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Results 183151-183180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
183151[Diary entry: 25 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Doctr. Rumney went away. I went to the Creek but not cross it. Killd 2 Ducks—viz. a sprig tail and Teal.
[ New York, December 27, 1785. ] Instructs Townsend on how to proceed with the execution of a conveyance. AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter concerns the settlement of the estate of Noah Townsend, a resident of Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. The “Mr. Townsend” to whom it is addressed was either William Townsend or Micajah Townsend, two of Noah Townsend’s four executors....
Resolved, that it would be satisfactory to the Committee, that the paper submitted to them, April 1st 1794, by the Secy. of the Treasury, respecting the point of authority, under which, monies borrowed abroad, have been drawn to the United States, should be presented to the President of the United States; and that the Secretary should obtain from him, such declaration concerning the same, as...
AD : American Philosophical Society Dr. Franklin having presented to our Library a French Translation of his Philosophical Works in two Vols 4to a Copy which we receive with particular Pleasure, as it is a Testimony of the Sense Forreigners have of the Merit of those Writings, which must do honor to the Country that gave him Birth; as well as to Every literary Society he is related to. Voted...
Richmond, February 23, 1790. “… Whenever the particular spot, on which the light House, near the entrance of the Chesapeake Bay, is to be erected, shall be marked out, I will immediately execute, and transmit the proper Deed of cession, for the full quantity of Land granted by the act of the Assembly, of Virginia.…” LS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern...
No.1 I arrived the 31st of last month at Cape Henry. The place where the light house is intended to be built appears to me the best calculated to erect the Signals and take my Station at, which I shall do as Soon as I can be established there, with the least Safety. at present I am quartered at one Mrs Killings, five miles from the Cape and Six from the light house. This, Sir, is the nearest...
I owe you a thousand apologies for not sooner acknowledging your obliging letter of the fourth of November; but it would be more than useless to trouble you with the enumeration. With respect to my intended history, my design is to commence with the discovery of America by Columbus, & bring it down to as late a period as my time & health will permit. I have commenced, but am very far from...
To His Excellency, Sidi Hadg Jaher Ben Abdelhack Fennish, in the service of His Majesty the Emperor of Morocco— We have received, with high satisfaction the Letter, which Your Excellency, by the Command of His Majesty the Emperor of Morocco did us the honor to write Us, on the 1 st. day of the blessed month Ramaden 1200 and transmitted to us by the Honourable Thomas Barclay Esquire, who was...
183159General Orders, 25 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
All Officers who have received public Monies, which are yet unaccounted for will prepare and settle their Accompts immediately with the Auditors. The troop will beat at six ôClock in the morning—the guards to be on the Parade at seven precisely; The Brigade Majors are reminded to bring on the Super-numeraries, one to every twelve men. The Grand Parade is assigned on the Main-Road near the Park...
I have recd. your letter of the 26th. Ult. & return my acknowledgments for the pamphlet I owe to your politeness. It would seem difficult for any to deny, that some of your observations on the subject discussed disprove the universality of the policy which exempts industry & commerce from legislative interpositions. Your rule for expounding the Constitution of the U. S. inverts as you may be...
183161General Orders, 1 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
It being necessary there should be an Arrangement of the troops, in order that they may act with union and firmness—The Army, as brigaded yesterday, is now arranged in three Grand Divisions, under the following officers (Viz.) Major Genl Putnam to command the following brigades. Parson’s[,] Clinton’s[,] Scott’s[,] Fellow’s[,] Silliman’s. The centre Divisions, under Genl Spencer and Genl Green...
183162Board of War to ——, 25 March 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
War Office, Williamsburg, 25 Mch. 1780 . Sell or immediately exchange the six horses reported totally unfit for service by Captain Charles Fearer and replace them with suitable mounts. Signed by James Innes and George Lyne. Countersigned by TJ. RC (Mrs. Earl McMillen, Atlanta, Georgia, 1963); 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand except for signatures.
We have the Honor to inclose to you copies of Letters from Tobias Lear Esqr. of 26 March & 25th of April last dated at Algiers to Messrs. Degen, Purviance, &C navy Agents of the United States at Leghorn advising his drafts on them for 23000 for the object detailed in the Letters left open for us. We inclose likewise a Letter to you Sir from Messrs Degen, Purviance & Co. under 25th of May last...
I have recd. yours of the 6th. I am sorry to find that Pike confides so little in our prospects. From a letter of Genl. Dearborn to the Secy. of War, it appears that the force at his disposal is more scanty than was hoped. I am not sure whether his immediate plan is to take advantage of the detachments of the B. force from Montreal, by directing his principal operations towards that place, or...
