Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Leonard, 6 April 1799

From Nathaniel Leonard, 6 April 1799

Windsor (Vermont) April 6. 1799


Yours of March 24. has this day come to hand—

And agreeable To your Orders I immediately call’d on the Contractor at this post for money & some necessary Articles I should want to put my troops in a situation to March—

He inform’d me that he barely contracted for the supplying of provision & Articles in the Quarter Master Department & that it is not in his power to Advance me Money without a particular Order from goverment & that the other Articles I am in want are not to be bought in this place—But every Obstacle I should be Able to surmount excepting a supply of Money And for which I must wait your further Direction—

It may be necessary to Observe to you, that I have been on a recruiting station for this Eight Months, that I have not had money sufficient for the payment of bounty’s & that I have advanced ’till it is out of my power to raise Money by loan or in any other way, & that 60 of my Men Destitute of every Article of Clothing Arms &c—

I shall proceed to put my troops in the best situation possible for Marching & when I arive at Albany shall want Arms, Clothing &c for 60 Men—

The cause of my Country is near my heart & when called by Gen. Hamilton, to her standard my regret at the impossibility of an immediate & prompt compliance, can only be felt by those who may unfortunately be placed in similar situation

I am sir yours with respect

Nath Leonard

Gen. Hamilton

NB. My Troops will be in a situation to march within three Hours after issuing a supply of money—

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; ALS, with slight variations, J. W. Kingsbury Collection, Missouri Historical Society, Columbia, Missouri).

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