To James Madison from Josef Yznardy, 13 September 1802
From Josef Yznardy, 13 September 1802
Cadiz 13th. September 1802.
Referring to my last Respects ⅌ this opportunity, and having since learn’d from John Hunter Esqr. Consul General to ⟨his⟩ Britannick Majesty at Madrid just arrived from Lisbon that the Portugues Government have determin’d to deny entrance to all American Produce in that Kingdom, I think it my duty ⟨to⟩ communicate it to you let it be true or not the report. With due respect & veneration, I have the honour to be very Sincerely, sir, Your most obt. & hble Servt.
Josef Yznardy
The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional annotation and source information.