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Results 183211-183240 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les bonté dont Madame adelaide honnore ma familles mayant atire a versalles pour luy faire des remercimant jesperé profitté de Ce momant pour avoir lhonneur de vous faire ma Cours et vous demandé vos hordre [ordres] pour du vin de chanpangne ayant lieux desperé que vous avés esttes Contans de Celuy que jay heut lhonneur de vous fournir au moy daout quatre...
I am honoured with yours of the 23d., and percieve by it that the Error I mentioned was not of the Press but of the Copy. I am very much obliged to Mr. Vr. for the proposition, which I have since read with vast pleasure in the French Translation. It breathes the true Batavian Spirit and must have great effects. I think it was right not to mention America, whatever the venerable Magistrates...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, II, 137). In JM’s hand. Docketed by him: “Motion of Mr. Madison seconded by Mr. Rutledge[.] Passed May 27 1782.” When Robert R. Livingston, secretary for foreign affairs, asked Congress to approve his proposed letter of 10 May to Francis Dana, he suggested the advisability of recommissioning Dana as minister resident rather than as minister plenipotentiary at the court...
Reflecting on an expression of yours Relative to an Idea Sometimes entertained by you of Compresing the Moral doctrines taught by Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels, divested of all other Matters into a small and Regular system of the purest morality ever taught to Mankind, & meritting the highest praise, & most worthy the Strictest attention &c &c. however laudable may be your Views View &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May it please your Excellency, That as some new draufts have apeared lately on Mr Laurence, we have continued to give our Acceptance to the Same as usuall; we specifie them in the List here inclosed; for which we begg for your Excellencys approbation; and to lett us know in time if there might become any alteration in her dispositions on the Subject....
Your very welcome Letter of the 9 th . inst I have recieved, at the Moment I was contemplating sending to you our 3 d Vol. of Agricultural Memoirs, as a small Token of Remembrance. I shall, by the first Opportunity, have it conveyed to New York, with a Request that it may be forwarded. A few of us endeavour to keep this Subject alive, amidst the Din of Arms; which are ever hostile to the Arts...
We have the honor to acquaint you that the Brig Jenny Captn. David Peoples arrived here with a Cargo of Two Hundred and Thirty five Hogsheads of Tobacco belonging to Messrs. Willing Morris & Swanwick of Philadelphia, which those gentlemen trusted would be sold to the Farmers General at the price which they had fixed for Tobaccos of the same quality; but after getting the quality ascertained by...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society J’arrivai avant hier soir en bonne santé, avec mon Compagnon de Voyage, malgré les mauvais chemins et la difficulté des passages. Nous avons commençé à visiter les Chantiers, et nous allons tout de suite, entrer en conférences avec les meilleurs Constructeurs, pour traitter et faire metre la main à l’ouvrage; il ne manque ni de matériaux ni de bons...
My friend Gen l Kosciuzko , now established at Paris , or rather at or near Fontainebleau , depends for his subsistence chiefly on the produce of stock which he has in our funds and banks. we have occasion to remit him, about this season annually, somewhere about 1000.D. the superintendence of this he left with me, and I have committed to mr John Barnes of George town the immediate care of...
As Agent of the State of North Carolina I subscribed on Account of the loan to the United States proposed by Act of Congress of the 4th of August 1790 a Certificate or Receipt of James Green junr. late Treasurer of Loans in said State, for 96,300 dollars of the emissions of May 20, 1777, and April 11th. 1778. which had been deposited in his hands to be exchanged, which Certificate the Auditor...
By Mrs. Harvey I enclose to you the principal and interest of the money you were so kind as to lend me some years ago. It furnishes me also with an occasion of acknowledging, with this, the many other obligations under which you have laid me, of which I shall always be proud to shew a due sense, whenever opportunity shall offer. I am, Dear Sir, with much esteem, Your friend and servt., MS not...
[ Valley Forge ] March 22, 1778 . Demands exchange of Lieutenant Colonel Ethan Allen for Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell and release of Captains Isaiah Robinson and Nathaniel Galt. Informs Howe that Elias Boudinot, Colonel William Grayson, and Lieutenant Colonels Alexander Hamilton and Robert Hanson Harrison have been appointed as commissioners for negotiating an exchange of prisoners. Df...
I was this morning honoured with your favor of the 19th Ulto and am much obliged by your kind wishes for my success and happiness. It has not been in my power, on account of our situation and the various—important concerns of the Army, to transmit more frequent intelligence, than I have, to my Southern Friends, and I should be happy, if Things are in such a Train at this time, as would give...
183224[Diary entry: 8 March 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 8th. Mercury at 34 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 42 at Night. Grey Morning with some appearances of falling Weather—the wind however at No. West; about 9 Oclock it shifted to the No. East and blew raw and cold; before Noon it died away, and was very pleasant but towards evening it sprung up again at No. Et. and looked threatning again. Colo. Ball went away immediately after breakfast....
