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Results 183151-183200 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This letter marks Hamilton’s initial involvement in a protracted and acrimonious dispute between Rufus King and John Jay on the one hand and Edmond C. Genet on the other. Briefly stated, the controversy centered on whether Genet on July 6, 1793, at the height of the crisis over the sailing of the Little Sarah , had or had not told Alexander J. Dallas that “he would appeal from the President to...
Col: Hamilton who warmly & cogently espoused the ratification, as an additional argument mentioned, that some intimations had been given by Col: Laurens of the army with the privity of Genl. Washington, to Cornwallis previous to his capitulation, that he might be exchanged for his father, then in the Tower. “Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress,” MS, James Madison Papers, Library of...
183153General Orders, 5 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held 1st instant whereof Coll Scammell was President appeared Denham Ford Commissary in General Greene’s division charged with Theft—The Court having considered the Charge and the Evidence are of Opinion, That Denham Ford is guilty of the Charge exhibited against him and do sentence him to pay Mr Spencer and Mr Holliway two hundred dollars and that after he shall...
183154Orders, 5 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial, to consist of one Field Officer, four Captains, and eight Subalterns, to sit immediately, for trial of Lieutenant King for misconduct and neglect of Duty. Lieutenant Colonel Stephen, President—Mr Kirkpatrick—Judge-Advocate. The pay master is to apply to the several Officers commanding companies for pay-rolls for all the men, except the Draughts; that were paid off at...
183155[Diary entry: 10 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Rid to the Brick House & returnd to Dinner—after which went a dragging for Sturgeon. The phrase “the Brick House” referred originally (in the seventeenth century) to a particular house built of brick, indicating how unusual such a building was in the early years of the colony. The original house lay about three miles east of Eltham on the south side of the York River across from West...
Fellow-Citizens, those marks of your attention to me are highly grateful— I can never forget them—and the recollection of them will give a new motive to do, what shall be agreeable to you, and conducive to the general welfare. I thank you for your kind reception, and am happy to be again in my own country, and in the midst of you, my friends and fellow-citizens. PtD , Greenleaf’s New York...
Printed in Lloyd’s Evening Post, And British Chronicle , September 9–11, 1765. The grounds for believing that this second letter by “A Virginian” was written by Franklin are indicated in the headnote to the first letter by the same writer, above, pp. 243–6. This piece is clearly an amplification of the other; the three intervening issues of Lloyd’s Evening Post contain no response by “William...
18315829 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Rose half after 6. Read a little Greek.
183159[Diary entry: 21 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. At home all day. Alone.
183160[May 1761] (Washington Papers)
May 24th. Betty from Riverside Quarter came home Sick & did not again in a Condition to work till the 13th. July fol. Riverside Quarter, or River Quarter, a newly developed part of the Mount Vernon crop land, was in the 1,806 acres of land GW had bought from William Clifton in 1760. Most of the remaining cleared land in the Neck owned by GW was, in 1760, being worked by tenants. Riverside...
183161[Diary entry: 3 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
3. Rid to the Mill—Muddy hole & Neck.
183162Monday [10 November]. (Adams Papers)
Rain. Kill’d Cow. Read chiefly in the American Gazeteers, which are a very valuable Magazine of american Knowledge.
[ West Point ] September 12, 1779 . Asks Huntington to send someone to verify information received from New London. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
183164Notes on Appointments, 13 July 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
✓ Minister to Paris. Genl. John Armstrong. Commrs. to Spain. Jonathan Russell Pierpoint Edwards Bowdoin Young. Peleg Morton Tunis. < Lyman? > Irving. < Bollman? > ✓
183165General Orders, 12 August 1799 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York, August 12, 1799. On August 14, 1799, William S. Smith wrote to Hamilton: “Agreeably to General Orders of the 12th. inst. I attend here as President of a General Court Martial.…” General orders not found. ] This letter is listed in the appendix to this volume.
15 Aug. 1765. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:259–261 . Probably designed as a newspaper contribution. Printed ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:259–261 ).
183167[Diary entry: 7 August 1798] (Washington Papers)
7. Morning—clear & calm Mer. 76. Clear all day. Mer. 85 at Noon & 80 at Night. Mr. Lear & the boys dined here & with Mr. Basset went afterwards.
In the early part of the Year 1807 Col Elias Earle of South Carolina proposed to the Secretary of war the establishing of Iron works, with suitable Shops in the Cherokee Nation —on the following conditions viz) that a suitable place should be looked out & selected, where sufficent quantities of Good ore Could be found in the Vicinity of Good streams of water for such establishment, & that the...
