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Results 182751-182800 of 184,431 sorted by author
Humbly shews, Hopley Yeaton of Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire, that in the beginning of...
Permit an inferior Officer in rank, tho’ not inferior in Affection for you in your high Sphere,...
General Love seeing the way we were impos on by our white neighbours advised us to apply to you...
LS : Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg <York, September 27, 1775: Two months ago the York...
LS : Amherst College Library <York, January 29, 1776: The committee’s recommendation of officers...
Reprinted from Samuel Hazard et al. , eds., Pennsylvania Archives (1st series; 12 vols.,...
Text printed in Samuel Hazard et al. , eds., Pennsylvania Archives (2nd series; 19 vols.,...
LS : The Rosenbach Foundation <York, October 4, 1775: “Your Favour of the 29th ult.. . . by Mr....
LS : National Archives <York, December 23, 1775: By last night’s post came the newspaper account...
At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the County & Borough of York, on Tuesday the 2nd day of...
The Undersigned a Committe appointed by the Unanimous voice of the Legal Voters assembled in the...
You will no Doubt Think odd that I should presume To Write to You but When I let You know my...
This Comes With my Greatest respects To You and To request A Favor of You for thus Intruding on...
Cloathing purchased for George and John Adams 3 peices Blew Nankeen at 2 dollars pr piece 6 1...
I beg leave to present your Excellency with a book I have published; &: to request that you will...
I should have done myself the honour of answering Your Excellency’s letter more fully than was in...
I recd the honour of Your Excellency’s Letter of Nov. 1 some weeks past but I have been so...
Within these few days I recieved the honour of the letter Your Excellency has had the goodness to...
I should long since have acknowledged the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter but I waited from...
I am to acknowledge the rect of three of Your Excellencys letters which contain information so...
I scarcely know what apology to make for a letter so out of common forms as the present; but the...
It would give me pain if I thought Your Excellency had the least idea of my neglecting your Wool:...
I recd both the letters wch you did me the honour of writing, & the duplicate of one of them. It...
Extract of a Letter From Arthur Young Esquire To The President of the US. dated 17. Jan. 1793....
I have your Excellencys favour of this morning, and am to acquaint you, that on my coming here...
Mr Mease being much Indisposed, has directed me to acquaint your Excellency of the Arrival of a...
From a variety of causes I am induced to write this Letter, but the main one is, to prevail on...
Richmond, 13 May 1781 . Disapproves of continuing the work at Point of Fork; suggests Staunton as...
The Iron Chest that was put in your Waggon contains a number of Papers of consequence, you will...
[ Richmond?, before 15 May 1781 . Extract of a letter from Henry Young to William Davies,...
The plan propos’d by Mr. Ross for the building of Mr. Andersons shop I think a good one. Wou’d...
It’s with pleasure I inform you, your Goosberry Slips are in excellent Order Captn Dwyer has...
Great Dock Street No. 4— Sir, [New York] July 18th 1789 A Conscious Sensibility Of Your Native...
I herewith send for your perusal a copy of “ Murray ’s English Grammar Simplified , ” by Allen...
John Adams Esqr. B ough t of J. Young Junr. 1775 June 14. To a new Pad and Double raind Curb...
the uncommon and astonishing Circumstance emboldens me to inform you of myself and Peculiar...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recived Yours of the 2d instant from Mr. Maylon [Moylan]...
When I sat down to address you, my first intention was to apologize for the liberty I have taken...
April 1810, No. 53 Catharine Street, New York. Relates a theory on circulation of blood. Has...
The Republicans of the County of Columbia actuated by a lively sense of the inestimable blessings...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer of this letter is Mr. Cephas Dawes a Gentleman of...
24 September 1802, Madrid. “My last was of the 9th, July, which I now confirm & refer to. I was...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am exceedingly sorry that Your Excellency gave...
14 October 1802, Madrid. “My last was of the 24th, ulto. On the 12th, instant Mr. Pinckney and...
On the 13th, of March 1800, I addressed a letter to the Department of State, to which having...
9 July 1802, Madrid. “I have now the honor of inclosing my account for the last half...
On the supposition that the president may not yet have seen of the manufacture of the vicuña...
In obedience to your orders I am to inform that col. Humphreys the late american minister at the...
Letter not found. 2 June 1805, Cádiz . Described in Wagner to Jefferson, 27 July 1805 (second...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lest Your Excellency should not have been made acquainted...