Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to ——— Townsend, [27 December 1785]

To ——— Townsend1

[New York, December 27, 1785.] Instructs Townsend on how to proceed with the execution of a conveyance.2

AL, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1This letter concerns the settlement of the estate of Noah Townsend, a resident of Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. The “Mr. Townsend” to whom it is addressed was either William Townsend or Micajah Townsend, two of Noah Townsend’s four executors. See Noah Townsend’s will, February 12, 1760 (copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). See also H’s “Cash Book,” March 1, 1782–1791 (PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). description ends , III, 38).

2This letter is endorsed: “Directions to execute a Deed or other Insmt. in the state of Pennsylvania.”

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