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Results 183451-183480 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
This is sent only to shew additional reasons for stationing Gun boats in that district. I will send the papers to Massachts. in order that suit may be instituted for the penalty of the bond given under the coasting act. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Malgrado i pullulati ostacoli da tutte Le parti alla navigazione, essendo ricocito a Mr. Appleton d’ottener che parta the Ship Aurora Capn. Hall for Portsmouth in New Hampshire , profitto di quest’occasione ⅌ darle segno di vita, e ⅌ etriederle le sue nuove, la privazion delle quali mi è sommamente penosa. La notizia pervenutami iersera dell’inaspettata occasione di poterle scrivere, mi à...
Our correspondence will be printed today in a pamphlet, a copy of which shall be sent to you by the mail if it is completed in time. I have omitted in the publication every passage which had been noted by you, and added to the list of omissions, one passage, in your letter of April 11th. which speaks of the use made of my name for vindictive purposes, the publication of which could only serve...
Your polite attention to those few Letters I have hitherto had the honor of addressing to you, emboldens me once more to request your interference as to the Liberty of two our Citizens; Their names are Michael D. Downs and George Jackson ; I have before me not only their regular protections according to the act of Congress Entitled “An Act for the relief and protection of American Seamen” But...
Your favors of July 25. Aug. 10. 25. Sep. 1. 7. 18. have been duly recieved. the last Aviso which we sent to Europe is now daily expected to return, and it is not yet decided whether we shall send any other during the winter. but were we to do it, it would always be on such short warning as would render your profiting by it impracticable, as the notice of time, vessel, or port never exceeds a...
The bill referred to in the enclosed is not recieved, but I suppose may be expected hourly. how shall I proceed to have it paid so as to keep the account in the same form, that is to say, still in your name? when shall we have the pleasure and advantage of seeing you here? Affectionate salutations. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Ronaldson & his thanks for the satisfactory information he has been so good as to give him on the quality of the wool of the many horned sheep. it has determined him to make trial of them on quite a small scale, until he shall see whether they possess any other qualities which may countervail the low value of their wool. DLC : Papers of Thomas...
The author of the Boylston Prize Dissertation takes the liberty to send Your Excellency a copy, of which he must beg your acceptance; not that they contain any peculiar merit, which should entitle them to Your Excellency’s high notice, but that they are a humble expression of the great respect their author feels for the man, who has so successfully cultivated physical science, and who has ever...
I thank you for the copy of Genl. Kozciusko’s treatise on the flying artillery. it is a branch of the military art which I wish extremely to see understood here to the height of the European level. your letter of Sep. 20. was recieved in due time. I never recieved the letter said to have been written to me by mr Malesherbe in favor of mr Masson. the fact of such a letter having been written by...
Permit me sir, to introduce to your notice the bearer hereof, my worthy friend Doctor Benjamin Say; lately chosen Senator in Congress of the U. States, for the City and County of Philadelphia in place of Mr. Clay resigned. The Doctor is a man of talents, eminent in his profession as a Physician, of a fair moral character, and a warm and steady republican, ever since our glorious revolution....
I send the inclosed letter under the benefit of your cover, & open, because I wish you to know it’s contents. I thought the person to whom it is addressed a very good man when here. he is certainly a very learned & able one. I thought him peculiarly qualified to be useful with you, but in the present state of my information I can say no more than I have to him. when you shall have read the...
I take the liberty to present to you Mr. C Chew of New York, who informs me that he has some papers to lay before you. I have the honour to be Your most Ot. Sevt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
We have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 26th. inclosing a check on the US. Bank at Norfolk for $300,—which sum we have paid to Mr. Le Tellier, as he inform’d us, that to make the work exactly alike, it is necessary to have the whole melted into one mass.—We have sold your Tobacco to R & T: Gwathmey at $7 pble. half Cash & half 60 d/ say 25 hhds.—the one which was laid bye as...
Having been lately informed it was reported to you that the whole family of the Gunnell’s had turned Federalists in consequence of the continuance of the Embargo, and feeling as I do the reproach of such a report I have therefore taken the liberty to trouble you with this letter to contradict the report so far as relates to myself in the most pointed manner and believe I may do the same with...
I have to thank you for the communication of Cointeraux’s two pamphlets which I now return you. at the moment of my recieving them I knew that mr Fulton was building a wall of Pisé in the former manner, & therefore sent them to him. he has made some moëlons in the new method, & pronounces it infinitely superior to the former. but it may be questioned whether it is sensibly cheaper than stone,...