183169Thurdsday July 3rd. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Read pretty diligently in the Spirit of Laws.—Hayden’s Consultation suggested the following Questions. Q. Is there any Method of compelling a Grantor to give a new Deed when the Deed he has executed before happens to be burned or lost?—Q. May an Agreement in Writing without seal, or by Parol only be given in Evidence against a Bond sealed and delivered? After Confession of the Forfeiture of...
183170[Diary entry: 13 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
13th. Received Letters from Count de Rochambeau advising me of the arrival of his Son & from Count de Barras informing me of his appointment to the Command of the French Squadron at Rhode Island—both solliciting an Interview with me as soon as possible. Appointed, in answer, Monday the 21st. Inst. & Wethersfield, as the time & place of Meeting. Rochambeau to GW, 11 May 1781 ( DLC:GW )....
183171[Diary entry: 25 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Clear & pleasant with but little Wd.
Ca. 10 March 1801. Lists JM’s valuation of slaves and land (except Montpelier) to be divided among the surviving children, the heirs of two deceased sons, and Nelly Conway Madison. Ms ( DLC ). 2 pp.; in JM’s hand; written in pencil. Filed at the end of 1787 in the Madison Papers ( DLC ). As executor for his father’s estate, JM was responsible for a division of the elder Madison’s property...
183173[Diary entry: 29 November 1789] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 29th. Went to St. Pauls Chapel in the forenoon.
Pay of the Troops. Artillery. Dol. 90ths. Dol. 90ths. 1 Major, 12 mo. at 45 dol. pr. mo. 540 4 Captains, 35 1,680 8 Lieutenants, 30 2,880 1 Surgeon’s mate, 30
183175[Diary entry: 24 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
24. Rid to the Mill & Doeg run.
183176Cash Accounts, October 1771 (Washington Papers)
Cash [Octr] 5— To Ditto [cash] of Captn McCarty £ 25.19.4 9— To 60 Barrls of Indn Corn @ 12/6 37.10.0 To 3 Barrls of Fish @ 20/ 3. 0.0 20— To Cash of Mr Robt Adam & Co. pr Jas Adam 41. 0.6 21— To Ditto of Ditto pr Mr Ross 100. 0.0 To Cash Won at Cards 11. 0.0 To Ditto recd from Colo. Mason for Shingles for the New Church 19. 5.0 Contra
183177Notes on Debates, 27 February 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . On the report of the Come. on Mr. Morris’s letter the injunction of secresy was taken off without dissent or observation. The attention of Congress was...
183178General Orders, 17 June 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel M. Jackson Adjutant Bowles For duty tomorrow the 1st Massa. Regiment. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Notes on the Bill for the defence of Orleans. A. §.1.l.10. two millions of acres will only provide for 6250. men if the alternate quarter sections be reserved. we ought to have 30,000. men at least there. that territory will never be invaded by an army of less than 15. or 20,000. men. leave a blank for the numbers of millions of acres B. §.2.l.3.4. cl ‘other than those of surveying expences &...
183180[Diary entry: 27 January 1773] (Washington Papers)
27. At home all day Doctr. Rumney continuing here this day also.
183181[Diary entry: 10 March 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 10th. Mercury at 44 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 59 at Night. A clear and pleasant Morning with the Wind at So. after wch. it shifted to the No. Wt. and blew fresh but not cold. Towards evening it became calm and exceeding pleasant. A violent [wind] in the Night with storms of rain. Rid to all the Plantations. Found that much rain had fallen and that the sowing of Oats was stopped at...
183182[Diary entry: 24 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
24. Breakfasted at Princeton. Dined at Bound Brooke & reachd Lord Sterlings at Basking Ridge in the Afternoon. Lord Stirling’s new home on the outskirts of Basking Ridge, N.J., was seven miles southwest of Morristown. The still unfinished house and grounds were designed in imitation of a large British estate, complete with deer park. The enormous expenses involved in building this country seat...
183183[Diary entry: 18 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. Rais’d Overseers House at Muddy hole. Finishd Threshing & cleaning my Wheat at Doeg Run Plantn. Bushl.
for the flat roof over the Hall at Poplar Forest . let the sky-light run from East to West. 16. panes long. and only the length of 2. panes wide. groove the upper end of the pane ½ I. into the ridge bar and let the lower end lap 1.I. on the lower bar the ridge-bar of the sash (if in one piece) must be 2.I. sq. but if in 2. pieces they must be 1.I. by 3.I. the lower bar or rail of the sash 4.I....
