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Results 1831-1860 of 184,431 sorted by author
you are at Liberty to publish the following extract, as a Letter from abroad to a Friend. They are my sentiments well dressed—and he who gave the Toast deserves chastisement were he my Son Brother or Husband I would say so— “I can never join with my voice in the Toast which I see in the papers, attributed to one of our Gallant Naval commanders. I cannot ask of heaven success, even for my...
The john Adams arrived last week at Nyork, with mr dallas and brought me your Letters, which have been missing, viz No 57. March 30th No 58 April 28th; No 59 May 12th and August 15th. No 62—I have before acknowledged No 60, June 30th, and upon the 21 of Sepbr 1814 I received your No 50, just the day year, upon which it was written. My numbers are now nearly compleat, your Letters are all...
How are you to day? have you heard from weymouth? I send you a Barrel of pears and a Barrel of Russet Apples. if you have them put under your corn House untill the weather freezes they will keep better I also ask your acceptance of a Barrel of Rye flower—I hope I Shall be able to See you tomorrow: I am taking calomil to day—I Send the Linnen and my two Trunks which you have always been So kind...
My Grandaughter The present Mrs. Treadway availed herself of your kind invitation to make you a visit, and her Friend miss Tracy, Sensible of the advantage Young people derive from mixing with those whose example and Manners ornament and improve, whilst they delight and Churm Charm those Susceptable of improvement. I consented to Susan earnest desire of passing a little time from home. her...
Captain Tracy is to Sail on Sunday in the Galen. our young Gentlemen are all flying abroad. Some upon buisness. Some from curiosity. those of the most respectable standing apply for Letters of introduction to you—Your Father has given Letters to mr Prescott, who goes first to the Brazills. he has also written to you, and the children by mr John Gray, who is a passenger in the Galen. An other...
By a vessel which saild a week since, I wrote to my Son, and Grandson’s. by this I shall write only to you, and acknowledge your favour of 2d Jan’ry. I was very sorry to learn that George had been attack’d with a Rheumatic complaint, a disorder, which when once in the constitution, continues a torment through Life. Georges Growth, has been so rapid, that he must not be forced to great...
Recd: Quincy August 1st: 1813 of T B Adams Esqr the sum of Twenty-five dollars and fifty Cents, being a Quarter’s interest on J Q Adams’s note. $25.50 MHi : Adams Papers.
Mr Benjamin Beal jun’r Who has long resided in France, returnd last Winter upon a visit to his Family here as he connected himself in France, his stay here has been Short, and he is now going back in a to Liverpool, and from thence to France I request him to take this Letter for you, which I shall place under-cover to Mr Barlow our Minister in France that he may forward it to you by the first...
Mr Edward Brooks, Eldest son of mr P C Brooks has visited us, and offerd to take Letters for us to you. his parents you know, and this young Gentleman is worthy of such parents he is said by those best acquainted with him to be a solid Sensible and correct Character—Such as will do no dishonour to our Native State, or Country. any civility in your power to show him, will be gratefully received...
I cannot let my Son visit Plimouth without bearing a few lines to my old Friend who has always taken a kind interest in the welfare of my dear Daughter Smith, who reached here a fortnight Since with her Sister Son and daughter, but So helpless in her Limbs as not to be able to walk across the Room, obliged to be carried in a chair from the Chamber to the Carriage—If this was all the melancholy...
The voice of the Nation call’s you home. the Government call you home—and your parents unite in the general call to this Summons. you must not, you cannot refuse your assent, nor will you, I presume have a disposition to regret so honorable an appointment, as is assignd to you; by so unanimous a vote— It is now more than four months Since the News papers from all parts of the united States,...
your Letter my dear Abbe is worthy the daughter of the Mother you mourn, whose disposition and virtues the mantle of Elijah has descended to cover you you will have engrafted into your own Life and conduct , and now exhibit with So much credit to the honour of the Religion of him who took upon him the infirmities of human Nature, & compassionated the Sorrows of a Martha & Mary— may the hand of...
Recd: Quincy May 10th: 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr Twenty-five dollars & fifty Cents in full for a quarters interest on J Q Adams’s Note. $25.50 PPAmP : Sol Feinstone Collection.
your Letter of Novbr 12 I received. you was not more amazed at the news of the sudden match that I was it was considerd I presume by the Family as highly advantages I have learnt from various sources and such as may be relied upon, that mr Johnson the Father is one of the most respectable & wealthy merchants in utica, that he was in Business with this son and was in partnership with his Father...
your Letter of December & gave me pleasure, and I wish I could in return Communicate the Same to you, but Since I wrote you last you have been calld to mourn with is —Dear Relatives the loss of a kind Husband and the affectionate parent of a Numerous family from your long connection & intimacy with them, the Sudden Death of the Head of such a family must nearly afflict you— and I hope you will...
