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Results 183331-183360 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Permit me to introduce Col. Searle Adjutant General who presents himself to you charged by this...
The Letter which your Excellency did Us the Honour to write to Us on the Seventh of this Month,...
183333Friday Octr. 31st. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Vaughan’s: in the evening we went to the Drury Lane Theatre, where Isabella, or the...
On Thursday Morning General Howe advanced with his Whole Army in several Columns from Amboy, as...
By intelligence from Williamsburg it appears that Capt. Collins of his Majestys Navy at the head...
I have received several Epistles in prose and verse, written to console me for my heavy loss, but...
The tender solicitude you have shewn for my health, demands the earliest return I can make—& it...
The measures taken to ascertain the fact, whether the State of North Carolina has ever issued its...
I learn with sincere pleasure your nomination as a Visitor of our University ; and with the more,...
We are constrain’d from the present Situation of our Business, to trouble your Excellency with a...
I take an opportunity by Mr. Kent, to let you know that I am at Plymouth, and pretty well. Shall...
I took my leave of the senate on friday, And as Mr. Abm. V. Vechten has consented to be nominated...
183343[Diary entry: 3 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear & pleasant but little Wind.
I have received your letter of the 5th inst: It would have given me much pleasure to have aided...
[ Annapolis, 1 Feb. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Jno. Moore. Accounts at barracks to be settled...
I should have taken an Opportunity of expressing in public Orders how much I was satisfied with...
Your servant, with 4. lambs for mr Cocke , will recieve a 5 th for yourself. it is the second...
Sir Henry Clinton in order to supply the British prisoners at Fort Frederick and Winchester with...
While we, the Burgesses and Citizens of Harrisburg rejoice in the opportunity of presenting our...
By Inteligence from New York as late as Saturday (which I have every Reason to beleive) General...
I have the honor to inclose a letter just recd from Judge Patterson, recommending Dr. James Hall...
B. Franklin’s Observations on Mr Jay’s Draft of a Letter to Mr Livingston, which occasioned the...
I receivd your Excellency’s Letter of the 19th of April & shall take every Possible Method for...
Fully impressed with the importance of Observing those steps which (in our Opinion) will tend to...
Mon Libraire à Paris, me fait quelquefois la Galanterie de mêler avec les livres que je lui...
Permit me, Sir, encouraged by your indulgence to solicit the appointment of my Son, Harrison G....
I pray you to excuse the Liberty I take in presenting you with a Funeral Sermon preached at the...
Taking it for granted that Mr Anderson gave you his opinion of Mr Threlkalds English Cattle, I...
Altho I know your time is allready so completely taken up, with important public concerns, that...
13 April 1804, Greenock. “I arrived in this Country in July last and expect to remain for some...