For that the said Luke, on the 10th of Octr. last, at with force and Arms and against entered the said Josephs Close there in Braintree aforesaid, and then and there with force and Arms drove away, and rescued from the said Joseph tho the said Joseph then and there Two Horses which the said Joseph had taken up in his Close aforesaid Damage Feasant, and was about to drive to the public Pound in...
18318625th. (Adams Papers)
Rain’d all day; but cleared up in the evening. We had last night a class meeting, to determine, concerning the printing of our theses; and notwithstanding the vociferous clamour of certain characters, who always glory in creating confusion, it was finally determined, that Mr. Freeman should print 2000, and a Committee was chosen, to make the agreement with him: it was then voted, that the sum...
183187[Diary entry: 21 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
21. Morning & throughout the day clear with very little Wind. Mer. 63 in the Morning & 74 at Night.
183188August. 1756. 1 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day. Spent the Evening at the Collonels.— The Event Shews that my Resolutions are of a very thin and vapory Consistence. Almost a fortnight has passed since I came to Worcester the last Time. Some part of the Time, I have spent as frugally and industriously as I possibly could. But the greatest Part I have dreamed away as Usual. I am now entering upon a new month, and a...
183189[Diary entry: 11 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
11. Very pleasant & Warm with but little wind & that Southerly.
183190[Diary entry: 28 August 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 28th. In Convention. Dined, drank Tea, and spent the evening at Mr. Morris’s.
18319122d. (Adams Papers)
I pass’d the day as usual at the office; but there was scarce a half an hour at a Time, without some visitor who entered into conversation with Mr. Parsons, and prevented us from paying any attention to our books. This is too frequently the case, and much of our Time is lost in that manner, luckily this was to me a leisure day, and I only made a few extracts from Blackstone. Little pass’d the...
183192Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
Until comparatively recent times the valor of naval crews was stimulated by the prospect of a share in the proceeds of enemy vessels and goods captured as prize. The complicated questions of property and the law of war which this system of hazard pay produced were adjudicated in every country by special tribunals, administering a more or less common body of international law. From its...
183193General Orders, 25 March 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Reading B.Q. Mr York brigade The Maryland Detachment gives the Guards tomorrow The Jersey regiment gives the fatigues tomorrow. By the United States in Congress assembled March 18th 1783. On the report of a Committee to whom was referred a Letter of the 12th of March from the Commander in chief. Ordered That the Superintendant of Finance lay before Congress an...
183194[Diary entry: 18 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. In the Neck with my People Harvesting.
I Various Interests Navigating and Non Navigating— Great and Small— Struggle for Commercial point two thirds Struggle for equal power— Some small states non navigating— Hence tendency to combination Necessity of accommodation— Oeconomy— Relate difficulties on this point As to the ratios of representation I Character of slaves mixed persons & property II In many states persons included in census...
Annual income of the University D The Annuity 15,000. Rent of 6. Hotels @ 150.D. each 900. of 100. dormitories @ 16.D 1,600. of 9. d o smaller @ 12.D 108. University rent on 218.D. @ 12.D. each 2,616 20,224. Annual expences D Bursar’s commission on 20,244.D. 202.24 Proctor’s salary
183197[Diary entry: 4 June 1781] (Washington Papers)
4th. Letters from the Marqs. de la Fayette of the 25th Ulto. informs that Lord Cornwallis had formed a junction with Arnold at Petersbourg —that with their United force he had Marched to City point on James River and that the detachment which sailed from New York the 13th of May had arrived in James River and were debarking at Westover and that he himself had removed from Wilton to Richmond....
183198Cash Accounts, November 1765 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 20— To Cash of Mr Josh Valentine pr Colo. [Fielding] Lewis £350. 0.0 To Ditto of the Treasury pr Ditto 69. 3.1 Contra Novr 2— By 22 Bushels of Oysters 1. 2.0 5— By Charity 0.10.0 10— By Mr Mackay for Mastr & Miss Custis 8. 0.0 20— By 3 Yds Muslin 1. 4.0 21—
183199[Diary entry: 19 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 19th. Committed the above thoughts to writing in order to send them to the Secretary for the Department of War to be worked into the form of a Bill with which to furnish the Committee of Congress which had been appointed to draught one.
183200[Diary entry: 26 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Dined at Bevans’s, and Spent the Evening at the New Tavern. After approving an address to be printed for distribution among the inhabitants of Quebec, the First Continental Congress adjourned ( JCC Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 . 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. , 1:113–14). GW and Richard Henry Lee were the only members of the...