Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from ———, [n.p., n.d.]

From ———

[n.p., n.d.]


Mr. Duer the late Secretary of the Board of Treasury1 having informed us that in Consequence of his having Exhibited the account of our Salaries,2 the warrant including the same has been made out in his Favor as Secretary of the late Board. We beg Leave to inform you that we have no Objection to its issuing in that Form.

We are Sir, Your most Obet. Hble Serts.

Alexr. Hamilton Esqr.
Secretary to the
late Board of Treasury

Copy, New-York Historical Society, New York City.

1William Duer was secretary of the Board of Treasury from 1786 to 1789.

2For salaries which were still owed to employees of the Board of Treasury after H had become Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789, see PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). description ends , V, 382–83, 391, 403–05.

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