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Results 1831-1860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
we have to acknowledge thy favour 11 th current— ; in our reply to thine, of 3 rd Ins t ; (which...
I am the more indebted for your friendly letter of Feb. 13. mentioning the charges against...
The two vacant offices are Surveyor of the port of Pittsburgh    Do   do   of Cincinnati The...
The cause of the sudden change of treatment on the part of this Bey towards me in my...
I cannot but have appeared remiss in my acknolmts of the several lres with which you have favored...
This day Week we arrived here, Since which I have had two audiences from His Majesty, the first a...
I last night received your favour of the 26th with the inclosed paper of intelligence—Every thing...
A law having passed to inable the President to cause a loan to be made in aid of the current...
I have received your favor of the 31. ulto. & thank you most sincerely for your attention &...
I have read over the Poem you did me the honour to inclose to me—but a very sudden illness has...
I venture to address myself to you as Minister of foreign Affairs, because I Sincerely hope you...
1842[Diary entry: 28 June 1771] (Washington Papers)
28. Rid by the Ferry Plantation & Mill to Doeg Run Quarter & Meadow. Returnd home by Muddy hole...
after very Sincere Congratulations upon Your Excellency’s Election to the distinguished Office of...
Your favor of the 21st of Octr would not have remained so long unacknowledged could I with any...
Florins Florins 1791 February 1st: One Year’s Interest on the second Loan 2,000 000. @ 4 ⅌ Cent...
Since my Letter of the last Post, John Parker of Charleston, the Son of William, has expressed a...
Your’s of the 15th. came to hand yesterday. I am very thankful for the discretion you have...
5 February 1805, Barcelona . “My last Respects to you were by the Schooner Betsey Capt. Terrett....
The bearer Mr R. Bayly, a youth of this county, & son of a near neighbour & friend, has requested...
I am all impatience to hear from you, my beloved friend, and cannot concieve the reason, of your...
The Sovereign of Britain and his Council have determined to instruct their Commissioners to offer...
I have recieved the specimens of straw-plaiting which you were so kind as to inclose & learn with...
1853General Orders, 31 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in cheif cannot help expressing his thanks to the officers commanding divisions,...
ALS : Yale University Library A few days ago your Friend Mr. Alexander forwarded to me from...
The undersigned, his Britannic Majesty’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States of...
27 August 1803, Barcelona . His last letter informed JM that “Leonard had arriv’d here and that...
The Judges are now here— Judge Cushing is under the Hands of D r Tate who is Said to have wrought...
A very unfortunate controversy has arisen between the Representatives of the late Colo. Wm....
1 February 1811. “Recd. of the President of the U. States his letter to the Secretary of the...
1860[Diary entry: 17 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear & pleasant with but little Wind. Evening Cool.