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Results 183201-183250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The somersets which have been turned here since I last wrote have changed the aspect of things in...
I have recd. your favor with the accompanying Copies of your Report on Weights & Measures, & I...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 15th. Ult with the copies of the two pamphlets; one on the...
In your Speech of February 6th 1833 you say "He (Edmund Randolph) proposed (in the Federal...
Your letter of the 13th. inst: was duly received, with a copy of Judge Cranche’s Memoir of...
I have forwarded a copy of the first number of the National Library, by mail, and hope you will...
I take the liberty, at the moment of leaving here, to send you a printed sheet containing some...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 24th ult: I should always feel pleasure in complying with...
Should the Bearer Mr. James C. Fuller extend his travels to the peaceful shades of your retreat,...
My Son in law Benjamin D. Greene Esq of Boston, with his lady, and another of my daughters are...
I beg leave to make you personally acquainted with Mr Longacre of Phia! Mr L. as you well know—is...
Will you permit me, my dear Baron, after such an oblivious lapse of time, to recall myself to you...
I have recd your very kind letter of the 6th. from Washington; and by the same mail, a copy of...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 14th. ult: which not requiring an immediate answer, I...
I return my thanks for the copy of your late very powerful speech in the Senate of the United...
J. Madison with his respects to Roberts Vaux, thanks him for the historical Discourse of Mr. M  ...
I have recd. my worthy friend your letter of the 3d. inst. having previously recd. & read the...
Having discovered from the direction of the debate that it would be unnecessary and probably...
Being engaged at present in making "a thorough revision of the Laws Course of studies &c" of...
In my late note from Warminster, covering the James River pamphlets, I indicated my intention to...
I received by the last mail yours from Albemarle with the documents referred to. That from Nelson...
Accept my acknowledgements for the copy of your Speech on the bill modifying the Tariff. I need...
I inclose a draft on the Bank for $100. to which please to add as much from the balance in your...
I have duly recd. the 3 last Vols: of the Encyclopaedia Americana transmitted by you, and inclose...
It is with Some pleasure I can Say it is very probable a bill can be got up next Session for the...
At the period of the Revolution of the Acordada, which compelled the Congress of Mexico to...
I take the liberty to address you on the subject of a History of the United States—more...
I, intend, in the course of the coming Summer, to publish a Splendid National Engraving,...
As an American Citizen, and one of the Committee to carry into effect the objects mention’d in...
The author of the accompanying Volumes has very often regretted that he did not comply with his...
I have trusted to your goodness to suggest the existence of involuntary & uncontrolable causes...
I have recd. your letter of the 13th. requesting the loan of a Likness taken of me by (Stuart)...
I have recd. from Mr. Peers President of the Transylvania University, a request of such...
Your letter of the 13 inst was duly received and I shd. have felt a pleasure in more promptly...
I make no apology for the liberty I take of addressing a letter to you. Being a Virginian by...
I have recd Sir, your letter of the 12. Inst: Passing by other remarks applicable to the scope of...
The President of the United States will assist in laying the Corner stone to the Monument,...
The mail has just brought us information, in one case under your own hand and name, that you have...
I observe that you have received the appointment of Consul at Havanna. I doubt not that you have...
Six years have elapsed since my visit to you at Montpellier. The <urbanity> attentions and Kindly...
I have recd. your letter of the 25th. inst: which requests my Company at the laying of the Corner...
I have recd your letter of the 24th. inst. inclosing your Commission as Lieutenant in the Navy of...
J. Madison has recd. the very kind & polite letter of Mr. Browere dated Apl. _______ & regrets...
The heirs of my father the late Majr Wm Taylor Sr. have a Claim against the State of Virginia for...
The presiding officer of an university most probably being the proper person for one to address...
I intended that you should first hear from myself , of the plunge I have taken; but this step has...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 17th. Ult: with the Copy of your two Vols. entitled "year...
Allow me by this note to introduce the Marquis Charles Torrigiani of Florence, who is passing...
At the recommendation of Commodore Elliot, (a gentleman of great intelligence who knows all about...
Above I send for your approval my check on the President & Directors of Literary Fund of...