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Results 183271-183300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
18327131st. (Adams Papers)
I amuse myself in reading Junius’s letters; which though the factious productions of a partizan, contain many excellent observations upon men and manners. We met this evening at Putnam’s. Thompson left us to go to Lecture! Below JQA ’s line-a-day entry for 31 July in D/JQA/13, he has written in Byrom’s shorthand method “year August 28th,” the significance of which is unknown to the editors,...
I have taken the liberty to inclose to you one of the Prospectus’s of my tours which are about to be put to the press. Will you do me the Honor to patronize it, and to suffer my friend Mr. Graham to give it Publicity. I have presumed on this step from a presumption that it being the work of a soldier of fortune you would feel yourself at liberty to give it the Patronage of your Departt. Will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being much taken up with preparations for my departure to America has prevented me makeing you my congratulations, earlier, on your appointment as sole Commissioner from the United States of America, to the Court of Versailles— Tho’ late, I trust you will not think me less sincere.— My Wishes are, that you may long live to enjoy your appointment; that you...
I heard about a fortnight ago, of your safe arrival, at Monticello, and received sensible satisfaction at the news. The pleasure it gave me woud have been compleat if I had been there to have congratulated in person your wished for return: but I content myself in the anticipation of the pleasure I hope to experience in your company in the fall. I must declare to you at the same time, that this...
Mr. John Waldo, letters from whom I have heretofore handed you soliciting for a Consulship, is now in this town. It is in compliance with his request that I do myself the honor to state to you his continued wishes on this subject. He says Mr Livingston has written you in his behalf. He has letters with him, from Barlow, Sumpter & others, which Speak very handsomely of him. He means to wait on...
[ War Department, September 17, 1794. “Gov. Howell of New Jersey moves today with the van of the Militia of that State. If the Cavalry and artillery of this City could be hastened onward it would be particularly desirable.” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at C. F. Libbie and Company, November 15, 1889, Item 345. Richard Howell. Extract taken from dealer’s catalogue. For a summary of the...
183277Tuesday. June 17th. (Adams Papers)
Arose before the sun again. This is the last day. What, and who to day? Ebenezer Hayden was altogether new and unexpected. Hollis him self was altogether new and unexpected and John Hayward was altogether new and unexpected. 3 entirely new Clients, all from Captn. Thayers own Parish, and one of whom is himself a Pretender to the Practice, are a considerable Acquisition. I believe, by the Writ...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I thank you for recommending Mr. Marchant to me. I have had the Pleasure of a good deal of his Company in Scotland, and shall do every thing in my Power to serve him. I condole with you on the Loss of your amiable Partner. It must be a heavy one and hard to bear. I hope you will find Comfort in your Children. With great Esteem, I am, Dear...
I have received, Madam, with a great deal of sensibility the letter of the 22d. instant, with which you were pleased to honor me, on the claims of Monsieur Klein against the United states; and immediately endeavored to inform myself of their foundation by an examination of the Journals of Congress. Congress consisting of many persons, can only speak by the organ of their records. If they have...
Copy: Virginia Historical Society As you have now furnish’d me with the copy of the Treaty, I do not know of any reason for remaining here any longer, therefore propose setting out for Vienna in two or 3 daies to execute my appointment at that Court, provided you will supply me with the necessary funds to bear the expence of my Commission. The money will not be immediately requisite, as a...
Letter not found : from Thomas Jefferson, 22 July 1780 . On 14 Aug. , GW wrote Jefferson: “I have been honoured with Your Excellency’s favor of the 22 of July.”
General Mathews’s letter of the 18th states that the British remain as mentioned in his letter of the 17th. which I forwarded to you yesterday. I am with great respect Sir yr. Ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
183283[Diary entry: 9 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Rain last Night. Wind high & Cool from the No. West all day but moderating towards Night.
Money to pay off the Men of the Brig will be ready Friday Evening or Saturday Morning which may be dispatched to them by Express. In the mean time they may be informed of this, and the Brig ordered to be in readiness to proceed down as within proposed Instructions should be given to the Officer commanding on the Cruise to make particular Enquiry whether any persons he may take come within the...
At the Request of Genl. Schuyler, We have made a Copy of all the Poll Lists of the Counties of Albany and Montgomery, which copy was to be left with you to be forwarded to him. The Secretary estimated the Expences with which the Genl. was acquain[t]ed previous to the undertaking. And you was to be good enough to disburse the sum—being £10—which be pleased to deliver to the Bearer on your...
183286General Orders, 28 December 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes general orders: “A Serjeant, Corporal and Twelve Men from the Connecticut Line with their Arms Packs, Blanketts and three Days Provision to be sent to Pluckemin Tomorrow to cut wood for the Hospital two Weeks. A Corporal and Six Men from the same Line to be sent as a Guard to the Forage Yard...