Penetrated with respect I beg leave to address you on the subject of my unfortunate Husband’s situation. I am prompted to do it as this time because the period is so fast approaching when your Excellency will retire from Office; besides I am informed you have lately been pleased to manifest your mercy by pardoning Two men (Thomas Hall & James Phillips) from the same prison, & for the same...
The Death of Mr. William Keais the late Collector of the Customs for the port of Washington has caused a Vacancy in that Office and as another person will be appointed to Supply his place we the Undersigned without wishing to Interfere in the Official duties of the President hope that it may not be considered presumptious in us to recommend Mr. Jorden Shepherd formerly our neighbour and now a...
The accounts of the reciepts and expenditures during the year ending on the 30th. day of Sep. last, being not yet made up, a correct statement will here after be transmitted from the treasury. in the mean time it is ascertained that the reciepts have amounted to 17,950,000 near 18. millions of Dollars, which with the eight millions & an half in the treasury at the beginning of the year, have...
I inclose you the financial paragraph with your amendments. I shall insert one on the militia, but doubt whether I can say any thing about the deficiency of the revenue if the embargo is continued, having declined expressing any opinion on it’s continuance. the whole of the paragraphs respecting our foreign affairs will be to be remodelled in consequence of the return of the Hope. the...
J M. is obliged to send back the papers wanted by the P. witht. having executed the task of remodelling the 1st. & 2d. Ps. He was prevented last night by Company, and has but just got up for breakfast. If the P. can spare it he will immediately go to work; or if he can send the rough original of that part, it will do as well. The notes of Mr. G. are retained DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The Crisis has now arived which must determine our fate as a nation Independant and free Common Report Says that no Relaxation has Taken place with Either England or France but Rather Injury to injury on the part of Gt. Brittain— Admitting that to be the Case what would be the line of Conduct propper to be adopted that may again Restore our Nutral Position as They have both Equally infringed...
In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable meeting, held on the 24th. ult. in this place, I forward you their address, under cover to our representative in Congress.—Hoping that this small tribute of their respect will not be unacceptable. Very Respectfully, Your obt. huml. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
On the 2d. of Sep. messrs. Jones & Howell sent from Philadelphia for me some sheet iron, & some round & square bars of iron. they were for a particular piece of work, and mr Dinsmore writes me they can go on no longer for want of them. for fear they may have been overlooked in your warehouse, I take the liberty of asking that they may be forwarded by the first boats if not gone. Dinsmore also...
On Saturday I recd. a letter from an Old friend of mine now in France. I know him to be a man of talents & of the first order. He has been much engaged in politics, and took a conspicuous lead in the affairs of Ireland. He & I with Mr. Emmett and others were confined together for nearly five years by the British Govt. His present means of information are equal to almost any Man’s in France....
Duly honored with your esteemed favor of the 19th., have only to return my sincere thanks for your condescension, & will avail myself of your kindness: for I find that the first Vol of the proposed history will not be ready for inspection for Several months to come. Being important, every pains will be taken to render it impartial. Besides, my time is now partly devoted to conducting the Daily...
The mail of saturday brought me judge Johnson’s apology for his opinion which you were so good as to inclose me. This morning I received your favor of the 28th. inst: containing the letters from Mr. Bibb. The fee charged is much more than we expected. When I was last at Washington we made an estimate of the debts due from the fund so far as we could ascertain them. In this we calculated Mr....
For the first time in my life, I now take the liberty of addressing, the Cheif Majistrate of the Union—I enclose a letter from my father in law, Judge Campbell, who boasts of a personal acquaintance with you, and on the efficacy of that letter, I principally rest my hopes of obtaining all which I could expect to obtain—I take the liberty of remarking, that it is upwards of ten years since I...
The inclosed Paper has been annonymously communicated to our Society.—I have had it transcribed expressly to lay it before you, beleiving that if the Ideas it contains can be of use to our Country, this is the proper moment to communicate them where they are most likely to produce a good effect. I trust that my motive in so doing will be at once apparent & excuseable. I have the honour to be...
an other of the Quakers who visited the western Indians the last Spring has arrived and has brought the papers which accompany this note, they are desirious of seing you this evening if agreable—Wells has undoubtedly dictated that part of the Little Turtle, of each which expresses a desire to have no more to do with the Quakers. he is an unfaithful unprincipled fellow. DLC : Papers of Thomas...
Indiana lead mines On application of John Brown, D. Gano, & Shultz of Kentucky, the President authorised last winter Govr. Harrison to grant them a lease of a lead mine which they pretended to know in Indiana. They have never made the location, & nothing has therefore been done. The mine had originally been shown by the Indians to a General Gist of Virginia long since dead: and through him or...