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Results 183331-183360 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Since writing my letter of yesterday it has occurred to me that the stile in which, in my letters...
This will be handed you by my grandson Th: Jefferson Randolph, who goes to Philadelphia to attend...
Baltimore. call on mr P. Williamson Market street No. 72. and pay him for a dozen steel pen...
In the spring of 1806. you sent me many patterns of a variety of manufactures then carried on in...
This will be delivered you by my grandson Th Jefferson Randolph, who goes to Philadelphia to...
Your letter of Oct. 5. and one of Sep. 30. from mrs Page on the same subject, came both to my...
Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Genl: & Mrs. Dearborn & Mr. Wingate to dine with him on...
As we know that Sullivan’s licences have overstocked the wants of the Eastern states, with flour;...
I aught to make an appoligy for writing to you Sir in this maner—But I will refrain hoping that...
Your letter of the 4th. inst. was recieved a few days ago. you have been greatly decieved by the...
I have taken the liberty by this conveyance, to Send you two news papers, by which you will see,...
Mr. William Wirts indisposition prevented his comeing up to my house, on the day appointed by...
I was induced to leave the loose papers in the Cartoon by these words in your letter of the 4th...
I have the Pleasure to Inform you & your Friend Mr Maddison that his Cause is going on Well in...
My ignorance is to be excused, if I do not apply once more to a Character proper. He that sees...
To Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, The memorial of the Subscribers,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Woodside & his thanks for his attention to the...
Your letter of the 5th. instant has been duly recieved with the essay accompanying it which is...
Mr. Claxton having it in charge to have two silver terrines made for the President’s house, I...
Your letter of Sep 22. waited here for my return, and it is not till now that I have been able to...
I have received one hundred Dollars inclosed in your favor of the 12th. Instant, and with...
Having been appointed one of a Committee of the “Baltimore Baptist Association” now Sitting in...
After the receit of your Esteem’d favor of the 7th Inst. I ask pardon for again intruding—In June...
After four years perseverance I have succeeded in calling the attention of our State Legislature...
Collector of Detroit. I think the liberal construction of the letter of May 2. as explained in...
183356Notes on Pisé Walls, 16 October 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Pisé walls. Cointeraux’s new method of 1808. a beam of timber 12. I. wide, 8 ¾ I. deep has...
Yours of the 13th. is recieved, and the 135. D. shall be sent you the first week in Nov. as shall...
To the Members of the Baltimore Baptist association I recieve with great pleasure the friendly...
However favorably the inclosed papers represent the case of Alexander Trott, yet it would be...
Agreeable to your directions I have this day handed to Mr Gelston the small Package of Spanish...