential election of 1800, however,...
ALS : Princeton University Library I have now the Pleasure of informing you, that on Friday last, in a Committee of the whole House, Mr. Secretary Conway mov’d that it should be recommended to the House to give leave to bring in a Bill for repealing the American Stamp Act, which Motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper: But an Amendment to the Motion being propos’d by the late Ministry, viz. instead...
AL : American Philosophical Society P Collinson very Respectfull Inquires after his Dear Friends Health hopes to See him next Thurday. The Inclosed Letter Shows the purpose of the Ingenious Mr. Moors waiting on You to Show his Curious Types. Addressed: To / Benn. Franklin Esqr / at Mrs Stephensons in / Craven Street This note cannot have been written later than Aug. 11, 1768, the date of...
183465Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
This is a companion case to Bancroft v. Lee , No. 10 . John Crowningshield was one of the underwriters on the marine insurance policy taken out by Lee in 1762 upon one half the cargo of the schooner Merrill. He had submitted to the arbitration of Lee’s claim, and in 1765 he finally paid his share of the Merrill ’s loss after Lee had recovered judgment against him upon the arbitration award in...
183466Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
“A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law,” published unsigned and untitled in the Boston Gazette , 12 , 19 August, 30 September, 21 October 1765, was at once John Adams’ first effort to determine the significance of New England in American history and his initial contribution to the literature of the American Revolution. Seen from the first perspective, this work belonged to a genre...
I think it my duty to lay before you a petition and a number of affidavits, from which it appears, that in the town of Livingston, combinations of disorderly person have been formed to obstruct the course of justice and by force to exclude certain proprietors from the possession of lands which have been adjudged to them by the courts, and laws of the land; that the service of legal process is...
Sicome un Trattato de Pace ed’Amicizia fu definitivamente accomodato e conchiuso, tra li Stati Uniti d’America representati da William Eaton e James Leander Cathcart Esquires Commessari specialmente deputati per tal oggetto ed illustrissimo ed Excelentissimo Il Bey ed il Gioverno di Tunis Il quale Trattato é come segue, cio é a dire … Conoscere Facciamo sapere Qualmente io John Adams...
I am fully in sentiment with you respecting the danger of an established aristocracy and had I fully explained my self when I mentioned the subject in my letter of the 22 Ult o. there would not I suppose have been even a “seeming” difference in opinion thereon. The words slavery and aristocracy have been used here for political purposes as synonymous— They have been equally terrifying to Many...
This letter is one of many which Morris wrote to Hamilton concerning a debt which Morris owed to John B. Church. Hamilton was directly involved in this transaction because he handled Church’s business affairs in the United States while Church, who had married Elizabeth Hamilton’s sister Angelica, was in his native England. Any student attempting to understand Morris’s numerous and involved...