Through the kind of attention of mr Crafts we learnt yesterday morning of the arrival of the Washington, and in the Evening, through our watchfull centinal Harriet, I received the gratefull intelligence under your own hand, that you were Landed and all well for which joyfull News to your parents; God be thanked—we now wait, in pleasing expectation of welcoming You; one and all, to the old...
I hear that Cousin Abbe is to return tomorrow to Atkinson. I Send by her two pr Socks for George and John. mittins I have not yet got knit, nor Georges waistcoats done; I hope I Shall before he wants them. I know they are where every proper care will be paid to them. they will both want new Hats Soon—I thought they could be purchased in Haverhill as well as here, and that it would be better...
I embrace the earliest oppertunity, after receiving the inclosed, of forwarding it to you; I received a Letter at the same time. William & Family I find are gone, but C had not heard from them after they left the city. She does not Say to me when She expects to Sit out for Quincy—I presume she has been more particular to you. I have Letters from England to the 9th of June, entertaining as...
upon the 26th of August; I wrote to you, and Sent my Letter to Newyork; to go in a dispatch vessel; I did not at that time know of the Humiliating, and disgracefull Catastrophy, which had befallen the City of Washington!! I have not language to describe my feelings, at the Torpor, which blinded the Government to a Sense of their danger, and their defenceless Situation. The Capitol is...
Your Letter of Sep’br th 11 came safe to hand, and I was well pleasd With the account you give me of your pursuits. if you give proper attention to each department of your Studies, You cannot Spend much Idle time.—you have improved in your hand writing, and in your composition. Your Mother writes me that you learn fast. I know that you have a capacity to acquire what ever with dilligence you...
Bought for John Adams as pr Bill 3 yds Satinet 11/6 5 75 1 yd Lining 34 ct 1 doz Buttons 50 2 Skains Silk 25 1 Skain Twist 12/2 paid Sampson making coat & mending Sundries 50 paid pray Soaling Boots 50 $7.96 1/2 Received in full Cash advanced by Mrs: A Adams—for GW & JA $7.96. MHi : Adams Papers.
Two more Letters accompany this for mr Lyman and if time will allow I have no doubt but I shall get an answer from mr Jefferson, as Luck would have it. George in his Letter to his Grandfather, Speaks of mr Sharp as having dinned with his father and having spoken of his Grandfather in handsome terms. this was a good opening to renew old acquaintance—I inclose to you two of the letters which...
Inclosed are two Letters which I received last evening with a Letter from your Brother Uncle , and your Aunt Sister , to me. his bears date 17 july. he Says the Commercial Treaty was signd the 3d of this Month, and that mr Gallatin and Clay have Saild for Nyork with it. it is only for four years duration. His Situation in England is not like to be very agreable, either to him or to her; and he...
Married and cannot come, is an excuse of ancient date, but married, and cannot write, I do not find in any Chapter of the Bible Now my dear Neice what is the reason that I have not received a line from you, Since you exchanged the Name of Shaw, for that of Felt? It is true, I have heard of you, from your Brother, but Surely You Should recollect, that you have one only Aunt living at Quincy,...
As you accused me last Evening, or rather Night with preventing the Ladies from writing to you; I apologized by saying that I had a Letter written to you at home,which was really the case. I made a Fairy visit to Washington last night, in which time I visited mrs Munroe, mrs Madison &c, and meeting you and mrs Adams in the street, in fine Health and Spirits, you accosted me as above—I was too...
The president has thought it Safe for the Students to assemble at Cambridge upon fryday last, and George has followd yesterday. we Shall miss his Society much. he has been company for his Grandfather Since Louissa has been Sick—I hope he is properly imprest, with the necessity of arduous application—John and Charles appear to like their Preceptor very well and perform their lessons I am told,...
I have this day the pleasure of your Letter of April 10th with the inclosure. The intelligence you have been pleased to communicate to mr Adams, and to me, occasion many reflections in my mind. But with respect, to the path of Duty before me, I have not any hesitation. Early taught to relinquish all personal considerations and enjoyments, at the call of my Country, Surrounded with a young...
Altho I cannot personally be with you, oweing to the Sickness in my own Family, to pay the last tribute of respect to the remains of your Dear Departed Son, be assured my dear afflicted Friends, that my Heart, my Thoughts, and my affections are with you, and that I do most tenderly Sympathize with you in this day of your visitation May that all Mercifull Being, whose ways are not as our ways,...
I can scarcly belive that I have not written to my dear Girl for so long a time as two months, yet upon opening her Letter in replie to mine, I find it bears Date 28 Sep’br This Letter I hope will receive a double welcome for it incloses one from your Friend which of them I know not, but it came under cover to your Grandpappa this week. Your Aunt E. Adams has been sick almost ever since she...
It was not untill the afternoon of yesterday that the post of Saturday reachd Quincy, and then it was the labour of an hundred Men to dig there way through. the high wind of yesterday has lowerd the Snow banks, and admits of some passing today and the South wind brings us the Ringing of your Bells, and the South Roar of the Cannon, from which we conclude that the Ratification of the Treaty has...