George Washington Papers

General Orders, 25 July 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters White Plains Saturday July 25th 1778.

Parole Kilkenny—C. Signs Keen. Kensington—

All Officers who have received public Monies, which are yet unaccounted for will prepare and settle their Accompts immediately with the Auditors.

The troop will beat at six ôClock in the morning—the guards to be on the Parade at seven precisely; The Brigade Majors are reminded to bring on the Super-numeraries, one to every twelve men.

The Grand Parade is assigned on the Main-Road near the Park in Rear of the Old Lines.

A large Cut and thrust sword silver mounted left at General Poor’s quarters—Inquire of Majr McClintock.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Nathaniel McClintock (1757–1780), who graduated from Harvard University in 1775 and was commissioned a second lieutenant of the 8th Continental Regiment in January 1776, was appointed adjutant to the 2d New Hampshire Regiment in November 1776 and brigade major in April 1777. He resigned his commission in 1779 and was later killed in a naval engagement while commanding marines aboard the privateer General Sullivan.

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