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Results 183451-183480 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
While I acknowledge, with grateful sincerity, my personal obligations to the Legislature of the...
Thomas Jefferson esq, private account with Thomas Appleton.—D r 1825 May To 8 chimney mantles of...
I have some Spring Barley for sale, and if you incline to buy it, would be glad to know what you...
wishing to prove my Respectfulness to you, I Send you the inclosed Writings. I would be glad, if...
As I Shall soon have an opportunity of rendering an Account of my Short Stewardship, I must beg...
I have received the inclosed letter from a J Valentine a private Soldier at Fort Jay. You will...
18345731 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy forenoon. Dined at Mr. Paines. A fair after noon . The Nature and Essence of the material...
I recd both your favs of the 2d and 8th instants. The State of Maryland hath not been particular...
183459[Diary entry: 23 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. At home all day. Doctr. Rumney came to Dinner.
Your nation’s independence has inspired me to immortalize this great and noteworthy event in a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will introduce to you Mr William Short, a Gentleman of...
4 February 1804, Alicante. “In consequence of an Arrangement made in proposals of Partnership...
Mr William Smith Shaw has lent me the fourth Volume of his political pamphlets, the first tract...
I went Yesterday to hear D r Priestley, in the Philosophical Hall of the University and there I...
I received by yesterday’s Mail your letter of the 14th. inviting, in the name of the Committee of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Repeatedly I have wrote to your Excellency, when in the...
I was sorry to hear that you had not succeeded in getting up the Fish alive—but be assured, Sir,...
I wish you would ever write me a Letter half as long as I write you; and tell me if you may where...
The only apology I have to make for trespassing on your time, is the occasion which induces me to...
I have the honor to inclose you three N.York papers which I procur’d from a flag that arriv’d at...
This indenture made on the day of Nov r one Thousand eight hundred and eleven between Thomas...
I recd intelligence last night, that the enemy on Staten Island are in motion with a more than...
183473[August 1761] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 15th. Sow’d abt. half an Acre of English Turnip Seed adjoining to the above and Raked them...
I nominate Lucius Horatio Stockton of New Jersey to be the Attorney of the United States for the...
I am informd that the Bill in Chancery exhibited against me by Mr Ross and others was presented...
If my use of the English language to write it with purity, was extensive enough that I might dare...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President has the honor to send him the letters and orders...
I have the Honour to acknowlege the Receipt of your Letter of Yesterday’s Date, and to acquaint...
Benjamin Dearborn’s Respects attend the President, with information that he has brought from...
LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society The...