Results 1831-1840 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Saturday, July 19. The Board attended the Convention, and no business was done by them in relation to the University. Ms ( ViU ).
Friday, July 18. In the intervals of the meetings of the Convention, the Board met and passed the following resolutions. Resolved That Mr Monroe & Mr Johnson be a committee charged with the duty of preparing during the recess of the Board of Visitors, and of reporting to them at their next meeting, a plan of Executive government for the University. After the expiration of the term of Service...
We are very sorry for the cause that detains you from the From the attendance you wished not to omit, but it is the request of us all that you consult your health as the first duty. With best wishes RC ( DLC : Nicholas P. Trist Papers).
Thursday, July 17. The same remark applies to this. Ms ( ViU ).
Wednesday, July 16. This day was spent in a similar manner to the preceding. Ms ( ViU ).
Tuesday, July 15. In the intervals of their attendance as members of the Convention in Charlottesville, the Board met, and attended occasionally on the examination. Ms ( ViU ).
Monday, July 14. The Board met, present the same as on Saturday. After reading some communications addressed to them, the Board took into consideration the question of attending the Convention to be held this day in Charlottesville, on the subject of the Internal Improvement of the State; and having decided on being present at the organization of the Body, they proceeded to Charlottesville for...
Agreeably to your request I have paid to the printer of the National Gazette the five dollars you sent him, and enclosed I transmit you his receipt. My sister Stevenson has borne her journey so far better than I expected. Her health has evidently improved since her arrival here. Doctor Physick had left the City before our arrival. She has consulted Doctors Chapman & Dewies, who seem confident...
Saturday, July 12. The Board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved That James Monroe & John H. Cocke compose a committee for the purpose of examining & reporting on, the minutes of the Faculty proceedings. Resolved That Chapman Johnson & W. C. Rives compose a committee for the purpose of enquiring into & reporting on the state of the Funds. Resolved as follows: Professor Long having...
Not haveing the honour of a personal acquaintance with you I hope you will excuse the liberty of my addressing you in this manner. Haveing by long custom habituated myself to look up to you as the guardian of my education while more immediately under your protection, at the University of Va, I still retain for you the same veneration & esteem & have therefore determined to apply to you in the...