I beg Leave to remind you of an Application I made to your Excelly before I left Morris Town in Behalf of Mr Odell a Gentleman of this Place who acts in the double Capacity of a Clergyman & Physician. He was drove from his Home by the Violence of the Gondola Men who hunted him in such a Manner as in my Opinion made it necessary for him to retire to preserve his Life. At that time the Enemy...
 I had the honour of writing your Excellency the 19th. July last whereof the above is a fourth Copy. T,F,  I have now that of inclosing your Excellency Bill Lading of One Butt of Sherry Wine which I have Shipped on board the American Ship Eliza Capt. N. C. Bissel bound to Philadelphia and Consigned to the Collector of said Port subject to your Excelly. orders—I also remit the Invoice from the...
Taking into view the mutual interest which the United States and the foreign nations in amity with them, have in a liberal commercial intercourse, and the extensive changes favorable thereto which have recently taken place; Taking into view also, the important advantages which may otherwise result, from adapting the state of our commercial laws to the circumstances now existing: I recommend to...
183228[Diary entry: 30 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Again warm with little or no Wind & that in the same Quarter. A little Rain in the Night.
If this Letter should (though I do not See any probable chance of it) reach your hands in time, it is to ask, if you do not think it necessary that the Deputies from this Colony should be provided with authentick Lists of our Exports, & Imports generally, but more especially to Great Britain? and, in that case, to beg of you to obtain such from the Custom House Offices on Potomack & Rappa.; as...
Your favor of Feb. 2. came to hand Feb. 11. and I put off the acknoleging it, till I could forward to you some pamphlets on a subject very interesting to all the states, and containing views which I am anxious should be generally exhibited. in a former collection of tracts published by mr Cooper were two papers on Political arithmetic. he was printing a 2d edition of the whole, & was prevailed...
“Knowledge” you Say invented Alienation, and became the natural Enemy of Aristocracy. This “Invention” of “Knowledge” was not very profound or ingenious. There are hundreds in the Patent office more brilliant. The Right, Power and Authority of Alienation is essential to Property. If I own a snuff box, I can burn it in the Fire, cast it into a Salt pond crush it to attoms under a Wagon Wheel,...
I had the honour to inform you in my letter of the 16th of March ulto. that I had issued orders, to draw five companies of the regular army to the, scene of insurrection, and for the volunteer companies of Pennsylvania, to be in readiness to march at the shortest notice. I flattered myself, at the time of issuing this order, that the two volunteer companies of horse, of Philadelphia (if...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Les affaires de notre Escadre vont très-bien à Lahaie. Voici ce que l’on m’en apprend de très-bonne part, le 23. “Les Etats d’Hollde. ont adopté unanimement l’Avis des Amirautés, qui est parfaitement conforme à celui du College particulier d’Amsterdam, dont vous avez eu connoissance. Vraisemblablement la Résolution de la...
I have considered the case proposed to me in your letter of the 11th. July, and do not find myself authorised to instruct you to set off the drawback against the bond of the importer Mr. Telles. The legislature had not seen fit to make any provision of this nature in the first collection law, and in the existing act they have only extended it to the importer , and not to the purchasers from...
I do myself the Honor to transmit Your Excellency Copies of Letters received from General Powel Capt. Monsell and Major Carleton by Flaggs of Truce from the Enemy, as also of my Letters written in Answer to them, together with Sundry Accounts of our Prisoners in Canada which were inclosed in General Powels Letter. Your Excellency will observe in the former part of my Letter to Genl Powell and...
It is with Singular pleasure I congratulate Your Excellency on this Short relaxation from the utmost exertions in the field, where you have rendered your Country most Essential Services & gained lasting honor to yourself. I have not Ventured to trouble you with letters truly Sensible how many & great were the important matters that must necessarily engage your unceasing attention, but your...
I have yours of the 4th instant inclosing a Return of your Regt which I am sorry to find, so far below my expectation. I have wrote to Governor Johnson, entreating him to endeavour to settle the unhappy dispute that has hitherto subsisted in your State respecting Rank; and I hope it may be effected. I desire you will immediately upon the Receipt of this order your Lieut. Colonel to march to...
Mr Randolph has the honor of returning to the President Colo. Smith’s letter. Mr R. begs leave to suggest, whether it may not be proper to add to the instruction, to be given to Mr Jefferson concerning Mr Genet’s conduct, that he should state the verbal conversations with him, which respected the granting of commissions within the U.S., and the order, that the privateers, so commissioned,...
I have received your letter of the first instant, and you have liberty of absence, reporting to me frequently your the state of your health— I rely upon it that you will set out to join your company as soon as possible. It has been suggested to me that you have it in view to resign speedily—I have not credited this. respo as you must see, in that case the propriety of asking immediately If it...
I am this Minute honoured with your Favour of the 8th and 9th inst: per Post. Having sent off an Express this Morning, at which Time, I forwarded Commissions for the General officers appointed yesterday by Congress, I shall not detain the Post to send the Commissions ordered by the enclosed Resolve. In the mean Time, you will please to direct the Persons to do such Duty as you shall think...