Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Harvard College, 31 May 1774

From Harvard College

AD: American Philosophical Society

Att a Meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College

31st May 1774.

Dr. Franklin having presented to our Library a French Translation of his Philosophical Works in two Vols 4to a Copy which we receive with particular Pleasure, as it is a Testimony of the Sense Forreigners have of the Merit of those Writings, which must do honor to the Country that gave him Birth; as well as to Every literary Society he is related to. Voted that the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr. Franklin for this valuable Present, and that Dr. Cooper do transmit him a Copy of this Vote.1

A true Copy attest’d per Nathll Appleton Senr Fellow of the Corporation2

Endorsed: Boston

1BF had sent a copy of the Œuvres with his letter to Cooper above, Feb. 25, and had asked him to transmit it to John Winthrop for the College library. Cooper forwarded this vote of thanks with his letter below, Sept. 9.

2Appleton (1693–1784) was indeed senior. He had graduated from Harvard in 1712 and been pastor of the Cambridge church and a member of the corporation since 1717. See Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, V, 599–609.

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