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Results 183201-183210 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
183201[Diary entry: 8 March 1767] (Washington Papers)
8. Flying clouds in the forenoon. Wind brisk from the No[rth]ward. Clear afternn.
183202[Diary entry: 12 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Lowering Morning, but clear & calm Noon. No Wind nor frost.
Printed in Die Hoch Teutsche und Englische Zeitung, January 25, 1752. Die Hoch Teutsche und Englische Zeitung was Franklin’s second attempt at publishing a German newspaper in Philadelphia, and it was only a little less unsuccessful than the first. When Gotthard Armbrüster’s German paper failed in 1749, Franklin bought the equipment, placed Johann Boehm in charge, and the Philadelphier...
On motion of Mr. (Alexander) Hamilton, seconded by Mr. (David) Howell, Resolved , That a committee be appointed to confer with a committee of the legislature of Pensylvania, relative to the subjects of their late memorial to Congress. JCC Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (Washington, 1904–1937). , XXIII, 761. The members appointed to the committee were H, John Rutledge of South...
183205[Diary entry: 6 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
6. Winds Southwardly. Cool & cloudy with a good shower of Rain in the Night.
Before the Committee of the Whole resumed consideration of JM’s amendment to the assumption resolution, White moved “that the secretary of the treasury be directed to ascertain the resources that may be applied to the payment of the state debts, provided they should be assumed by the United States.” Gerry objected to the motion as reflecting unfavorably on the secretary—”the house ought to...
183207[Diary entry: 17 January 1773] (Washington Papers)
17. Wind Shifting to the No. West in the Night it turnd exceeding cold froze the ground very hard & shut up the Creeks. Thawd very little all day.
The Cool Thoughts go on. “Timber of every kind, iron, salt-petre, tar, pitch, turpentine, and hemp, are raised, and manufactured in America. Fields of an hundred thousand acres of hemp are to be seen spontaneously growing between the Ohio and Mississippi, and of a quality little inferior to the European.” And is not this enough to cool the English courage, in the pursuit of a chimera? Is it...
Having shewn that no one of the powers transferred to the federal government is unnecessary or improper, the next question to be considered is whether the whole mass of them will be dangerous to the portion of authority left in the several states. The adversaries to the plan of the convention instead of considering in the first place what degree of power was absolutely necessary for the...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] In obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives, of the second Instant, The Secretary of the Treasury Respectfully Reports, That in his opinion, the funds, in the first instance requisite towards the payment of interest on the debits of the individual States, according to the modifications proposed by him in his report of the ninth of...