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Results 1831-1860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
You are hereby ordered to proceed immediately to Edwards’s Fort, to relieve Ensign Hubbard: and acquaint him, it is my Orders, that he proceed directly to this place. If your command there should want provisions, you are hereby empowered to purchase Beef, mutton, &c. upon the best terms; and draw upon the commissary for the money—Taking care to purchase only as you want; for it is uncertain,...
18328 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Went a Shooting with Mr. Putnam. Drank Tea with him and his Lady.
May 8th The County Lieutt of Prince Wm Colo. Henry Lee arriv’d. this day we began to experience in a surpg degree the suparlative insolence of the prince Wm Detacht who made use of every mean’s to treat not only the Private Soldrs but the Officer’s of the Virga Regt ill and upon one of them being seasd and order’d to the guard House for abusg in the Most insolt manr & offg to ⟨ illegible ⟩ one...
1834Orders, 8 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
I received yours by the Bearer —As neither Captain Bell nor Captain Gist, can make out regular pay-rolls for their men; a months pay will be sufficient at this time to give them. If any officer is in want of pay, and not indebted to the country for Recruiting—Let him receive out of the Balance in your hands: but let them all know, that it will appear a little dark on their side, if they should...
Your Letter of the 3d I recd Yesterday, & observe its Contents. I have recd the Indian Scalp & I doubt not but many more were killed in that small Skermish. I am glad the Indians are gone over the Mountains, but I cannot think they were so numerous as represented, unless they have prevailed on the Twightwees to join with them; I am of Opinion if You cou’d send a Message to them by some trusty...
1837Enclosure: Death Warrant, 8 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
Virginia to wit Whereas Nathan Lewis hath been legally tryed by a Court Martial, held at Winchester, on the Second Day of this Instant and convicted of Cowardice and Disobedience to the Commands of his Officer which is a Breach of the twelveth Article of War. These are therefore in His Majesty’s Name to require You that on the Day of between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon of the...
18389 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Since last Sunday I have wrote a few Papers of the Spectators, read the last Part of Butlers Analogy, wrote out the Tract upon personal Identity, and that upon the nature of Virtue. A poor Weeks Work! Spent the Evening at Mr. Greenes. These tracts were appended to Butler’s Analogy of Religion .
May 9th Captns Dalton Russel with the Volunteers & Militia set out on their return homewards. so tht there only remns of the Fx M. those who w: o: to the B. Abt 4 o’clock this Eveng I had an express from Colo. Slaughter infg me that he was then as far as Perkins’s with abt 200 of the Culpr Militia upon which I ordd him to remain there as the Town had more already in it than they cd lodge and...
1840Orders, 9 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
As there are some Indians coming up to this place; and the ill consequence of giving them Liquor is well known to all who have ever heard of an Indian. It is Colonel Washingtons particular request and orders That none of the Officers, or any other person will pretend, upon any pretence whatever, to give them any money or spirituous liquor; as it will be impossible to make them serviceable, if...
Upon hearing the many Alarming Accots at Williamsburg, I hasten’d away as soon as possible, tho. there was some particur Acts I should have been glad to have seen pass’d, as they were Relative to our Militia, But upon my arrival, I found the Militia ordered out by Colo. Carlyle, whove Marched many days before; otherwise I believe I should have Accompanied them. Your letter dated at Winchester...
Your Letter to the Governor, G. Fx, and what accompanied them from Colo. Carlyle &c. describing the calamitous State & Condition of Hampshire & Frederick Countys, And Some Apprehensions of the blood thirsty and savage Enemy’s near Approaches to Shannondoah River and the blue Ridge, both the Council and Ho. of Burgesses thought it necessary the Governor should issue his Orders for half the...
184310 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant Day.
May 10th He came into Town & infd me that beside himself there were Officers whereof were Field Officers and private Men—and that by a late supply his number of arms were now abt 80. Colo. Bailor with 4 Field Offr⟨s⟩ 4 Captains 8 Subalterns & 8 Serts 8 Corpl and 170 Private arrivd at this place from Caroline County. AD , DLC:GW . See Memorandum respecting the Militia, 1–2 May 1756 . GW was...
1845Orders, 10 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Regimental Court Martial to sit immediately, for Trial of George Forman, and John Collins. One Subaltern and twenty men, to parade as soon as the provisions are drawn, to march to Conogochieg, to escort some provision waggons up to this place. The Officer to wait on Colonel Washington for his orders—The cartridges now made in the Guard-house, to be returned immediately to the Magazine;...
