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Results 183241-183250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have recd. your letter of the 25th. inst: which requests my Company at the laying of the Corner Stone of the proposed monument to the memory of the Mother of Washington I feel much regret that my very advanced age, to which is added a continued indisposition, will not permit me to be present; on an occasion commemorative of the mother of him who was the father of his own Country, and has...
I have recd your letter of the 24th. inst. inclosing your Commission as Lieutenant in the Navy of the U.S. I advert with pleasure to the gallant services rendered to your Country under that appointment; But as the relation in which I stood to the Commission expired with the official character in which it was issued, it seems most proper that it should be replaced in the hands to which it...
J. Madison has recd. the very kind & polite letter of Mr. Browere dated Apl. _______ & regrets that his state of health is such as to forbid his encouraging the prospect of his sitting again for a Bust, or painting, however he might desire to oblige Mr Browere. J. M hopes Mr Browere has not forgotten his promise of bringing or sending the Bust of Mrs M which he wishes to possess. He also...
The heirs of my father the late Majr Wm Taylor Sr. have a Claim against the State of Virginia for Services rendered during the Revolutionary war. To obtain which it is material that we afford living evidence of his Service and rank, a memn in his own hand says that he joined Col. Talliaferros Company as a minute man in 1775. Soon after the battle of the great or long bridge he was taken into...
The presiding officer of an university most probably being the proper person for one to address on business pertaining to it, and understanding that your honor fills the place of rector of the University of Virginia, I have come to the conclusion of very respectfully requesting of you a copy of the catalogue of the studies pursued both before and after entering the university: the fact being...
I intended that you should first hear from myself , of the plunge I have taken; but this step has but added to the pressure of things to be done, which was before intolerably great, by requiring that many should be immediately dispatched which might otherwise have waited a little—besides no small addition to the pressing agenda arising from the step itself. Mrs. Trist had, several days before...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 17th. Ult: with the Copy of your two Vols. entitled "year in Europe. I have made some progress in the perusal of them; eno’ to satisfy me that the objects & observations which they present, well merit the entire perusal I have in view. But as I may be much retarded in it by the feeble state to which age & desease have reduced me, and by other claims on my...
Allow me by this note to introduce the Marquis Charles Torrigiani of Florence, who is passing through our Country to enquire concerning its institutions, & observe the condition of our Citizens. He seeks especially to enjoy the society of individuals distinguished in the National career, and I commend him as worthy of thy regard should he be so fortunate as to be presented to thy notice. RC...
At the recommendation of Commodore Elliot, (a gentleman of great intelligence who knows all about the West Indies, and Havana particularly) I have purchased a volume of letters, which none of us will have time to read for a couple of weeks or more. I have dipped into it, & think it will prove entertaining to Mrs Madison & yourself, independently of the interest the subject will derive from its...
Above I send for your approval my check on the President & Directors of Literary Fund of Virginia, for Five thousand dollars, part of the annuity due the University the currrent year. This check is drawn rather earlier than heretofore practiced, to explain which, and for the purpose of affording you information in relation to the money of the University, in the hands of Baring & Brothers of...