I have, lately, been favoured with two letters from you dated at Sabine Hall, the 13th & 18th of last month. From what cause I know not, but so it has happened, that both of them have been long on their passage to this City. For the trouble you have taken to answer the queries contained in my former letter, I pray you to accept my thanks; & when I am more at leisure than my present avocations...
Your kind favours of the 26 July 6 & 10 Aug t together with the Magazines are come to hand by Capt. Chambers. I’m much obliged to you for your information of the result of an enquiry you have favour’d me with abo t . puting my Son John out to an Attorney— the Sum required to be paid down with him, and his engagem t . for 5 years, is a Consideration alone, exclusive of a farther necessary...
At the Solicitation of some of my particular Friends in this Country I have published a Compilation of Papers in relation to my Official Conduct in the Missisippi Government and Take Leave most respectfully to offer a Copy to the perusal of yourself and mrs Adams— I have the honour to be with gratitude / and highest Consideration / your very great Admirer / and obliged humble Servt P.S. I had...
I Meet with an occasion of wraïting to your excellency which I wo’nt miss by any means, even schould I be affraïd of becoming tedious and troublesome—but if they have sent me far from you for I do’nt know what purpose, at least I must make some little use of my pen to prevent all communication be cut of[f] betwen your excellency and me—I have writen lately to you my distressing, ridiculous,...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the inspection of the President a set of copper promisory notes, & coins, made by Boulton, the superiority of which over any thing we can do here, will fully justify our wish to set our mint agoing on that plan. they are obscured by the sea-air. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DNA : RG 59, George Washington’s Correspondence with His...
According to your favor by Mr. Richardson, I expect the pleasure of seeing you in the course of the present Week. Be so good as to bring a memorandum from your nailery of the amount of my debt to it. I had hoped that you were possessed of the aid of Mr. Chuning & his young men, but the Bearer Mr. W. Whitten tells me the contrary. Mr. C. left this saturday was two weeks, & promised to ride up...
Having determined to send Mr. Andrei in the Corvette John Adams to the Mediterranean for the purpose of being landed at Barcelona in Spain, to be thence conveyed to Leghorn & for which the necessary orders, pursuant to your instructions have been given by the Secretary of the Navy, it has occurred to us that it might be found practicable consistent with the public service, to send one of the...
I did myself the Honor of writing to Your Excellency about a Week Ago. I have now only to enclose the last bill introduced into the House of Commons for the purpose of opening an Intercourse with the United States. and what passed thereupon Yesterday in the House, where I was, & where I observed as much embaressement arising from Ignorance or Selfishness, as can be imagined. Your Excellency...
I have been duly honored with your polite favor of the 23d Ulto enclosing you[r] Excellency’s proclamation of the Representatives and Electors returning by the State of Maryland. The whole number of Representatives being federal and the large majority by which they were chosen, is the most decisive proof that could be given of the attachment of the people of your State to the general...
RC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of John Francis Mercer, except for JM’s signature. Cover franked by Mercer and addressed to “His Excelly. Benja. Harrison Esqr Governor of Virginia.” Cover docketed, “Virginia Delegates June 24th 1783 Letter in Cypher.” Words italicized were written in the official cipher. Filed with the recipient’s copy is a decipherment of the dispatch, docketed,...
via New York Copy ⅌ Wm Penn Colo Hamilton transmitted to me your letter of the 20 Febry last, wherein you complain that I had done wrong & treated you unfriendly “in having prevailed upon him to cancel the Mortgage I had given him on an Estate in Philadelphia, when the Agreemt was expressly made with my Son that the Mortgage should remain as Security to you untill the deferred stock was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Inditer hereof, void of Formalities in which he confesseth himself no Adept; with the greatest veneration for your Character, and the highest Esteem for that Government which you represent, being deputed to communicate to your Excellency, the resolves of a few persons who are Manufacturors, in the most lucrative Manufactures of Europe, and which they...
The minister of France intending himself the honor of paying his respects to you at your residence in Virginia, I have taken the liberty to assure him of the pleasure it would afford you to receive him. He expects to set out this evening, & I avail myself of the opportunity of assuring you of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be your very obt servant RC ( DLC : Rives...
§ From Elbridge Gerry. 13 March 1806, Cambridge. “I thank you for your explicit communication of the 3d. It is probable to me, that simple negotiation will be the final determination of Congress; & in that case, I fear, that the Government & nation at home & abroad will fall into disrepute. Your objections to the measure are in my mind conclusive. But should Congress, with spirit, resolve to...