Alexander Hamilton Papers

Continental Congress Motion on Appointment of Committee to Confer with Legislature of Pennsylvania, [4 December 1782]

Continental Congress
Motion on Appointment of Committee to Confer with Legislature of Pennsylvania1

[Philadelphia, December 4, 1782]

On motion of Mr. (Alexander) Hamilton, seconded by Mr. (David) Howell,2

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to confer with a committee of the legislature of Pensylvania, relative to the subjects of their late memorial to Congress.3

JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (Washington, 1904–1937). description ends , XXIII, 761.

1The members appointed to the committee were H, John Rutledge of South Carolina, and James Madison.

2Howell was a delegate from Rhode Island.

3The Assembly of Pennsylvania had informed Congress that a part of the requisition levied by Congress was to be appropriated to the Pennsylvania creditors of the United States. The committee of Congress met with a committee from the Pennsylvania legislature and persuaded its members to abandon their plan. For minutes of the conference, see Madison’s “Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress,” MS, James Madison Papers, Library of Congress.

The committee wrote to Frederick A. Muhlenberg, the speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, on December 4, presumably recommending a conference.

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