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Results 183451-183460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
While I acknowledge, with grateful sincerity, my personal obligations to the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, for the very flattering manner in which they convey their congratulations on my election to the Chief-magistracy of our confederated republic, and for the approbation they are pleased to express of my public conduct —it affords me peculiar pleasure...
Thomas Jefferson esq, private account with Thomas Appleton.—D r 1825 May To 8 chimney mantles of various colours & qualities of marble cont d in 6 cases from N o 32 @ 37 inclusive Dollars mark’d TJ/M Cost 180. Charges To 6 cases for the above @ £7 each. £42. To custom house duties @ £2 12.
I have some Spring Barley for sale, and if you incline to buy it, would be glad to know what you will give delivered at my landing; or if this is not convenient for you what your price at Baltimore is. It is raised from seed which Colo. Biddle of Philadelphia procured for me from a Mr Haynes a Brewer of that City; who had it (I am informed) from Rhode Island. It is, which I did not discover...
wishing to prove my Respectfulness to you, I Send you the inclosed Writings. I would be glad, if you had not read yet all them and most happy, if you would not send them back. I got them double. I came, with my Boy Seven Years of Age, from Magdeburgh to the United States of America, in the last Year, intending to purchase and cultivate a small Farm; but Circumstances have engaged me in Trade...
As I Shall soon have an opportunity of rendering an Account of my Short Stewardship, I must beg the Favour of you, to let Some of your People, make out a list of those Sums of Money, which I have drawn for and received seperately—another of those which Dr. Franklin and I have drawn for jointly—and thirdly an Account of those sums, which all of Us have drawn for together. I dont know indeed but...
I have received the inclosed letter from a J Valentine a private Soldier at Fort Jay. You will make enquiries as to the truth of its contents & report to me accordingly. Captn. Eddins has also recommended to me the discharge of J. M. Perrin a private Soldier in his Company, to which I shall have no objection provided Perrin procures an able substitute in his place. with true consideration &— (...
18345731 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy forenoon. Dined at Mr. Paines. A fair after noon . The Nature and Essence of the material World is not less conceal’d from our knowledge than the Nature and Essence of God. We see our selves surrounded on all sides with a vast expanse of Heavens, and we feel our selves astonished at the Grandeur, the blazing Pomp of those Starrs with which it is adorned. The Birds fly over our Heads...
I recd both your favs of the 2d and 8th instants. The State of Maryland hath not been particular in refusing to suffer the Officers of the Sixteen Battalions to recruit before they have compleated their own Quotas, several others have done the same thing. As the Officers of Colo. Nat. Gists Regiment were precluded from going on with recruiting, you were right to send them where they have a...
183459[Diary entry: 23 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day. Doctr. Rumney came to Dinner.
Your nation’s independence has inspired me to immortalize this great and noteworthy event in a medal commemorating its liberty, and of which I have the honor of sending you the first proof in the hope that it will bring great pleasure to your excellency: and it is a personal honor for me to say that I remain with a profound respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant RC ( Adams...