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Results 183151-183180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
183151 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 February 1768] 1768-02-25 25. Doctr. Rumney went away. I went to the Creek but not cross it. Killd 2 Ducks—viz. a sprig...
183152 Hamilton, Alexander Townsend From Alexander Hamilton to ——— Townsend, [27 December … 1785-12-27 [ New York, December 27, 1785. ] Instructs Townsend on how to proceed with the execution of a...
183153 Baldwin, Abraham Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Abraham Baldwin, 5 April … 1794-04-05 Resolved, that it would be satisfactory to the Committee, that the paper submitted to them, April...
183154 Harvard College Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Harvard College, 31 May 1774 1774-05-31 AD : American Philosophical Society Dr. Franklin having presented to our Library a French...
183155 Randolph, Beverley Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Beverley Randolph, 23 … 1790-02-23 Richmond, February 23, 1790. “… Whenever the particular spot, on which the light House, near the...
183156 Galvan, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major William Galvan, 2 June … 1780-06-02 No.1 I arrived the 31st of last month at Cape Henry. The place where the light house is intended...
183157 Plumer, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Plumer, 22 December 1809 1809-12-22 I owe you a thousand apologies for not sooner acknowledging your obliging letter of the fourth of...
183158 American Commissioners Fennish, Sidi Haj Tahar Ben Abdulhaq The American Commissioners to Sidi Haj Tahar Ben … 1787-01-27 To His Excellency, Sidi Hadg Jaher Ben Abdelhack Fennish, in the service of His Majesty the...
183159 Washington, George General Orders, 25 July 1778 1778-07-25 All Officers who have received public Monies, which are yet unaccounted for will prepare and...
183160 Madison, James Raymond, Daniel James Madison to Daniel Raymond, 4 February 1829 1829-02-04 I have recd. your letter of the 26th. Ult. & return my acknowledgments for the pamphlet I owe to...
183161 Washington, George General Orders, 1 September 1776 1776-09-01 It being necessary there should be an Arrangement of the troops, in order that they may act with...
183162 Board of War Unknown Board of War to ——, 25 March 1780 1780-03-25 War Office, Williamsburg, 25 Mch. 1780 . Sell or immediately exchange the six horses reported...
183163 Mackenzie and Glennie Madison, James To James Madison from Mackenzie and Glennie, 2 July … 1804-07-02 We have the Honor to inclose to you copies of Letters from Tobias Lear Esqr. of 26 March & 25th...
183164 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 8 [September] 1812 1812-09-08 I have recd. yours of the 6th. I am sorry to find that Pike confides so little in our prospects....
183165 Bentzon, Adrian Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Adrian Benjamin Bentzon, 20 … 1816-12-20 Presuming on the personal acquaintance, you have honor’d me with, I venture to call on your...
183166 Adams, John Sunday [2 March]. 1766-03-02 Heard Mr. Wibirt.
183167 Madison, James Fitzsimmons, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Fitzsimmons, 2 May 1808 1808-05-02 I have made known to the President the request stated in your letter of April 29th. He allows due...
183168 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 1 October 1802 … 1802-10-01 1 October 1802, Lisbon. Forwards a duplicate of his last dispatch of 22 Sept. “Not haveing...
183169 Hall, Josias Carvel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Josias Carvil Hall, 8 … 1799-11-08 I took the Liberty some Months since to introduce to your Notice Lieut: Campbel Smith of the 1st...
183170 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Poplar Forest Survey, 9 … 1817-12-09 ✓ 1817. Dec. 9. Beg g in the S. 50. E. line at 12 ½ po. from the fore & aft. white oak, and 111 ½...
183171 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 7 August … 1794-08-07 Treasury Department, August 7, 1794. “A warrant has issued this day in your favor … for Eight...
183172 Lear, Tobias Jefferson, Thomas VII. Tobias Lear to the Secretary of State, 4 March … 1791-03-04 By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of State, that the...
183173 Jefferson, Thomas Mason, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Mason, 24 November 1788 1788-11-24 It has not been possible for me sooner to do myself the honour of answering your favor of Oct....
183174 Hamilton, Alexander Olney, Jeremiah From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Olney, 1 September … 1790-09-01 Treasury Department, September 1, 1790. “The Cashier of the Bank informs me that from the...
183175 Forman, David Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel David Forman, 9 July … 1780-07-09 Enclosed your Excly has a Diary kept on the Highlands of Middle Town, by it Your Excellancy will...
183176 Jefferson, Thomas Tatham, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Tatham, 28 July 1807 1807-07-28 Your several letters from the 10th. to the 23d. inclusive have been duly recieved, and have...
183177 Gray, William F. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William F. Gray, 5 December … 1822-12-05 I have within my reach, a Book entitled “Histoire Philosophique de la Révolution de France,...
183178 Jefferson, Thomas Gates, Horatio From Thomas Jefferson to Horatio Gates, 22 October 1780 1780-10-22 The Letters which accompany this will inform you of the Arrival of a large fleet of the Enemy...
183179 Pulaski, Casimir Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Casimir … 1778-09-15 Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaski, 15 Sept. 1778. GW wrote Pulaski on 19 Sept. :...
183180 Visscher, Matthew Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Matthew Visscher, 29 June … 1784-06-29 June 29, 1784. Sends information on judgments entered against Joshua de St. Croix and James...