James Madison Papers

James Madison to Thomas W. Griffith, 5 February 1833

Montpr Feby 5. 183

Dear Sir,

I have recd. your letter of enclosing a sketch of numerous amendments which you think are required by the Constitution of the U.S.

I am duly sensible to the respect you manifest for my opinions on such subjects. But mere opinions, without a full view of the reasons for them could be of little value; and this is a task which in my enfeebled condition and in the midst of other demands on the scanty remnant of my time I can not undertake. I am now within a few weeks of my 83 year, and have for many months been confined to my house & a great part of the time to my bed by a Chronic and not long since an acute disease, under a continuance of the former of which & the effects of the latter, I am still labouring. This explanation I am sure will satisfy you that my declining a compliance with your request is no wise inconsistant with the respect & good wishes which I tender you.

Draft (DLC).

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