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Results 183311-183340 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have duly received the address of that portion of the citizens of Stockbridge who have declared...
The reductions in the allowances to Supervisors, & Officers acting as Supervisors, proposed in my...
Yours of the 7th. has been recieved, & the papers it covered, but I must trouble you again to...
When my young friend R Mills was last in this City he left at my house a drawing of the...
The office of Commissioner of loans having become vacant, by the death of the late Mr. John Page,...
This will be handed you by my grandson Th: Jefferson Randolph who goes on to take the benefit of...
On account of a suit against the collector of Boston, your signature to the endorsement of the...
With that respectfull awe and reverence due to the first magistrate of a free people, I would...
Such was the accumulation of business awaiting me here, that it was not till this day that I...
I forbear makeing an apology for this letter and it’s contents, As I am conscious the attempt to...
My grandson Th Jefferson Randolph is now here, and will leave this place so as to be in...
Extract of a letter from Mr. John Sibley dated Natchitoches Octr. 12. 1808. Every thing in this...
I have the honor of transmitting you the enclosed resolution agreeably to the wish of the House...
I have the honor of transmiting you the enclosed Resolutions and nominations agreeably to the...
I have the melancholy office of communicating to you the departure of our inestimable friend Mr...
This will be handed you by my grandson Th Jefferson Randolph who goes on to Philadelphia to...
I recieved yours of the 11th. which Coverd 360 Dollers. We finised the mill dam on 11th. we put a...
The facts as here stated I believe to be true. The restriction not being made by Law could only...
I enclose a letter addressed to you, respecting the internal duties. If you approve the...
Your favor of the 9th. was recieved the evening before the last. the story of the declaration...
Since writing my letter of yesterday it has occurred to me that the stile in which, in my letters...
This will be handed you by my grandson Th: Jefferson Randolph, who goes to Philadelphia to attend...
Baltimore. call on mr P. Williamson Market street No. 72. and pay him for a dozen steel pen...
In the spring of 1806. you sent me many patterns of a variety of manufactures then carried on in...
This will be delivered you by my grandson Th Jefferson Randolph, who goes to Philadelphia to...
Your letter of Oct. 5. and one of Sep. 30. from mrs Page on the same subject, came both to my...
Th: Jefferson requests the favor of Genl: & Mrs. Dearborn & Mr. Wingate to dine with him on...
As we know that Sullivan’s licences have overstocked the wants of the Eastern states, with flour;...
I aught to make an appoligy for writing to you Sir in this maner—But I will refrain hoping that...
Your letter of the 4th. inst. was recieved a few days ago. you have been greatly decieved by the...