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Results 183201-183210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I came Home ⟨ mutilated ⟩ Yesterday, when I re⟨ mutilated ⟩ Me with the time of Yr Brother ⟨ mutilated ⟩ neral, & desiring my Attendance. I am very sorry it did not come to ⟨ mutilated ⟩ Hands sooner; had I known it in ⟨ mutilated ⟩ I wou’d by no means have refused the last peice of Respect to the Memory of a Gentleman, for whom, when alive, I had a sincere Regard. I most heartily condole You...
ALS : Mrs. David H. Stockton, Princeton, N.J. (1960) I should sooner have answered your Favour of the 27th past, but that I have been in daily Expectation of getting home the Piece you desired which is lent to a Friend. I hope to have it ready for the next Post. In the mean time I send you two Pamphlets in which you will have the Pleasure to see a most impudent Imposture detected, and the...
DS : American Philosophical Society About 1735, according to his autobiography, Franklin read a paper to the Junto on the inadequacies of the Philadelphia city watch and proposed a tax-supported permanent watch. Though his scheme was approved by the Junto and its sister clubs, nothing came of it. The conditions Franklin criticized continued to worsen; and in 1743 the Grand Jury presented the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of my Dear friends Letter of 21 March last with a Guinea Inclosed but as I have Cash in hand I returned It by Moses Bartram. The Electrical Experiments have some thing very surprising in them, as all have. Those our Friend Cave Intends to add to thy book as a Supplement and then the Erratas may be added. Before they are printed, Wee shall...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have had for 3 or 4 Days past, most extreme hot Weather: I heartily pity those who are now down with the Small Pox at Boston; since my Remembrance I think I never heard of such a distressing Time in our native Country. A Gentleman desired me to write to you to correct in the description of the Roads Southwestward, instead of [To Hoe’s Ferry 20] say...
MS Minutes: Pennsylvania Hospital July 2, 1752 This document, composed by Franklin and Israel Pemberton, is omitted here for the reason stated above, p. 111; but is printed, with editorial annotation, in Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital , May 1754, in the next volume.
ALS : Columbia University Library I have sent you via New York 24 of your Books, bound as those I sent you per Post. The Remainder of the 50 are binding in a plainer Manner, and shall be sent as soon as done, and left at Mr. Stuyvesant’s as you order. Our Academy, which you so kindly enquire after, goes on well. Since Mr. Martin’s Death, the Latin and Greek School has been under the Care of...
MS Minutes: Pennsylvania Hospital July 2, 1752 This document, drafted by Franklin and Israel Pemberton, is omitted here for the reason stated above, p. 111; but is printed, with editorial annotation, in Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital, May 1754, in the next volume.
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received yours of Jan. 17. with the two Vols. of Viner, in good Order: but the Ship proving leaky, the Water got into the Box containing poor Sally’s Dressing Glass, by which means the Glue being dissolved, the Frame parted, the Glass dropt out and broke to pieces, and the Wood Work is so twisted and cast out of Shape in drying again, that nothing...
17 June 1752. “This Indenture . . . Between Lawrence Washington of the County of Fairfax . . . and George Washington of the County of King George . . . in Consideration of the Natural Love & affection which he hath and Doth bear unto his Loving Brother George Washington hath Remised Released and forever quit claim . . . unto the said George Washington and to his heirs forever, all the Right...