Presuming on the personal acquaintance, you have honor’d me with, I venture to call on your attention for a few moments in order to explain in a private letter my motives for not immediately granting an “exequatur” to Mr Jacques, who has been appointed Consul at Ste. Croix. It is not customary to receive Consuls in Colonies, the trade in nearly all being in ordinary times exclusive with the...
183166Sunday [2 March]. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibirt.
I have made known to the President the request stated in your letter of April 29th. He allows due weight to the benevolent considerations which suggested it. But he is not satisfied that his interposition would be proper. Supposing no other questions to be involved in the case, there is sufficient reason to believe that the frauds and evasions practised against the Embargo laws, have placed...
1 October 1802, Lisbon. Forwards a duplicate of his last dispatch of 22 Sept. “Not haveing received a line from his Excellency in answer to my Communication of the 9th., I yesterday address’d a Note to him of which No 5 is a Copy, which I hope will produce something.” “Mr Dunbar preferred attempting to get the Papers relative to the Aurora & Four Sisters to take Copies of them before any...
I took the Liberty some Months since to introduce to your Notice Lieut: Campbel Smith of the 1st U.S. Regt. In the multiplicity of Business it has probably escaped your Memory. Permit me again to mention, from my own intimate Knowledge of him, that from his Talents, Education, Industry & Military Habits he is at least as well qualified as any Officer by his Station to discharge the Duties of...
✓ 1817. Dec. 9. Beg g in the S. 50. E. line at 12 ½ po. from the fore & aft. white oak, and 111 ½ po. from the corner near the N. London road. ✓ N. 70. E. at 54. po. the spring is 1. po. on N. side; at 68. po. his corner in the field as suppos d in all 110.88 po. to
Treasury Department, August 7, 1794. “A warrant has issued this day in your favor … for Eight Thousand, Eight hundred and forty nine dollars and twenty five Cents … for Spermiceti Oil for the use of the Light Houses in the United States.…” LS , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Boston, Letters and Papers re Lighthouses, Buoys, and Piers, 1789–1819, Vol. 3, National Archives. See Tench Coxe to H,...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of State, that the opinion given by the Secretary in the case of Mr. Anderson agrees fully with that which the President has formed upon a complete view of the circumstances.—And it is the President’s wish that Mr. Anderson’s Commission should issue accordingly. RC ( DLC : Washington Papers). PrC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR );...
It has not been possible for me sooner to do myself the honour of answering your favor of Oct. 25. The ministry have agreed to receive all the cargoes of our oil already on their way, till a further arrangement can be finally settled: and I have great reason to hope we shall obtain a re-establishment of the arret of Dec. 29. as to our whale oils; in which case, the English being excluded, we...
Treasury Department, September 1, 1790. “The Cashier of the Bank informs me that from the description of the Bank Bill contained in your letter of the 23d. Ulto. it is not supposed to be counterfeit.… Expence in appraising goods very seldom arises.… If it is the case of goods damaged or without invoice and it is insisted on, the importer for whose benefit or convenience it is made, seems to be...
Enclosed your Excly has a Diary kept on the Highlands of Middle Town, by it Your Excellancy will Observe that the small Fleet prepared for sinking & to Inturupt the Navigation to New York are returned to Sandy Hook —The same person Informes me, that two Deserters landed yesterday from one of the Enemies Ships of War who says they had a report on Board that a French fleet was on the Coast. All...
Your several letters from the 10th. to the 23d. inclusive have been duly recieved, and have served to regulate our belief of the state of things in Lynhaven amidst the variety of uncertain reports which were afloat. in mine of the 6th. I mentioned that it would be necessary for me to ask the continuance of this service from you only until I could ascertain the course the squadron of Commodore...
I have within my reach, a Book entitled “Histoire Philosophique de la Révolution de France, depuis la premiere assemblée des Notables jusqu’ à la paix de Presburg; Par Ant. Fantin-Desodoards.” It is in ten Octavo Vols. and said to be the 5 th edition revised and corrected by the author, and printed in 1807.— I have not been able to find the title of this Book in any of my Catalogues. And not...
The Letters which accompany this will inform you of the Arrival of a large fleet of the Enemy within our Capes, and that they have begun their Debarkation. We are taking Measures to collect a Body to oppose them; for which purpose it seems necessary to retain such Regulars Volunteers and Militia as have not yet gone on to you. We have left the Counties of Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Halifax, and...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaski, 15 Sept. 1778. GW wrote Pulaski on 19 Sept. : “I have been favoured with your Letter of the 15 Inst. by Monsr Segond.” Only the addressed cover, which was docketed by Robert Hanson Harrison, has been found ( MH : Jared Sparks Collection).
June 29, 1784. Sends information on judgments entered against Joshua de St. Croix and James Leonard. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.