James Madison Papers

John Daingerfield to James Madison, 16 July 1832

Rappahannock July 16th 1832

Dr Sir

I am sorry to trouble you again on a subject in which you are not interested or concerned—but altho: my mother’s Interest has been regularly represented at all the meetings of the Loyal Company, it is now made incumbent on us to shew that she is entitled by being the heir of Henry Willis her uncle. In your certificate & forwarded to Mr Taliaferro you say she was the daughter of Henry Willis, which is incorrect <as she> was the daughter of John Willis who married your aunt, and his only child—Henry had not a child—his widow married Reuben Thornton & then Docr. Walker at whose death my mother came in possession of the dower slaves as the heir of her father John who was the heir of his brother Henry. Mr Thos W Gilmer who is the agent for the Company, informed me he would receive as evidence a certficate signed by respectable persons. You know the fact of her having the estate in spotsylvania called Coventry which was the property of her uncle Henry. with best respects to Mrs. Madison I am yrs. very respectfully

Jno Daingerfield


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