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Results 183201-183210 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
To the People of the State of New-York. THE next view which I shall take of the House of Representatives, relates to the apportionment of its members to the several States, which is to be determined by the same rule with that of direct taxes. It is not contended that the number of people in each State ought not to be the standard for regulating the proportion of those who are to represent the...
I had this morning the honor to receive Your Letter of the 25 Instant. You will permit me to assure You Gentlemen, that I entertain the highest sense of the exertions which have been made by the Justices and the Inhabitants of this County to relieve the distresses of the Army in the article of provision; and I think it but right to add, that from these exertions and those of the Justices &...
183203[Diary entry: 1 February 1798] (Washington Papers)
1. Clear wind about So. Wt. & Mer. 28 in the Morning. Pretty brisk from No. Wt, about Noon & calm towards night & clear all day. Mer. 40 at Night & 45 when highest. A Mr. Lad & a Mr. Gibbes from Rhode Island dined here & returned to Alexandria. John G. Ladd was a merchant in Alexandria. GW was possibly referring to George Gibbs (1776-1833) of Newport, R.I., a well-known mineralogist ( Brady,...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 13, 1755 A sentence from this unlocated letter is printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (below, p. 208). Thomas Dunbar (d. 1767),...
In pursuance of a Resolve of Congress of the 13th inst: a Copy of which is inclosed —I am to desire that you will without loss of time return to Camp, to resume the command of a division of this Army; and that you will communicate a similar order to Major General de Kalb. By the 2d Resolve of the same date you will see that I am impowered to remove Hazens or any other Regiment from the...
In my letter of Dec. 3. answering yours which offered the service of a Corps of Volunteers, I informed you that the Legislature had then under consideration in what way they would authorize the Executive to accept those patriotic tenders. they accordingly passed the Act of which I now enclose you a Copy. Altho’ the present state of things on the western side of the Missisipi does not threaten...
The Board have recieved the Order of Congress, on the Subject of Baylor’s Regt, enclosed. We have no other Objection to the directing the Horses to be purchased but the excessive Price. It will cost near sixty thousand Pounds Currency to purchase the Numbers of Horses required. Yet on the Consideration, that the Men are provided with every other Article necessary to enable them to take the...
For a Citizen in the low walks of life to attempt to address the first Magistrate of the Nation, must be considered, as the undersigned conceives, great presumption, did not a paliating motive plead in some degree as his excuse,—Namely, the Union of his, and our common Country. Enclosed Sir, is the description of an “Emblem of the United States,” which has receiv’d general patronage in Boston,...
I am this day favor’d with your letter of 7th Instant—I am happy to hear that you are so far recover’d as to be able to Join your Division, & expect the Regimen you propose to follow will effectually remove all your Complaints. I have repeatedly wrote to the Clothier Genl respecting the Articles of his Department, particularly shoes, & have order’d him to search the Continent rather than let...
On 9 December 1791 the Senate approved the apportionment bill but amended the ratio of representation from 1:30,000 to 1:33,000. When the House considered the Senate amendments on 12 December, “Mr. Madison observed, that the idea of diminishing the fractional parts appears to be the only reason for the alteration proposed by the Senate. The aggregate of these fractions only has been taken into...