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Results 183361-183390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon papa lon ma priée de vous demander, si les papiers que je...
183362Sunday September 7th. 1788. (Adams Papers)
The Marquis to Sainneville, commander of the french Squadron now in the harbour, and the...
We are all anxious in this quarter to know the probable direction our differences with England...
Je n’ai recû qu’hier, timbrée de Paris, la Lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je desire fort d’apprendre si vous avez reçu une Lettre que...
Copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Public...
[ Philadelphia, July 2, 1794. On July 7, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Randolph : “My letter of the...
I have recd. yours of the 20th. and should with pleasure comply with the wish you intimate, but...
The officers of cavalry are in want of their pay, and have no paymaster to act for them. It would...
I receiv’d your Letter by the last Post and am much obliged to you for the printed paper which it...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I make use of the oppertunity by the under Spanish...
Have you any orchard grass seed left? or have your brothers any ? I want about a bushel to finish...
The paternal farm which I visited on the 11th: of last month, lies two miles further from...
I have the honor to send You A copy of my Article in the No. of the N. A. Review Which will...
Minutebook copy: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia <January 18, 1773: A copy of their previous...
Headquarters [ Preakness, N.J. ] 22 July 1780 . Has just received a letter from Gen. Muhlenberg...
The interruption of our commerce with England , produced by our embargo & non-intercourse law, &...
Your Letter of the 15th Augst is at Hand, with respect to the Lands therein mentiond (Marshalls &...
Lieutenant-colonel Alexander Hamilton was next produced on the part of the Prosecution, and...
That Philanthrophy which marks your character, encourages me to take the liberty of addressing...
The substance of Information given to the Secretary of War by General Pickens the 24 July 1793...
M r Temple is gone out as Consul General: whether he will be received or not in that Character,...
I had the honor of receiving a letter from you yesterday, dated 26th March, desiring me to send...
I have your favor of this day before me. Altho I am not certain the Teams will be wanted so soon...
I have the honor to inclose Your Excellency a Return of the Army for the month of March. I am...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’heureux Accomplissement d’une Revolution interessante pour...
Are you acquainted with the natural History of Mother Careys Chickens ? I know not the Latin Name...
In my preceding letters I have fully inform’d you of the a rrestation of several american Vessels...
General Forbes having ordered a Communication to be opened from Fort Frederic to Cumberland; I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I had no...