I have received yours this morning; and wonder you were not more explicit in the reasons you have for believing the Enemys return. You are sensible, the want of proper intelligence, retards and disappoints the necessary expedients for Defence and assistance. You must endeavour to procure Tools for the Carpenters; either from the inhabitants, or made by the Smiths there, upon the lowest terms:...
1847After Orders, 10 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
After Orders. The party ordered to Conogochieg, is to be of the men enlisted by Captain Bell, Lieutenant Campbell, Ensigns Deane and Fleming; as they will be left there with their captain. And the men belonging to the other companies, now under Captain Bell, be brought up in their room—If there should be more men here belonging to those Officers, than the number ordered, they are all to go. As...
You are hereby ordered to proceed to Conogochieg with the party under your command; which being composed of Captain Bells men, you must leave with him, and Draught the same number out of Captain Gists men, if he has many there; if not, they are to be taken from the men of the other companies there; exclusive of Captain Stewarts and Bells: and with them escort to this place such waggons (loaded...
I received your obliging Favor of The 14th of April, a few Days ago; & return you many Thanks for the good News you Sent me, of The Defeat of a Body of Indians, by one of your Partys; which tho’ no decisive Affair, nor attended with great Slaughter; may produce very good Effects, & I make no Doubt but it will give new Life & Courage to your People: The many Defeats we have had, & The Terrors...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania After Franklin’s return from Virginia he resumed attendance at meetings of the provincial commissioners on May 11 and continued regularly until he left for New York about June 18. The sixty-six orders for money payment signed during this period are listed below in the same form as those signed earlier (see above, pp. 392–6). Orders which Franklin did not...
185111 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant day . The first Day of Court. Nature and Truth or rather Truth and right are invariably the same in all Times and in all Places. And Reason, pure unbiassed Reason perceives them alike in all Times and in all Places. But Passion, Prejudice, Interest, Custom and Fancy are infinitely precarious. If therefore we suffer our Understandings to be blinded or perverted by any of these, the...
May 11th—Colo. Spotswood from Spotsylvania with 3 Field Officers 5 Captns 10 Subalterns and 130 private Men arrivd here & encampd in Colo. Woods Meadow. Colo. Henry Fitzhugh with 2 Captains 4 Subalterns 1 Clark 4 Sergts and 102 private also came to Town. as did 9 of the King George Deserter’s. The Prince William Militia were orderd to March to Morrow under the Comd of a Captn and 4 Sub. to...
1853Orders, 11 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
As there is a Report, that some Indians have been seen on the road between this and Enock’s—A party of Volunteers, about twenty-five, to parade immediately, to go and scour the woods between this and that place; and to return to-morrow. A Court Martial to sit immediately, for Trial of Sergeant Ferguson, and Thomas Lovell, Drummer. After Orders. The commanding Officers of the Militia [(]except...
Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 11 May 1756. On 13 May 1756 Fairfax wrote to GW: “I had the Pleasure to receive Yrs of the 11th inst.”
185512 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Rambled about all Day, gaping and gazing.
May 12th—Was the first time I coud get a return of the Number of Carpenters that were among the Militia. In the Eveng abt 5 Oclock Lt Colo. Peyton with the Prince Wm Detacht marchd consistg of himself 1 Captn 4 Subalterns & 96 private as pr return. see his orders at large in my orderly Book. This day also the King George Militia had orders to March to Mendenhalls Fort to protect the...
1857Orders, 12 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Captains’ Guard is reduced. One Subaltern, one Sergeant, one Corporal, and twenty-one men, to mount Guard today. LB , DLC:GW .
Captain Baylis, of the Prince-William Militia, will give you this; and leave you a reinforcement of twenty men—with these, and the Detachment of your own company, which has now certainly rejoined you; you will be sufficiently able to send out several scouting parties: And it is my desire, you do your utmost to scour these parts, and protect the people. You will deliver Mr Baylie what...
1859Memorandum, 12 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
A copy of the above Letter was also wrote to Captain John Ashby. LB , DLC:GW . See GW to William Cocks, this date .
You are hereby ordered to proceed with the Detachment under your command, along the old waggon-road, until you come to Cockes’s Fort, on Pattersons Creek: where you are to leave a Subaltern, one Sergeant, and twenty men, to strengthen that Garrison. From thence you are to continue your march to Ashby’s Fort; which you are also to strengthen with the same number of men—and from there you are to...